
What is the difference between German and Pomeranian Spitz?

What is the difference between German and Pomeranian Spitz?
  1. Differences in origin
  2. Size difference
  3. External data differences
  4. Similarities
  5. Selection Tips
  6. Who's better?

Adorable Spitz dogs are among the most popular at present. They are distinguished by a very cute appearance that is able to fall in love with themselves at first sight. The color and size of this breed may vary. Many people believe that the Pomeranian and German Spitz are the same dog. In fact, they have a fair amount of differences.

Differences in origin

All subspecies of Spitz are descended from Scandinavian dogs. They were excellent guards and were very popular. In addition, Scandinavian individuals were used for grazing and hunting. Natural selection selected specimens that were exceptionally strong and resistant to negative external factors. It was their offspring that contributed to the further formation of the well-known breed.

As a result, very fluffy and beautiful dogs were obtained, having various sizes. They are distinguished by good immunity and are not susceptible to various kinds of diseases, are characterized by a contact character and high intelligence.

Pomeranian Spitz are the result of breeding work based on the German breed. The main reason for the breeding of such a cute decorative dog was the desire of the aristocrats to have small-sized pets that look like living toys. As for modern breeders, they have worked even harder on the decorative qualities of the Pomeranian. As a result, we got not just miniature adorable girls looking like plush toys, but they also acquired a solid wool cover in addition.

In the 20th century, beautiful decorative oranges came to the United States.There they attracted a lot of attention and interest. Following the fashion, American dog breeders continued to breed dwarf individuals. It is believed that it was since then that the main differences between German and Pomeranian Spitz appeared.

Size difference

The German or Zwerg-Spitz differs from the Pomeranian in size... On this basis, in most cases, representatives of a particular breed are determined. So, representatives of the German species at the withers are capable of reaching 55 cm. Their smallest height is only 18 cm. As for the strongest and largest individuals, their weight is often limited to 30 kg.

Lovely oranges are dwarf dogs... In most cases, their height does not exceed 22 cm.In accordance with the accepted and current standards of the American club, such dogs are allowed, whose height reaches 28 cm.If we consider the mass of an ideal dog that meets all the requirements and standards, then it will be no more than 2 , 3 kg. To participate in exhibitions, individuals are allowed, the weight of which does not exceed 3.2 kg. These animals are comfortable to hold in your arms, they are not heavy and very soft, for which many breeders love them.

External data differences

The German and Pomeranian spitz have noticeable differences not only in body weight and height. They also differ in basic external data. Let's consider in detail what are the main differences between Pomeranian and German dogs.


Representatives German breed the head is usually small and smooth. There should be no pronounced cheeks or caps here. The ears of the described individuals are slightly pointed, located at a short distance from each other. The forehead gradually turns into a sharp little muzzle, similar to a fox.

Concerning pomerantsev - their head has a shape close to a cylinder. They have small ears, set rather wide. They are practically hidden behind thick fur. The forehead of the Pomeranian is sloping and passes to a slightly flattened muzzle.


Another external sign by which it is possible to determine the belonging of a dog to a particular breed is teeth. The Germans have a complete set of 42 teeth.

As for the more miniature Pomeranians, the absence of several root premolars is permissible.

Front legs

It is possible to distinguish an orange puppy from a German Spitz by paying attention to the structure of their front paws. In German individuals, they are always quite thin. There is no good undercoat on them. They stand at a slight slope in relation to the ground (about 20 degrees).

The Pomeranian has completely different front legs. They are sturdier and thicker, like little bears. In all cases, the paws of Pomeranians are perpendicular to the surface on which they stand.


In representatives of the German breed, the tail is twisted into one or a pair of rings. It is located clearly behind the backrest. In the Pomeranian, the tail can be either straight or arched.


The coat, along with the dimensional parameters, makes it easier to determine which breed the puppy belongs to. In German individuals, the fur coat usually consists of hair types such as:

  • guard - such hair is characterized by a rigid structure, is long and straight, it is very well felt if you stroke the dog; thanks to these features, the guard fur stays clean and shiny longer;
  • undercoat - represented by short, slightly wavy and rather fine hairs.

The combined type of wool is distinguished by the fact that it puffs up in different directions. This natural effect makes dogs look fluffier and softer. I must say that German Spitz does not need complex and expensive care of the coat. It is enough to regularly comb these animals and bathe them as they become dirty.

International cynological standards indicate that German Spitz dogs of different sizes can have different colors - from white or black to brown, presented in different shades. Large Spitz most often have a characteristic brown, white or black coat color. But there is also an unusual Wolfspitz (or wolf spitz), the color of which is zone-gray.

The coat of oranges has different characteristics. As a rule, dogs of this breed have a long undercoat. Its hairs curl into small spirals. This feature is especially noticeable on the head and cheeks of the animal, where they have a kind of "fluffy" cap. Guard hairs in Pomeranian spitz have a very limited number. Some individuals do not have them at all. As a result of these features, these cute animals seem to be wadded or plush.

It is a pleasure to pet these pets. However, it is not so easy to care for the fur of an orange. It is necessary not only to regularly comb out such animals, but also promptly subject them to a correct haircut. Domestic dogs that do not participate in various exhibitions can be cut once every 1.5 or 2 months. American standards suggest that The color of the orange coat can be presented in 10 possible variations.


Despite the fact that there are a large number of obvious differences between the Pomeranian and German Spitz, there are also some similarities. The main similar features include such parameters as:

  • small elongated face;
  • neat erect ears with slightly pointed tips;
  • "Frill" of fur on the neck (from the chest to the withers);
  • neat and graceful paws;
  • tail in a ring.

The charming representatives of the famous Spitz breeds are usually very small in size. As a rule, they fit seamlessly in the hands of their owner and are not very heavy. Their charming external data always evoke tenderness and delight the human eye.

Selection Tips

It is necessary to choose thoroughbred dogs very carefully and carefully. Take this as seriously as possible. Follow these helpful tips for picking up your Spitz:

  • purchase individuals of this breed only in a cattery with a good reputation; if you contact such an organization, then you will have all the guarantees that the dog will not be replaced by any other similar breeds;
  • pay attention to the condition of the puppy - the baby should be quite active and look healthy;
  • be sure to familiarize yourself with the pedigree data of the parents of the selected pedigree puppy, such information should be with the breeder;
  • it is necessary to buy puppies that have all the necessary documentation, indicating that they have been vaccinated according to their age, and that they have been thoroughly treated against fleas and other parasites.

Who's better?

Many people, delving into the comparison of Pomeranian and German Spitz, ask a reasonable question: which of them is better. There will be no definite answer here. The dogs of these breeds have both serious differences and noticeable similarities. They are similar not only in body structure, but also in features of disposition and character. Both Germans and Pomeranians are wonderful companions, characterized by positive, perky and good-natured behavior. They are loyal to their master and have great affection for him.

Raising both German and Pomeranian Spitz, special attention is required to be paid to their upbringing and socialization issues. These processes should be in the first place for the owner of a charming Pomeranian.

If you don't follow the upbringing of a pet, then it can suddenly start barking, spoil furniture and behave very aggressively towards other people and animals. Nothing good about that. As a result, such a pet will become more of a burden than a sweet friend.

To determine the choice of the optimal pet for all characteristics, you should set a specific goal for yourself in advance, with which you want to have a dog. It should be borne in mind that oranges and Germans are animals that have different main purposes. Due to their size, stable immunity and excellent health, German Spitz are more suitable for being the guard and protector of their owner or their territory.

As for the Pomeranians, these dogs are still more decorative.... In the course of breeding activities, these individuals acquired a considerable number of various problems associated with their state of health. It is very important to consider this when choosing this type of dog for yourself. Disturbances associated with the respiratory system are characteristic of certain subspecies. In addition, they have various troubles related to the spine at the genetic level.

As you can see, all types of Spitz have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is difficult to answer the question which one is better. Each person finds the answer for himself.

If you decide to purchase such a dog, then you should decide in advance what exactly you want from it. Then you won't have to be disappointed in your pet.

In the next video, you will learn the distinctive features of the Pomeranian and German Spitz.

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