All about black Pomeranian

The most popular types of pets are cats and dogs. Even citizens living in high-rise buildings are happy to have indoor dogs. One of the most interesting breeds is the Black Pomeranian. It will be discussed in our article.

Where does the breed originate from?
Many call this dog the favorite of the royal blood. This is true, because for several centuries it has been chosen for itself to know from different countries.
According to historians, in 1700, Spitz wolves were seen in Pomerania (a region at the junction of the borders of modern Poland and Germany) - a kind of hybrid between a wolf and a dog. Presumably, they arrived in this area due to natural migration from Serbia and Russia.
As recorded in the historical archives, due to the numerous "dog weddings" of these wolves and ordinary four-legged human friends, a breed called the Pomeranian Spitz appeared and spread throughout the world.

These ancient spitzes served a person perfectly in many spheres of his life and economy. They guarded houses, grazed cattle, drove vehicles in sleds. This was possible because at first these dogs had a body weight of an average of fifteen kilograms. They had enough strength to drag the special transport forward. Puppies, who were born periodically with smaller dimensions, were taken to live in a room with people. Their colors then were black, white, brown and cream.
In 1761, the crowned Charlotte, wife of King George III of England, spotted such a cute little animal. She became interested in this breed, drew attention to it and was captivated by such a light and cheerful character, sparkling with zest for life.Her Majesty took two pets with her to England: a bitch and a dog (Phoebe and Mercury). They lived a long, happy life with their loving mistress. Painters of that time created a number of canvases that immortalize the royal dogs.

These dogs are quite small, therefore they are called dwarf dogs. Their life span reaches 15 years. Usually males are somewhat more massive and taller than bitches at the withers. Their weight does not exceed 2300 grams, height is 23 centimeters (males), girls do not reach 2 kilograms and do not grow more than 20 centimeters up. The color can have 12 options:
- black;
- black and tan;
- Brown;
- ginger;
- cream;
- white and other shades of color.

The muzzle of the Pomeranian Spitz is elongated, like that of a fox. They are stocky with well-developed strong breasts. The ears are of medium size and stick up. The eyes are dark pigmentation, the nose can also only be dark. Legs are short, straight, stable. Thick undercoat, medium coat in length. Your pet will always be warm, even in winter frosts in the fresh air. The tail is fluffy and curled into a donut.
The black representative of the breed has a nose and lips that are not just dark, but deep black. Chernushka wool does not allow any inclusions. If this happens, it will be a marriage. Sometimes in small puppies the undercoat is brown, but this usually goes away, although in rare cases the dog changes color from black to lighter after the first molt.
Puppies of black and tan color are marked with clear specks of different colors. It can be a bright reddish color on the chest, legs, neck, or cream and yellow blotches.

This four-legged handsome man is very cheerful and active throughout his life. Dog handlers recommend them for large families. Children will be especially pleased with his constant readiness to run and play and his light, gentle nature. These are talented and inventive nannies, even for very young toddlers. For an adult, the Spitz will be a devoted and grateful companion.
But don't forget that this dog needs constant stress and exercise. You will need to walk with them at least one and a half hours a day. If the owner does not have this opportunity (due to employment, old age or disability), then get ready for the fact that the pet will be naughty and "rage" in the apartment.
The Spitz's favorite fun will be game with a stick and the command "aport". It lends itself well to training and has outstanding guarding qualities. In his heart, the blackie considers himself a tough fighting dog and, getting involved in a desperate fight on the street, does not think about his modest size. In addition, he is not imbued with a rally of trust and love for strangers and will definitely not allow himself to be stroked at the first meeting without a special request from the owner.

Claims are often made that the baby barks a lot and not on business. But these dogs are very smart, and almost always with their loud voices they try to convey some information message to the two-legged friend. Negative moments of communication with a fluffy handsome man can be his obstinacy and arrogance. Because of this, understanding everything perfectly, he just sometimes does not want and is not disposed to carry out the commands of the owner. The most unloved ones are calls to freeze in a certain position (sit or lie down).
Among other things, there is a sin behind these dogs - the desire to "crush" other pets living in the same house. They want to dominate, to be the coolest guys in the area. Despite the fact that a huge shepherd or St. Bernard will be a neighbor in the apartment, the black mini-spitz will certainly bring its own order. The reason must be rooted in a centuries-old close friendship with kings.

These animals need the world to revolve around them, and constantly... In order for this not to become an insoluble problem, you should not start the Pomeranian first.He must grow up surrounded by fellows, that is, establish social ties as early as possible. If the doggie comes to you and immediately finds himself among cats and other dogs, he will get along well with all his neighbors and make good friends with them. But if you bring a new roommate to an adult harmful fluffy, he will categorically take it with hostility and arrange rabid hazing on the territory of your apartment.
However, there is no need to be afraid of such flaws in behavior, because this is all tripled by the positive that these babies give generously and free of charge to their “big brothers”. Kids are very affectionate and do not like to be alone in the apartment. But when they meet you in the evening, they will rejoice in full: they will follow you with a faithful tail, lie down on their feet while cooking dinner, escort you to the restroom and the bathroom, sit on the arms and diligently watch TV with you at least for a long time ... They will definitely sleep by the owner's bed, if he does not let him under the barrel.

Correct care
Before purchasing a dog of this breed, we recommend that you study all the available information about them. These fidgets have weak teeth. At puppyhood, milk teeth come off problematic because they have very long roots. In case of painfulness of the process, an experienced veterinarian will help. Due to the small stature of the dog, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the condition of the joints and ligaments. A loving and attentive owner easily notices when the baby begins to limp and takes action.
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to an overly good appetite are common. Do not overfeed the animal, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.
Also, after a hearty meal, the Pomeranian may experience throat cramps and coughing.

If you take your little friend out for a walk in the wind or heat and stay outside for a long time, his eyes may start to water. Since the Pomeranian is very active and, moreover, is not as strong and tenacious as the mestizo, you must always be on the alert and inspect the animal daily for damage, wounds, and burns. Pay attention to her mood and behavior.
The coat of the Pomeranian Black Spitz is very thick - it must be monitored and looked after. Brush your pet every two to three days. If you do this more often, you can pull out the undercoat. This is harmful, so don't overdo it. Every day, combing is allowed only during molting and only with a massage brush. The baby needs to wash no more than once every thirty days, and then if he is already very dirty... The use of dry dog shampoo is appropriate. Comb gently then, and everything will be fine.

What to feed?
Dog breeders know three ways of feeding thoroughbred animals:
- ready-made feed;
- natural food;
- mixed version.
When purchasing a dog from the nursery the first weeks try to give him what the breeder prepared for him. These babies absolutely need feeding during the growing up stage. Its composition will be prescribed by your veterinarian after examining the puppy.

It is categorically impossible to give a fluffy pet the following products:
- potatoes;
- legumes;
- beet;
- sweets;
- millet;
- semolina;
- pearl barley;
- pork meat;
- sausage;
- smoked meats;
- fat;
- bitter;
- sour;
- flour.

You can start after the first month. First, the commands "fu" and "good". Pomeranians are extremely smart, you don't need to raise your voice at them, they will understand everything anyway. A four-legged friend will always be eager to please and please his man, therefore, with close communication, he will study your habits and will be a very "convenient" companion.
On specialized forums, users agree that playfulness and a tendency to bark is one hundred percent sign of all Pomeranians. The food is worth lifting for the average family, and the care is also inexpensive.
Usually these dogs are not completely sheared, only the legs and face are made out, because the fluffy coat is their main decoration.

In the next video you can get a closer look at the adorable black Pomeranian.
Thank you very much for the information.