
Mittelspitz: what does he look like and how to care for him?

Mittelspitz: what does he look like and how to care for him?
  1. Origin
  2. Description
  3. Character
  4. Nutrition
  5. Care
  6. Education and training

The Mittelspitz is a popular breed of decorative dogs. Popularly, this variety is also often called the average or German Spitz. The breed has its own distinctive features, and before you get a dog, you should learn how to care for it, how to feed it, how to train the animal.


The Middle Spitz breed has a rather interesting history of its origin. As the name implies, these animals are widespread primarily in the territory of modern Germany. The date of their appearance is considered to be the XIV century.

German Spitz, who were large in size and large in body weight, were most often bred in low-income households. They played the role of guards. The smaller Spitz were popular among the nobility. Already in the 19th century, the first club of lovers of the medium Spitz breed appeared on the territory of Germany. Members of this public organization have established the necessary standards for animals belonging to this species.


If you are thinking about buying a Middle Spitz as a pet, then you should first familiarize yourself with all the characteristic signs and traits that are characteristic of this breed.

Only after you have analyzed all the pros and cons, you will be able to make a truly correct and balanced decision regarding your future pet.

Body size and structure

First of all, you should consider the external signs and anatomical structure of the animal. It should be noted that this breed belongs to the so-called fox-type dogs. She has a thick fluffy coat, and also has a particularly gaze.Dogs have a harmoniously folded body, the height at the withers is about 30–35 cm, and the weight usually does not exceed 12 kg. Life expectancy is 13-15 years.

From an anatomical point of view, the dog is quite attractive. The animal's head is completely proportional to the body, tapering towards the tip of the nose, the lobe of which is painted in a deep black or dark brown shade. The bite type is scissor bite.

Almond-shaped eyes are medium in size, with brown being the most popular color. The ears of the middlegammon are triangular in shape and small in size, with sharp tips. They are set quite high, but in relation to each other they are relatively close. The neck widens slightly at its base and merges into a straight back. The tail is tied in a ring shape over the back.


The coat of the Mittels is thick and dense, but at the same time soft. It forms a large fluffy collar at the neck, as well as the so-called feathering on the limbs and tail. The color of the animal can be varied. The most common colors are:

  • Brown;
  • black;
  • Orange;
  • White;
  • Gray;
  • cream;
  • sable.

It is worth noting that the colors can be not only monochromatic. So, for example, there are often cases when the color is spotted or has a kind of tan.

    Moreover, it is important to mention the fact that the main color of spotted dogs is white, and spots (black, orange, brown or gray) are distributed randomly over the entire surface of the animal's body.


    One of the most important distinguishing features in relation to the character and behavior of the middle game is that the animal is distinguished by non-trivial intellectual abilities, shows intelligence and ingenuity. In addition, dogs are quite active and energetic, they quickly, easily and for a long time become attached to their owner and show the warmest and most tender feelings towards him. Animals get along well with small children. In this regard, a behavioral trait of a pet is revealed, which may not please everyone: the middle spitz requires constant attention and care, can distract household members from their daily affairs and household duties, and require affection.

    It is also important to note the fact that tetrapods are very well aware of any changes in the environment. This characteristic determines the ability of the middle game to become good guards: they feel the approach of a stranger and are very vigilant and wary of this.

    As for the cohabitation of dogs with other animals on the same territory, it is more than possible. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the middlegammon are quite jealous. Therefore, if they notice or feel that more time and attention is being paid to other pets, they may show aggression.


    In terms of nutrition, the middlegammon are not whimsical. They can eat a wide variety of foods, both dry food and organic foods. The choice of a specific type of food falls on the shoulders of the owner of the four-legged pet. Whichever of the options you choose, you should make sure that your dog's food is saturated with all the necessary beneficial components: minerals, vitamins and trace elements. To do this, read carefully the label on the packaging of dry food or make a balanced menu from natural products.

    In addition, you need to take care of the scheduling and feeding regimen. It is advisable that meals are taken daily at the same time. Do not forget that the animal needs free access to clean water.


    As for grooming measures, as well as keeping the animal, it is important to keep in mind that the dog does not need a lot of space, so it can be kept even in a small apartment. Nevertheless, even in the most cramped conditions, the middle spitz must have its own sleeping place, tray, and bowls for food and water.... Due to the particularly thick and dense coat, the animal of this breed needs constant haircuts.

    In addition, the pet should be combed out regularly. This procedure should take place at least once a week.

    Hygiene procedures and bathing should be carried out as soon as they become dirty, the approximate frequency is once a month. When bathing, use detergents specially designed for animals. Also, remember to regularly clean your ears, eyes and teeth, and trim your animal's nails. It is equally important not to forget about vaccinations, treatment of the dog from worms, fleas and other harmful organisms, as well as regular examinations with a veterinarian for preventive purposes.

    Education and training

    Mittelspitz have pronounced intellectual abilities, so they lend themselves well to training and training. However, in order for these events to take place effectively, you must follow a few simple rules.

    • In order to interest and attract a pet, the process of upbringing and training is best done in the form of a game. Animals do not like monotonous execution of commands.
    • During training, you cannot show aggression towards the pet, you cannot shout at him. However, you should still behave quite strictly.
    • First, teach the dog the standard commands, and later move on to perform more complex complex actions.

    The story about the middle game is in the next video.

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