How to train a spitz to the toilet?

One of the frequent problems that arises when a puppy appears in the house is teaching him to cope with natural needs in strictly designated places. Being next to their mother, puppies often repeat after her and acquire the skill of going to the toilet following her example. But once in a new home and unfamiliar environment, the kids are lost, and the owner should start teaching his pet as soon as possible to do his business where it is required. The article will focus on how to accustom a spitz to a tray, a diaper and to a toilet on the street.
Toilet in the apartment
First of all, you need to decide how the pet will relieve himself. It all depends on the availability of family members and free time for walks. If the owner cannot walk the dog regularly every day, then the organization of a toilet in the apartment would be a suitable option.
Since Pomeranians are very small dogs, they can walk both in the tray and on the diaper.
It is important to start accustoming your puppy to the right place to cope from the very first days of his appearance in the house.

But first, you should prepare the place and conditions in the apartment to help the baby better navigate and get used to the new rules as soon as possible.
- The corner where the toilet will be organized for the pet should be relatively secluded. A corridor or a walk-through room will not work. During the process, the dog should not be frightened and distracted by loud noises, conversations, or the presence of people.
- Near the place where the toilet will be located, it is better to remove all carpets within a radius of 1.5-2 m. The fact is that at first a puppy or an adult dog can go to the toilet by the litter box or to the very edge of the diaper. Once on the carpet, urine will leave a lingering odor on it.In the future, the pet will be guided by it and will gradually move to the carpet, ignoring the nearby toilet.
- For male dogs, you can build a small post made of wood or plastic in the tray. Instincts, perhaps, will persuade the dog to do his business "like a dog", to leave a mark on the "tree".
- If the Spitz constantly relieves himself in the wrong place and ignores the tray or diaper prepared for him, you can try to attract him with the smell. To do this, you need to wet the cloth in his urine and put it in the dog's toilet. The smell will attract the dog to this place when he once again starts looking for a corner of solitude.
- Special sprays are a good helper for dog owners in teaching pets to the toilet. They can be purchased at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. The spray is sprayed where the pet has left its mark in order to prevent re-use of the need in the same place. For a person, the smell of the spray is not felt at all, but on dogs it acts annoyingly. Due to this, the tool is good at stopping the pet's attempts to go to the toilet at home where it cannot be done.

Diaper training
Often, the breeder himself teaches his puppies how to properly relieve themselves, so the buyer can get an already smart baby who will not cause much trouble. Otherwise, you will have to toilet train your Spitz, as they say, from scratch.
- First of all, a small aviary should be organized for a small puppy. You can fence off a corner in one of the rooms for this.
- In the early days, you will have to cover the entire space of the aviary with diapers. In this case, the Spitz descends on the litter and will begin to get used to it.
- Then part of the diapers must be removed and only a small space in the aviary should be left covered.
- When the puppy does his job as needed, you should definitely encourage him, caress and praise him.
- If the dog is trying to go to the floor with the owner, you need to transfer it to a diaper.
- When releasing puppies from the enclosure, it is worth watching them. At the first sign that your puppy is looking for a litter box, you should direct him to the enclosure where the litter is. It is not difficult to understand that a dog needs to relieve himself. This is evidenced by active sniffing of the floor, stomping and whirling in place, squealing or whining.
After a while, the Spitz puppy will firmly understand for itself where to recover. He will begin to independently return to the aviary and do his business on the litter without a miss. After that, the paddock can be dismantled - the dog no longer needs space limitation. The diaper must be placed in the location chosen for the dog's litter box.
Do not forget to change the litter as it gets dirty.

How to teach to walk in a tray?
If you decided to use this option to organize your pet's toilet, then you should start by choosing a litter box. In this case, several criteria should be adhered to, which will be discussed below.
- The container should be large enough for the dog to be able to get into it with all four paws, and leave a small amount of space in it. A cat litter will not work, as the spitz can periodically walk to the very edges or by in a small tray.
- It is worth paying attention to the sides - they should not be too high. It is necessary that a dog as small as a Pomeranian can easily and comfortably climb into its litter box.
- For spitz boys, a column installed there will be a good incentive to do their thing in the toilet. This trick works especially well during puberty and attracts the adult Pomeranian to leave the mark. The girl's tray does not require the installation of additional alluring structures.
- It is best to choose a tray with an optional mesh tray. In this case, the dog will not touch the very bottom of the container with its paws and stain them.
- It is not uncommon for puppies to drag or flip their toilet while playing.For this reason, you need to pick up a tray heavier than usual, or you can build a weighting agent yourself from any available materials and attach it to the bottom of the container.

The algorithm of actions looks as described below.
- First of all, you need to place the litter box in a place accessible to the puppy. Then you should familiarize the dog with the location of the toilet. To do this, you need to bring the spitz to him, give him a sniff.
- At first, it is recommended to put a diaper in the toilet instead of filler. It absorbs liquid and odor well, and is also a familiar landmark for the puppy.
- As in the case of the diaper, if the owner saw that the baby is sitting in the wrong place, you need to transfer it to the tray.
- At first, you need to encourage your Spitz every time he does everything right.
- When the pet independently and without mistakes will go to the toilet only in the right place, the diaper can be changed to filler.

Outdoor toilet
Optimal for the beginning of accustoming a Spitz to climbing on the street is the age from 4 to 6 months. By this time, the dog is quite developed to tolerate the walk.
It is important to give the Spitz all vaccinations and to comply with the quarantine terms so that the walk does not harm the pet's health.
It is best if the owner takes a short vacation for a few days, since you will have to take the dog outside several times at first.
During the first walk, the Spitz can get stressed. It is recommended to take it out of the house in your arms. It is imperative to fasten the dog on a leash so that it does not run away, frightened by loud street noises, strangers or other dogs. If possible, you need to walk with your Pomeranian in uncrowded and quiet places (at least during the period when the puppy is just getting used to the street).
When the dog does its job, be sure to encourage it with a treat and praise. There is no need to take her away from the walk immediately after that - you should walk for another 15-20 minutes. Perhaps the Spitz will want to use the toilet again. If this happens, then he again needs to be rewarded with his favorite yummy.
In the event that the puppy has not relieved himself on the street during a long walk, you need to take him to the apartment. Then you need to take it out into the street after two hours. It is worth watching the dog at home. Seeing that the Spitz is clearly preparing to relieve himself, you need to take him out of the house.
It is worth remembering that puppies have a very fast metabolism, so they need to recover up to 10-12 times a day, including at night. In this regard, it is still recommended to leave the dog in the toilet in the house in case the owner does not have the opportunity to walk with her on time.
Adults are more patient and, over time, their metabolism is able to adapt to a specific time of walking.

What can’t be done?
- Change the location of the toilet in the apartment frequently.
- Yelling at an animal or hitting it after relieving it in the wrong place. It is permissible to speak in a strict, confident tone. In a stressful state, the animal learns much worse, and cruelty leaves a deep negative mark on the psyche of the dog.
- Leave successful trips to the toilet without attention and encouragement.
- It is rude to drive the puppy away from the litter box or diaper if he is playing with it. In this case, the dog may regard the owner's reaction as a prohibition on contact with these objects. Accordingly, the Spitz will cease to perceive the tray and the diaper as a place to cope.

For information on how to train a spitz to the toilet, see the next video.