
How long do Spitz live and what does it depend on?

How long do Spitz live and what does it depend on?
  1. Average life indicators of different breeds
  2. Negative factors that reduce age
  3. How to Extend Your Dog's Life?

The breed of dogs that has recently been very popular is the Spitz. The name of the breed most often evokes an association with a small sofa dog that looks like a cute bear or fox. There are several varieties of dogs of this breed, but all of them are united by a cute appearance, friendliness and loyalty to the owner. Any owner of such a charming creature wants his pet to delight him with his presence for a longer time.

Average life indicators of different breeds

Spitz dogs, regardless of their variety and color, can always be recognized by their correct, proportional body structure. The figure of the animal resembles a square. The hair of the Spitz is thick and beautiful with a dense undercoat. But these are general characteristics, and each species has its own nuances and life expectancy. It is believed that the smaller the dog is, the longer it will live. It is not always so.

Many factors affect life expectancy, including nutrition, living conditions, proper care, etc. But genetic predisposition should also not be discounted.

The most popular varieties of the breed include the following.

  • Keeshond (Wolfspitz) - a fairly large dog, especially boys. At the withers it can grow up to 55 cm. Its appearance and color is very similar to a wolf. Lives on average 14 years.
  • Grossspitz - having a slightly smaller size, up to 50 cm, has a good-natured character. A very smart and courageous dog, it will become a reliable protector in the house. In favorable conditions, it is able to please the owners for about 15 years.
  • Mittelspitz - this spitz has 40 cm at the withers, girls - 30 cm. It copes with both the role of a guard and a companion for games.Can live up to 16 years.
  • Kleinspitz - a miniature dog with a ringing voice will protect the home from unwanted guests and become a loyal friend for all family members. The average life expectancy ranges from 12 to 16 years.
  • Pomeranian - the growth of this decorative dog is close to 20 cm. This smart and perky animal will become not only a decoration of your home for the next 14-16 years, but also a full-fledged member of the family.
  • White Japanese Spitz - this type of dog is of medium size and only white coat color. The animal is cheerful and cheerful, loves to play with children. This spitz can live up to 16 years.
  • Finnish spitz - a large dog weighing more than 10 kg. Has an independent character, but is very devoted to the owner. It can function as a hunting dog. Life expectancy is about 14 years.
  • American Eskimo - here the name speaks for itself. The animal quickly learns new skills, true to one owner. Can live from 15 years or more.
  • Volpino (Italian spitz) - individuals of this breed are quite small in size - 25-30 cm at the withers. Long hair, mostly light shades. They have an unstable temperament, live 12-13 years.
  • Eurasian Spitz - a relatively new breed. The dog is calm and restrained, a good guard. Life expectancy is maximum 13 years.

Spitz have been living next to humans for a very long time. For some, it is a loyal friend and companion for walking, and for others, a reliable guard and protector. The average life span of these dogs is 13 years, and in exceptional cases they can live up to 20 years. The smallest representatives of the breed are dwarf spitz, they do not live longer than 8 years.

Negative factors that reduce age

There are many factors that affect a dog's lifespan. First of all, these are diseases inherent in Spitz. They can develop as a result of improper care and maintenance of the animal. Such diseases include:

  • inflammation of the intestines or pancreas;
  • neoplasms of both internal and external organs;
  • violation of the liver, heart;
  • joint diseases;
  • injuries (fractures, dislocations).

The Spitz's skeletal system is a very fragile structure. Therefore, if a sufficient amount of calcium and other vitamins, minerals and trace elements does not enter the body of your pet, then injuries cannot be avoided. The importance of physical activity is also difficult to overestimate. Lack of movement leads to fragility and deformation of bones and joints. And this fact certainly does not contribute to an increase in the length of life.

The diet of the dog should be balanced and appropriate for its age and weight. Cheap or improperly selected dry food can be a cause of obesity. Being overweight puts a strain on your bones and heart and negatively affects your lifespan. A lack of vitamins will lead to depletion of the animal and disruption of the internal organs.

Stress also plays an important role in the health of the Spitz. Dogs are overly impressionable and too strong negative emotions can lead to a heart attack. Lack of vaccinations in a puppy makes it vulnerable to diseases such as enteritis or distemper. And they can be fatal.

Ignoring drugs that provide protection against parasites weakens the pet's immune system and gives him discomfort.

How to Extend Your Dog's Life?

The Spitz is a sweet, gullible creature that, regardless of size and age, needs affection, care and companionship. In order for a fluffy pet to live a long and happy life, you need to strengthen its immunity from puppyhood. This breed of dog is very susceptible to stress, so they need to be protected from negative emotions in every possible way.

For the duration and quality of life, the dog's nutrition plays a major role. Ready-made feed should only be of premium class, with a predominance of meat. If the food for the Spitz is prepared at home, then it should also be based on lean meat.

It is important not to overfeed the dog, control the calorie content of food, and include the necessary supplements in the diet. With age, you need to revise the pet's menu and follow the advice of a veterinarian.

At a young age, the dog undergoes an annual routine examination and the necessary vaccination in a veterinary clinic. Upon reaching the age of 7, it is necessary to check the health of the animal 2 times a year. This helps to identify diseases at an early stage and initiate timely treatment. For the most part, Spitz dogs are indoor dogs, so it is important to provide proper care for your pet's coat. These procedures have a positive effect not only on his appearance, but also beneficial to his health.

  • Bathing. It is necessary to do this, but not very often - once every 2 months, and in winter it is generally worth abandoning water procedures. Use only a special pet shampoo and dry the coat well.
  • Combing. During the molting period, this must be done every day, the rest of the time - twice a week.
  • A haircut. This action can be carried out once every 3 months with a specialist and preferably during the warm season.

The lifespan of a Spitz is influenced by his lifestyle. He must be active. The owner needs to devote maximum time to his pet, playing outdoor games with him. Communication, positive emotions, sun and nature walks will give a lot of positive emotions to both the dog and its owner.

If you follow all the tips, the Spitz will delight the owners with its presence for many years. The owner's love and attention can make a dog a long-liver.

All about the Pomeranian dog breed, see the next video.

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