Harnesses, collars and leashes for pomeranian

Any dog that a person turns on needs proper feeding, regular walking and competent grooming. Choosing quality collars is important to make your outdoor experience safe and comfortable. In the case of a Pomeranian, the size of which does not differ in large dimensions, it is important to choose such a harness, collar or leash to give free rein to the pet, controlling it, and, if necessary, to protect it from large and aggressive dogs.

Each dog has its own weight, dimensions, length and structure of the coat, therefore, you need to carefully choose a collar for it. For comfortable walks with a Pomeranian, it is worth considering all the options used for pets, and choosing the one that suits a particular individual. Distinguish between collar, harness and leash.
As for the varieties of collars, they are of several types.
- Walking serve for daily walks on the street. A feature of the structure is the reliable fastening of the handle with the leash itself. The interior is usually made of a soft material so as not to chafe the dog's neck.
- Service and training They are distinguished by the presence of a handle, which makes it possible to hold the pet. Thanks to the special loops at the top of the handle, you can adjust the tension of the leash, and, if necessary, pacify the pet with a slight suffocation if it behaves inappropriately.
- For the guard - differs in a wider collar, so that the animal is more comfortable from a long stay in this product. If there is a need to fasten a leash, then a half-ring is put on the collar, to which a carabiner with a leash is attached.

Collars can also help in case of any health problems of the pet, in particular, with fleas and parasites.Due to the fact that the Spitz has a long and fluffy coat, it is not difficult for him to pick up unwanted neighbors, but getting rid of them will be much more problematic. With the help of biological and ultrasonic collars, it is possible to solve the problem faster and more reliably, but for breeds with long hair they will be ineffective. It is best to buy a Spitz with a chemical collar soaked in insecticides that repel fleas with ticks.
It is worth knowing that you should not use such an accessory too often, as it may cause the pet to become allergic, and the quality of the coat may deteriorate.

In the case of a Pomeranian, the most suitable collar would be a walking collar. You need to choose it in accordance with the size and weight of the pet. The main feature is the small width of the product, since the dimensions of the dog are small, and the presence of fluffy fur makes it necessary to use the correct collar. If you choose a thick accessory, then it will interfere with the dog, wipe the coat, forming bald patches.

If we talk about the harness, then it consists of two belts that are connected to each other on the back and between the paws of the pet. For the first time, harnesses began to be used on sled dogs for the safe and convenient transportation of people and goods. With such a harness, the dogs were not injured, kept close and could carry more weight. Since the Pomeranian is a small breed of dog, it is important to use a collar that will not harm him. The harness makes it possible to distribute the load evenly, so the animal is not injured even from a sharp jerk of the leash by the owner.
Harnesses are:
- walking;
- riding;
- freight;
- medical;
- sentries;
- sports;
- search engines and more.

In the case of a spitz, a walking variety is often used, since all the rest are provided for larger dogs that perform certain functions. When choosing a harness, it is important to be guided by the size of the Spitz, you should try on the product for a dog, give it the opportunity to run around in it, evaluate the comfort of being in a new accessory.
The harness for the Spitz should not be too thin, which can cause unpleasant sensations, and also too thick, which will contribute to the rubbing of the coat and the formation of bald patches.

As for the leash, it can be made of leather, synthetic materials, metal, and also be combined. For a Spitz, leather and synthetic options will be most suitable. If we talk about the purpose, then the leashes are:
- walking;
- training;
- exhibition;
- special;
- rebelays and folds.

Due to the small activity of the Spitz and the ability to easily cope with it the most suitable option would be a walking leash... The most convenient at the moment is the roulette leash, which makes it possible to let the pet go a long distance, and, if necessary, stimulate it to return to the owner.
It is possible to adjust the radius of the pet's walks, which is very convenient in urban environments. The round plastic handle allows you to firmly hold the leash and control the dog's behavior.
Selection recommendations
When choosing a collar, harness or leash, you should pay attention to such parameters as:
- security;
- reliability;
- comfort.
The most suitable is a round leather collar that does not interfere with the pet or spoil its coat. You can use nylon collars, especially for exhibitions, but they should only be with a round cross-section so as not to spoil the furry fur coat of the Spitz.
At home, the pet should walk without a collar at all.

As for the leashes, for walks it is worth choosing those that meet the following requirements:
- strength;
- ease;
- the presence of a tension carabiner.

The length of the leash should correspond to the function - if the dog walks without a leash, then you can do with a small product that will allow you to bring the pet to the place of walking. If the spitz will walk next to the owner, then the leash should be about 5 meters so that the dog has the opportunity to run and frolic on the street. The material for the leash can be any, the main thing is that it is convenient for the dog and the owner to use it.
A very convenient option is a tape measure, the leash in which can be in the form of a cable or tape. The tape is safer for the owner's hands, but the choice can be made in either direction.

To keep your dog safe for a walk, it is best to stay on a harness, as it is tightly fixed on the body of the animal and does not allow it to twist and get into an unpleasant situation. It is undesirable to use this option too often, as the wool in the places where the belts are located will be very rubbed off. When choosing a harness, you should pay attention to its quality, it is desirable that it be leather. Its width is also important - the thinner it is, the safer for the pet's fluffy coat.
Metal collars and leashes would be a completely unsuitable option, as they negatively affect the hairline, rip out the coat, causing pain to the dog and spoiling its appearance. And also you should not choose products with decorative ornaments for daily wear: a variety of rhinestones, rivets and other accessories also contribute to the fact that the Spitz's fur coat deteriorates.
Fabric and nylon products are also undesirable, as they quickly wear out and deteriorate.

For adult dogs
A collar made of leather is suitable for an adult Spitz. It is important that this accessory is thin and with a round cross-section. When choosing a collar, it is better to immediately try it on your pet. The width between the product and the neck should be no more than two fingers, too tight option will interfere with the dog, too loose can fly off it. Choosing a design, you can choose between two options.
- With a ring at the buckle - in this case, it will be necessary to turn the collar every time the leash is put on.
- With a ring in the middle - in this case, there is no need to move the product, thereby injuring the hairline, and putting on the leash becomes quick and convenient. This option is also called European.

Adults can also wear a harness, which is useful for short walks or in case of cold and rainy weather, when the walk will be performed in overalls.
The leash for an adult Spitz should be light, but strong so that the dog does not break it during play. It is worth paying attention to the carbine, it should not pull out the pet's fur.
An adult dog should be given plenty of room to walk, so the leash length should not be less than 5 meters.

For puppies
Spitz puppies need an even lighter and softer collar or harness. The width of such a product is even smaller than that of an adult dog, which makes it possible to easily accustom the pet to a new accessory, since it will be practically invisible. It is very important to pay attention to the inner part of the product - it must be soft. It is best if it is lined with fiber or soft cloth.
Initially, it is worth introducing the puppy to the collar, as it is less noticeable, and then you can try to wear a harness. The leash for a small pet should be about 3 meters in length to control the dog, but at the same time give it a chance to run and frolic. Good quality, convenience for the owner and the pet are the main criteria for choosing a product for a puppy.

It is not recommended for small pets to wear a harness, but in some cases it can be used. The main concerns are related to the negative impact on the structure of the skeleton of a young animal, which has not yet fully formed, and with the use of a harness, it may completely deform. The second nuance is training, when using a collar, the dog learns to walk side by side and follow the basic commands faster, while in a harness it happens much slower.
It is recommended to use a harness at a young age only in the presence of a certain disease - a narrowing of the tracheal lumen.

Leash training
The process of accustoming a Spitz to a leash is recommended from a very young age. The sooner the dog gets to know this product, the sooner it gets used to it. Otherwise, the protest will be very strong, and it will take much more time to train. The procedure for getting used to a new accessory takes place in stages.
- Collar introduction - the puppy must see a new object for itself, smell it, taste it. But here you should be careful so that the dog does not chew on the product.
- Short-term wearing at home - you need to put on the collar for a couple of minutes and let the spitz run around in it and play. It is worth gradually increasing the time every day so that the pet can go out in a collar for the entire walk.
- Fastening on a leash - having added a new accessory, you should not immediately pick it up and drive your pet around the apartment for it. In the early days, the dog also learns a new subject, gets used to it, gets acquainted with its features.
- Attempting to lead the puppy by the collar leash - as soon as the puppy is used to new products, you need to try to teach him, explaining the rules for using these objects. At this moment, it is worth being especially patient, encouraging any positive actions and not punishing pranks. It is very important not to use the leash as a punishment, otherwise the pet will become afraid of it and will not want to use it. A collar with a leash should be the harbingers of a pleasant pastime, a fun walk and communication with the owner.

As soon as the process starts to work out well at home, you can try to go outside. If your first attempts fail, don't despair. It is important to once again stipulate the entire algorithm of actions with the dog so that it is more firmly entrenched in its consciousness. As soon as walking with a collar on a leash becomes a normal daily process, you can try a harness, which in some cases will be more appropriate than a simple collar.
The process of training a puppy to harness is carried out in the same way to get the correct result. When choosing a product, it is worth listening to the opinion of the pet, a good owner will easily determine in which version his pet liked it more.
To walk with a Pomeranian to be safe and comfortable, a good collar, leash and harness should be in the owner's arsenal.
For a harness for a Spitz, see the video below.