German Spitz: description and recommendations for content

The German Spitz is a popular breed of decorative dogs. This cheerful, active pet is very attached to its owner. But despite its friendliness, the animal is not suitable for all people.
History of the origin of the breed
German Spitz is a breed with a long history. This animal became the progenitor of many other species of this dog. The ancestor of the Spitz is considered to be the extinct peat dog. Its homeland is Germany, it was there that the animal got there thanks to the Vikings in the 10th century BC. Despite the fact that after some time the representatives of this breed gained popularity in many parts of Europe, their name remained the same.

For the first time, the animal was mentioned in writing in the 15th century, describing it as an animal guarding peasant dwellings. Gradually, the German Spitz began to appear in the society of aristocrats. Queen Charlotte is the first noblewoman to be the mistress of a pygmy dog. Since this woman was loved and respected in society, her pet began to enjoy no less popularity. In 1900, a meeting of connoisseurs of these dogs took place, after which they founded a spitz club, in which the first standard of this breed was adopted.

The German Spitz was a favorite of Martin Luther, Marie-Antoinette, Mozart, Empress Catherine, Ludwig Richter. Small dogs have always performed well as a guard and informed their owners about the approach of guests. In addition, the Pomeranian coped well with the role of a shepherd, helping a person in grazing sheep and cows. The brown and black Spitz were used to keep birds away in the vineyard.

There is information that many centuries ago, German Spitz were residents of the yards of the poor. This animal fiercely defended the courtyard and at the same time was not characterized by gluttony. Later, these advantages of dogs were appreciated by aristocrats and dogs began to be used to protect plantations, estates, and drive away predators. Two centuries ago, among the wealthy strata of the population, white Spitz became very popular, and a little less - brown and orange individuals.

Having gained popularity among dog lovers, the animal moved from the class of working dogs to decorative ones. Already in the 19th century, the German Spitz became the main participant in exhibitions. This pet is a wonderful companion, participant of performances in the circus. Currently, this breed of dogs is recognized in the FCI, so it is widespread in all parts of the world.
A cute and funny appearance combined with a playful character is what made a German Spitz a pet. This breed belongs to the ancients, it includes a large number of representatives of different subspecies, which are characterized by certain sizes, biological characteristics.

Body structure
Spitz running on a leash looks like fluffy balls. The exterior features of the dwarf, small, wolfspitz and middlegammon are practically the same, their difference lies in height and weight. Each of the subspecies is characterized by a long, straight coat with a thick undercoat. The ratio of body length to body height is 1 to 1. The muzzle of the dog is not characterized by excessive elongation, it can be of a bear or fox type.

The muzzle near the nose is always black. The ears of the pet are small in size, they are triangular in shape and set straight. In representatives of this breed, the chest is strong and wide, the back is even, wide, but does not decrease towards the tail, like in other dogs.
The tail is fluffy, set high and curled in a ring. The eyes of the animal are oblong, sometimes rounded. The organs of vision are slanted, the iris is colored dark, and the eyelids are black-brown. The pet's jaw is well developed, the neck is wide with a convex nape. This breed has a fairly strong bone, muscular limbs and round legs with dense pads.

The Spitz's physique is quite harmonious. According to the standard, the animal has the following characteristics.
- The weight an adult dog can be from 1500 to 30,000 grams, often a bitch is smaller than a male.
- Height at the withers at the mini-Spitz it is 22 cm, but in the representative of a large species - up to 55 cm.
- Life span the animal is 12 to 15 years old. However, there are cases when pets lived up to 20 years. This is influenced by the conditions of detention, nutrition, care.
- Color the animal can be very different. According to the standard, a black Spitz should have a uniform color; on a spotted dog, the spots should be characterized by uniformity on a white background.

German Spitz are lively and active animals, they always take part in noisy fun, various games, active walks with their owner. If a person is absent, then the pet behaves calmly, patiently, he does not destroy or destroy everything that is nearby only out of boredom. Such a pet does not impose itself; it is waiting for the time to be taken for a walk. Mini-Spitz does not show gullibility towards strangers, therefore this dog is not only a sensitive watchman, but also a very noisy lodger.
The owner should remember that these animals should be instilled with good manners from an early age, while the person should be firm and persistent. Otherwise, the German Spitz will be uncontrollable, barking without reason, capricious and stupid creature that attacks passers-by and other animals.

Each of the varieties of this breed is characterized by emotionality and jealousy. At the sight of an unfamiliar dog, a German Spitz tries to start a quarrel.At the same time, this beast is inquisitive and devoted. This small and perky creature was the favorite of the emperors, while they were appreciated not only for their external qualities, but also for empathy, loyalty, courage.
Spitz consider wonderful companion, since he is able to understand the feelings and experiences of the owner. The pet can easily endure travel and flights. If the animal senses that the person is in danger, then he is able to boldly rush to his defense, despite the large size of the enemy.
A small representative of the fauna can be not only a sofa dog, but also a nanny for a small child, he never snaps at his pranks. The animal is playful and energetic until old age and it is very important for him to have contact with the owner. It is important for a pet that they pay attention to him, walk with him, stroke him, be near. The Spitz is an intelligent, quick-witted and fairly level-headed dog.

The dog draws attention to itself by barking, jumping and running. The animal loves long walks, swimming, games. This sensitive creature remembers how they are treated, for this reason, you should not physically punish the dog or raise it rudely. When an animal grows old, anxiety manifests itself, the pet can hardly endure separation from a person, it begins to whine, bark and withdraw into itself.

The generally accepted cynological standards state that the following types of color are characteristic of the German Spitz:
- Wolfspitz are wolfish in color, as well as various shades of gray;
- large representatives of the breed are black, brown, white;
- medium and dwarf dogs are colored black, white, chocolate, red, orange, cream.

The coat of a black German pet should be characterized by uniformity, usually it has a varnish sheen without any spots and inclusions. Puppies can be brown or gray, but after the molting process, their coat will take on a rich black color. If the descendants of the animal had a different color of the fur coat, then, perhaps, the Spitz, who was born black, will change its color after shedding. This phenomenon is not considered a marriage.

Brown representatives of this breed usually have fur that is uniformly colored in a rich chocolate color. According to the standard, the lips, eyelids, the end of the dog's nose can be brown, since the animal's skin is deprived of the ability to produce melanin.
The standards indicate that the white German Spitz should not have any impurities of other colors on the fur coat. The puppy of such an animal is also born snow-white. If there are dogs with a different color among the offspring of the baby, it is possible that after molting, his fur will acquire a creamy shade. The most popular among dog lovers are red Spitz, which look like miniature chanterelles.
Orange pet puppies may be light tan or have an orange tint on a basic gray background. To determine the color of an animal in adulthood, you can look at the fur behind the ears. This is the color the dog will have after molting. According to the standard, a pet with red or orange fur should be characterized by a uniform color.

It is acceptable when on a certain part of the dog's body there is a more saturated color. The gray, sable or wolf color of the fur of the German Spitz is characterized by a silvery-gray shade of hair, the tips of which are colored black. The darkest colored pet muzzle and ears. There is often a black outline around the eyes.
The shoulders and lush mane of the dog are light gray in color, but the limbs are often silver. Dark streaks may be present above the toes, the tip of the tail is colored black, and the "pants" - gray. The ideal wolf color of the fur is characterized by the German Wolfspitz. Other popular colors of the German Spitz include the following:
- cream color can be warm or cold;
- red sable fur in an adult pet in childhood is black with red;
- black and tan;
- colored with a white base.

Life span
With proper home care, German Spitz live for about 14 years. Despite the fact that this breed of dogs has strong immunity, their existence can be reduced by some ailments. They do not have a tendency to genetic diseases, but such health problems can arise.
- Subluxation of the knee joints and weakness in the limbs... The reason for this condition of the animal is obesity, pregnancy, jumping. The owner should be alert if the dog is limping, a crunch is heard and pain appears when bending the paws. For preventive purposes, the Spitz should be given drugs that contain calcium, but only after consulting a veterinarian.
- Dental diseases. The milk teeth of this pet are characterized by the presence of elongated roots, so problems often arise when they change. In such situations, it is worth contacting a doctor for tooth extraction. In addition, the German Spitz can form stones on them, which are eliminated by the veterinarian. To prevent and maintain the health of the animal's teeth, it is worth brushing them regularly.
- Ailments of the organs of vision... Such diseases are often seen in representatives with bulging eyes. Inflammation and discharge can be caused by wind, dust, or an overly dry cornea.
- Digestive system problems... Spitz may have dysbiosis and obesity. For the normal functioning of the digestive tract, the dog needs to be given fermented milk products.
- Cough occurs in pets due to the structure of the larynx. Constantly bending over, the animal tries to cough up a supposedly foreign object from the throat. Pomeranian coughs are common during play, food and water intake, and overexcitation. You can help an animal by lightly stroking its throat.
- Stopping growth. At a certain point in the pet's life, growth stops, this happens due to the cessation of the production of a special hormone. Such an ailment can occur with an enlarged fontanelle. Puppies with these characteristics are slow to adapt and socialize. When growth stops, it is worth contacting professionals.

Animals need get vaccinated in a timely manner, such an event will help to avoid or more easily transfer diseases of an infectious nature. Worms can significantly reduce the immunity of an animal, from which you need to be treated promptly.
Experienced dog lovers recommend do not overfeed german spitz, as, despite an active lifestyle, this dog may be overweight. With a prolonged absence of walks, the dog begins to feel bad, his immunity suffers, which entails health problems.

Regular physical activity and proper diet of the animal is a guarantee that it will live a long and healthy life.
What to feed?
Novice dog breeders may have difficulties in compiling a diet for a pedigree pet that eats in small portions. Cynologists recommend keeping the Spitz drinker clean and regularly filling it with clean fresh water. For a dwarf spitz that weighs 2500 grams, 0.15 liters of water per day is enoughif the conditions don't suggest anything out of the ordinary. Increase your daily fluid intake for puppies, lactating bitches and working pets.

It is worth changing the diet, the type of food in stages and carefully, this will take from 15 days to 2 months. This time will be enough for the animal's body to adjust to the new type of food. The German Spitz should be fed regularly and at the same time. Feeding your pet should be dosed. A dwarf dog that weighs 2500 grams needs to be given about 80 grams of food at a time, but if the pet is overfed, then 50 grams will be enough.
If the German Spitz lives actively, then the rate can be increased to 120 grams. The diet should be balanced and complete, the main place in it should belong to protein. A dog weighing 2500 grams requires 50 grams of fish, cottage cheese, meat per day. The rest of the food is cereals and vegetables.

The constituent parts of the food must correspond to the age, weight, activity of the dog. To feed your puppies, you can use soft food that is rich in vitamins and protein.
In order for food to be biologically safe, it is necessary to perform the following measures:
- wash your pet's dishes every time after eating;
- meat that has been under the direct influence of sunlight, as well as incompletely eaten food, must be thrown away;
- wet food must be stored in the refrigerator;
- do not give your pet food that looks dubious.

Puppies, like adult German Spitz, prefer protein foods. If the owner decides to feed the dog with homemade food, then the following foods should be present in the diet:
- eggs, cheeses, meat, fish;
- cereals in the form of buckwheat, rice, oats, millet;
- finely chopped vegetables: carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, greens;
- salt, minerals, coal, limestone.

German Spitz puppies that have just been taken from their mother or from the nursery must be fed according to the instructions provided by the breeder. The kid should be taught from an early age to a balanced diet.
For the first 6 weeks, the pups need to be fed 6 times a day. The first feeding takes place at 6-7 am. The interval between meals should be 3.5 hours. The diet of puppies should be rich in dairy products. When the baby is 12 weeks old, it can be switched to 5 meals a day, the interval between meals should increase by 40 minutes. Gradually, the frequency of feeding should be reduced and reduced to two times a day. The nutrition schedule formed in the little dog should be kept for the next years.

Dry food is considered convenient to use and hygienic, provided that it is selected correctly, thanks to them it is possible to provide the German Spitz with the necessary substances and elements in the right amount. Premium, super-premium and holistic feeds do not contain components that can harm the animal.
The most popular feeds include the following.
- "Pro Plan Small & Mini Adult Optidigest". This product belongs to the premium class. The food is considered most suitable for miniature dogs with a sensitive digestive system. The basis of the product is lamb meat, as well as rice, prebiotics, corn, fiber.

- Eukanuba Adult Toy Breed. 32% of this product is protein from poultry. The feed contains prebiotics, vitamins, fatty acid and L-carnitine. Such a composition assists in the regulation of the dog's weight.

- "Acana Adult Small Breed" - holistic, which contains 60% proteins of animal origin. Fast-type carbohydrates are presented in the form of algae, alfalfa, cranberries. This composition allows you to maintain the optimal weight of the pet.

Sometimes the Spitz needs a change of feed. It is necessary to conduct such an event with the following signs:
- the puppy has become an adult dog;
- during pregnancy or after sterilization;
- food allergy, which is expressed in diarrhea, scratching, discharge from the ears, the presence of a skin rash;
- inadequacy of food, which can manifest itself in alopecia, dull hair, brittle nails;
- being overweight;
- the need for a therapeutic diet.

Since German Spitz are prone to obesity, their nutrition should be monitored. If a pet gains 300 grams more than the norm of its weight, then it may develop cardiovascular diseases. Homemade food should be properly prepared before serving to your pet:
- meat products should be scalded or given raw;
- boil offal and fish;
- steamed vegetables or serve raw;
- give greens finely chopped;
- remove bones and skin from fish and meat.

The basic rule, which should not be violated, is that the Spitz's diet should contain 2/3 of protein products and 1/3 of carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits).
An example of the diet of a German Spitz for 7 days.
Day of week | Morning | Evening |
Monday | stew of vegetables, meat and herbs | chicken breast, cottage cheese |
Tuesday | boiled meat, buckwheat | rice, boiled fish |
Wednesday | similar to the previous day | as on the previous day |
Thursday | raw turkey breast, raw vegetables | rice porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream |
Friday | Monday menu | Monday menu |
Saturday | lean meat, cottage cheese and fruits | buckwheat with beef, boiled egg and greens |
Sunday | porridge, crackers, herbs, sea fish | boiled offal, rice porridge |
After the German Spitz turns 7 years old, it should be transferred to feeding with dry food for old dogs. It is worth adding vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, glucosamine to food. If an elderly animal has become inactive, then the owner should make the pet's portions smaller or reduce their calorie content. A pregnant female Spitz should be fed three times a day or more. Food should be increased with protein, not carbohydrates.
If a pet carrying puppies lives on dry food, then he can be given a commercial product intended for puppies. Provided that the bitch feeds on homemade food, she should add more vitamins, vegetables, dairy products to the diet. Vitamins are not added to dry food.

For example, if a female Spitz gets an excessive amount of vitamin A, then newborn puppies may become ugly. If the animal has developed a food allergy, then it should be switched to hypoallergenic dry food or food that can cause this condition should be removed from the diet.
How to take care of it properly?
The German Spitz, like any other dwarf dog, needs grooming. Before a new resident appears in the apartment, it is worth securing the room. A dog should be treated like a small child. In this case, you need to perform the following activities:
- raise the wires, cables to a height from which the baby cannot reach them;
- block the cracks behind cabinets, sofas, or expand them;
- secure the balcony;
- remove unstable and fragile objects, for example, vases, speakers;
- eliminate sliding floors;
- collect all small items so that the animal does not swallow them;
- hide chemicals;
- move the trash can so that the puppy does not turn it over during research;
- check the room for drafts that can cause illness in the puppy.

To keep the little German Spitz correct and not harm his health, you can heed such recommendations.
- You need to learn how to properly hold the puppy, for this you should ask the breeder for advice. In a baby in the first month of life, the muscular system is poorly developed, so he is taken with two hands, placed on one of them, holding the breast. It is worth holding the pet firmly, as it can break free and fall.
- Provide a long sleep for the puppy, which is very important for a growing body. A dog that sleeps well will be playful and active.
- Do not leave the Pomeranian at a height, for example, on a sofa or high chair. Jumping animals can injure themselves and injure themselves.

A puppy who will later become an adult representative of the German breed, must have his own place where he will sleep and rest... It should not be placed in a dining room or living room, close to balconies and radiators. The Spitz's sleeping place should be located in a corner where he will be comfortable and calm, for example, in the master's bedroom. You should not invite a pet to your bed, as it can get used to it, and weaning for such a dog will be quite painful.

In order for the puppy to sleep in comfort, he should buy a special basket or carrier with a mattress. The device with sides will be safe for the baby. In order for the pet to get used to it faster, you can put treats or toys inside. Installation of an aviary for a Spitz will not be superfluous, provided that the owner is absent for a long time. It is worth placing a lounger, a bowl of water, items for entertainment in it.

The simplest is suitable as a toilet a shop tray, which is covered with a waterproof diaper. When an animal appears in the house, it is worth immediately teaching it to the toilet. At first, the owner will have to plant the animal on his own until he gets used to it. Not only Spitz puppies need toys, but also adult dogs.
The purchase of such accessories is a guarantee that a little friend will not spoil the furniture.

Pet toys need to be updated periodically, this will bring joy to the baby. Plastic entertainment items are quite dangerous, you should refuse to buy them, as well as rubber and metal elements. The best options are special dog accessories or old baby teddy bears. The German Spitz is a fun and active pet, so it needs fellowship with other dogs. It is strictly forbidden to cancel a walk with a pet if the weather is bad.
Exceptions when you can stay at home are extreme heat or thunderstorms. Walking the animal should be done only after all vaccinations.

The first walks should be about 15 minutes long. You need to walk the Spitz twice a day. If the baby does not have enough physical activity, then he will begin to be naughty in the room. With regular walks, the Spitz will relieve themselves while walking. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the pet's metabolism, blood circulation, attentiveness and ability to learn.

The German Spitz breed is characterized by an attractive and showy coat. Its length and splendor requires special care. The main molt in a pet occurs when growing up, as well as in a female after the birth of puppies. During the rest of the time, the animal sheds moderately. The representative of this breed needs combing out twice for 7 days.
To comb the fur of a Spitz, you need the following accessories:
- large soft slicker with a rubber base;
- two combs, one with sparse teeth, and the second thick with metal;
- scissors with blunt ends.

To avoid the formation of tangles, it is worth combing the baby constantly with the help of a slicker. The procedure is also necessary before bathing, while brushing should be carried out from the hair root. It is not recommended to comb dry fur, it is better to sprinkle it with water in advance. It is necessary to bathe a thoroughbred pet as needed and in case of contamination. This should be done no more than once a month. At the end of the walk, you just need to wash the baby's paws or wipe them.
When molting, dogs do not bathe. When using water procedures, it is worth using high-quality shampoos designed for dogs with long hair.

After bathing, you can rinse your dog's fur with conditioner for easy brushing. In the very process of taking a bath, it is worth covering the dog's ears with cotton swabs. After bathing, it is worth taking them out and rubbing the hearing organs. Drying the wool can be done with a hair dryer while combing.
Due to the peculiarities of the coat of the German Spitz, the owner can cut it as he pleases. A shorn pet can look like a lion, a fox, a teddy bear; bows and butterflies can be attached to the fur. According to generally accepted standards, the fur should be shortened to a minimum.

Hair cutting of the animal is carried out so that the correct shape of the coat is obtained. The procedure starts from the head and ends on the tail. In the process, it is worth constantly combing the baby in order to avoid the appearance of protruding hairs.

Also, the owner of this breed of dogs should not forget about caring for his ears. Due to the fact that the Spitz's hearing organs are straight, their purification is not difficult. Diseases of the ears in a pet are rare, so they can be cleaned without the use of medications. The ears of the animal must always be clean and well-groomed.
Long-haired dogs, which are characterized by bulging eyeballs, have problems with watery eyes. The reason for this situation may be the ingress of dust and dirt into them. It is worth taking care of the Spitz's eyes every day, for this they wipe them with dry napkins or cotton discs. If you find purulent discharge, you should immediately visit your veterinarian.
Shearing your pet's claws should be done once every 2 weeks. In winter, the procedure can be carried out more often, since in the summer the claws are grinded with asphalt. To painlessly carry out the claw cutting of a Spitz, the owner should prepare a claw, hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs and treats.

Pets' teeth are cleaned twice for 7 days with a toothbrush and dog paste. Alternatively, you can wrap a bandage around your finger and walk it around the mouth.
Education and training
German Spitz are endowed with intelligence and ingenuity, so their potential should be directed correctly so that the pet does not become problematic and naughty. As soon as he crosses the threshold of your house for the first time, it is worth starting to educate and train him, while establishing a strict chain of command.
The animal must know where it belongs and go to it after the order. It is worth training a Spitz in a playful way, practicing each of the teams until the desired result is achieved. He does not create problems in training, as he likes to please his master. Shouting at a dog, let alone hitting it, is strictly prohibited. In the process, they give the dog encouragement, favorite toys and say affectionate words. The German Spitz is an excellent companion who looks pretty cute, but at the same time has self-confidence and leadership habits, so you shouldn't forget about his upbringing.

For information on how to properly train a German Spitz, see the next video.