Description and rules for keeping sable-colored Spitz

The playful, fluffy Spitz has long enjoyed immense popularity among breeders. The four-legged pet is a fearless guardian and loyal friend. The amazing shade of the coat gives the animal a special appeal. Sable Pomeranian is a real "decoration" of the canine world.

Characteristics of the breed
This charming pet with fluffy fur and a funny tail is one of the oldest breeds in Europe, which was bred several hundred years ago. Modern dog handlers have not lost interest in the Pomeranian and are happy to bring a four-legged friend to the house. This breed belongs to dwarf decorative dogs. Despite its diminutive size, the Pomeranian is a very brave dog, which is distinguished by its intelligence and ingenuity. The features of the breed include some of the positions described below.
- Peculiar physique. Visually, the Spitz resembles a fluffy "square".
- Luxurious fur with a thick undercoat. There is a "collar" on the neck, and "pants" on the hind legs.
- A neat, elongated muzzle with "smart" eyes.
- Protruding ears and a bushy tail "ringlet".
- The height of an adult dog does not exceed 23 cm, and the dogs weigh about 2.5 kg. Pomeranian Spitz live 15-18 years old, are distinguished by good health and are rather unpretentious in their care.

However, the owner of a fluffy puppy must be ready to start training from the first days of his appearance in the house. Pomeranian Spitz are quite capricious and without proper education can become uncontrollable.
"Fuzzies" get along well with children and can play for hours with their favorite toy.At the same time, representatives of this breed are quite ambitious, do not tolerate rivals and can challenge a large dog.
Cynologists highlight the intellectual abilities of such a dog. Spitz are easy to train, respond instantly to their nickname and are even capable of performing tricks.

Color features
One of the most common Spitz coat shades is sable. This color combines two colors: at the roots, the fur is light, and the tips of the hairs are dark. The intensity of the shades is uneven.

The sable color has some varieties, which will be discussed below.
- Orange or red. This color is solid, although in some cases individuals with a muzzle and hind legs of lighter colors are found. Spitz orange-sable color is a regular at various exhibitions. Its "fiery" coat color looks especially impressive against the background of other dog breeds.

- Cream. The color is close to white, but has a pleasant warm or cold shade. The cream sable color is characterized by light eyes and a nose lobe. The full color of the coat is formed by the first year of life, when the dog has an undercoat.

- Gray or wolf... This is the most common color of the Pomeranian. The dog's fur has a gray base, which is silvery. The tips of the hairs are colored black. The color of the body of the dog is several tones lighter than the muzzle and ears. The end of the tail is darker than the base. The lightest areas of the coat are concentrated on the shoulders and mane of the pet, even the smallest deviations from the color standard are considered marriage.

It is worth noting that the sable color changes as the animal grows older. This feature is associated with the presence of puppy fluff. For this reason, most babies have gray shades of fur. The main color appears only after three months of the dog's life. In the period of maturation, the sable breed gradually loses its pigment and acquires a uniform fur color: orange, cream or gray.
In addition to sable, Pomeranian spitz can have other colors.
- White. Nowadays, it is very difficult to find a completely snow-white Spitz - most often puppies have a cream-colored coat. Choosing a white Spitz, you should pay attention to his pedigree. If distant relatives have a different shade of fur or dark blotches, then, most likely, after molting, a white puppy will look like them.

- Black. This color looks very impressive. Spitz with black fur has a similar undercoat. However, puppies are born with brown hair, but after the first molt it turns black. Spitz of this color look like small dark "balls" and resemble bear cubs.

- Blue. These colors are quite rare, so buying a puppy will be expensive. Blue is a variety of shades of gray. There is also a marbled color, which is very suitable for exhibition activities. Charming Spitz with original coat colors attract the attention of others and are a real gift for fastidious dog breeders.

- Brown. Fluffy, chocolate-colored dogs have a striking appearance that makes it difficult for them to get lost on a walk. There should be no foreign inclusions on the coat of brown color. Also, the nose and lips of the dog are chocolate colored.

- There are Pomeranian Spitz brindle and spotted color. The first is characterized by the presence of dark stripes on the back of the animal, and in the second case, the pet's coat is decorated with spots of saturated colors (black, red or gray).

Naturally, the price of a puppy with a creamy coat will differ from common gray dogs - the original colors of the Pomeranian are highly valued. In addition, when buying a puppy, gender plays an important role, as well as the pedigree of the dog.
A female is more expensive, as it will bear offspring, and the owner himself can start selling this breed. This feature is typical for decorative miniature dogs.
The pedigree provides information about the titled ancestors of the dog and provides important information about the absence of serious genetic diseases. If the puppy is defective, then its cost is significantly reduced.

Care and maintenance
Fluffy sable Pomeranians are great for living in apartment buildings. Miniature animals are unpretentious, but at the same time, without proper care, they are in danger. For example, pet hair requires special attention. It must be combed out regularly, otherwise the "teddy bear" will lose all its charm, and the matted fur will become a home for parasites.
The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week, and during the molting period, combing out is a daily activity.
When tangles appear, you need to carefully cut off an unnecessary ball of wool. The spitz is trimmed by a specialist - it is quite difficult to do it at home.

The owner must pay particular attention to the hygiene of the teeth and ears of the Pomeranian. You can clean the auricles with cotton swabs dipped in a special solution. As for caring for the oral cavity of the animal, today there are special toothpastes and toothbrushes for dogs on sale. It is also necessary for the Spitz to wipe his teeth with a piece of gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide (1%).

In order for the wool of an animal sable color not to lose its density and shine, it needs the right diet. A Spitz puppy eats food up to 5 times a day, an adult dog needs to eat 2 times a day. Dry industrial feed (preferably premium class) is suitable for this breed. As for natural products, it is good for an adult orange to eat:
- fresh meat (excluding pork);
- boiled fish (boneless);
- rice and buckwheat porridge;
- low-fat cottage cheese;
- carrots.
Also, the Spitz must be provided with good quality drink (fresh water at room temperature). A healthy pet is active and has a good appetite. If his behavior becomes suspicious, then the owner urgently needs to show the dog to the veterinarian.

See below for how to care for your Spitz.