
Keeping a spitz in an apartment

Keeping a spitz in an apartment
  1. Choosing a pet
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of the Pomeranian
  3. Pomeranian puppy care rules
  4. Nutrition
  5. Water procedures
  6. Teeth
  7. Ears
  8. Claws
  9. Hair care
  10. Owners opinion

Spitz are one of the most common breeds today. They are known on all continents for their excellent ability to perfectly adapt to different external circumstances. These dogs have a playful character, excellent hearing and almost do not give their owner any trouble, because they always listen to him. Therefore, keeping a Spitz in an apartment does not present any particular problems.

Choosing a pet

The Spitz family is most often associated with the type of "sofa dogs". Nature has endowed the Spitz with an unprecedented charm and playful character. They are so mobile and cheerful that in no case do not let the owner get bored within four walls. The common walk turns into a pleasant rest for both.

When deciding to buy a pet, you should consider your habits and lifestyle. For example, the Pomeranian is well suited for those who do not have children and who love to travel. The largest among the species - the keeshond - is well suited as a guard for people who live outside the city. But for owners who prefer active recreation and sports, a small Pomeranian is perfect.

A dog of this breed is active and inquisitive, but not intrusive and is able to retire in time if it feels that it is extremely necessary. It adapts perfectly to any environment. Easily gets along with all household members and pets.

Due to its excellent hearing and vigilance, it is a good watchman.Also has a sonorous bark, which very quickly warns of alarm. He always defends the owner, as he is a loyal and reliable friend.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Pomeranian

Representatives of the Pomeranian breed are very similar to a small fluffy ball, which is due to the coat with a very thick undercoat. This is a very miniature dog, the height of which ranges from 18 to 22 cm, and the weight is approximately 1.5 - 3.5 kg.

Like every decorative breed dog, the Pomeranian has positive and negative traits. The representatives of this breed have their fans who claim that this is an excellent pet, as well as those who claim the opposite.

The pluses include various factors related to the appearance and character of the dog.

  • Spitz appearance has its own characteristics, which include:
    • strong build and straight back;
    • the head is medium in size with a round, wide forehead;
    • small neck;
    • small straight ears (triangle shape);
    • tail curved up towards the back;
    • almond-shaped eyes;
    • dense, straight coat, soft, small undercoat.
  • Distinctive character traits:
    • high-spirited and cheerful disposition;
    • very energetic and agile;
    • good for children of any age;
    • neat.
  • Easy to train and train... Able to perform even acrobatic stunts.
  • Does not require special conditions (feels very good in any house or apartment).
  • Very loyal to the owner and is ready for anything for him.
  • Easy to carry any weather conditions.

The breed also has its disadvantages, which you also need to know about. And for some, the pros may be cons, since everyone has their own habits.

  1. Dogs have fragile bones, which can lead to injury.
  2. The spitz has a very loud and sonorous barking, it can be very annoying for someone.
  3. They can attack large congeners and suffer themselves in this battle.
  4. The weak link of this breed is its teeth (constant care is required to prevent inflammation).
  5. With improper care, problems with the cardiovascular system can arise.
  6. The dog has a long coat that needs to be brushed very often and thoroughly.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of the breed, you can decide on the further choice of a pet.

Pomeranian puppy care rules

The Pomeranian, like any dog, needs proper care, attention and care. It is very important to train the dog on time and teach it to regular procedures (grooming hair, teeth, ears, eyes) so that the dog is healthy and beautiful.


This breed is prone to obesity, so the diet should be balanced with a high content of vitamins and minerals. You can choose one of the food options - special food or food prepared by the owner especially for the dog.

The daily diet should include meat, vegetables, cereals. Do not give your dog bones. In the store there is a wide selection of food for small dogs, the seller will help to determine this variety, it would be useful to consult a veterinarian, to whom the baby must be brought for vaccinations. If you decide to feed homemade food, then you need to cook the dog separately.

It can be porridge with lean meats. Fermented milk products will be useful in the diet. Additionally, you need to buy special bones in pet stores, which serve as a treat and brush your teeth.

Water procedures

Very often, experts do not recommend bathing a dog. It is enough to carry out water procedures once a month. Throughout this time, you should wipe your paws after each walk and carefully remove dust from the pet with a brush. Experts do not recommend bathing your pet during the molting period. It is during this period that uncombed wool can fall into unpleasant lumps, which are very difficult to clean.

Bathing should only be done with a special shampoo. Required beforehand required cover the ears with special cotton swabs.


The Pomeranian is unfortunately prone to gum disease. To prevent such situations, you should brush your teeth only with the use of individual pastes. In case of any problems, it is imperative to use the services of a veterinarian.


In the ears of the orange, like in other dogs, sulfur accumulates, dust particles get in, the coat gets tangled and sticks together. It is required to regularly clean the inner ear canal with a special cotton pad. This requires the application of a special ear lotion. But it is strictly forbidden to clean the ears with cotton swabs. (to prevent any injury or inflammation).


Too large claws in a dog can lead to bad consequences (inconvenience when walking, deformation of the fingers) and therefore must be carefully looked after. For processing the tips of the claws, you must use special nippers.

Hair care

Every day, the dog needs to be combed and do not forget to trim it in certain areas. It is better to turn to professionals for haircut design.

The dog should be taught to these procedures from a young age. To do this, you need to put the puppy on your lap every day and gently, with smooth movements, comb the soft coat.

Owners opinion

The owners list a large number of positive qualities, but they frankly admit: pets are characterized by disadvantages, especially with regard to health. You need to be vaccinated regularly and ensure proper nutrition. They also note that caring for a puppy takes time, it needs to be educated and constantly paid attention to the pet. Caring for him requires certain financial investments.

Before starting a Spitz, you need to think carefully, weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes future owners do not realize the full responsibility that will fall on them. It must be remembered that the Spitz is not a plush toy, but, first of all, a living creature.

He needs to be provided with not only proper care, but also regular walks in the fresh air, where he can run. And this takes time, which needs to be planned in order to be in time. With good care, Pomeranians live up to 18 years. So it all depends on the owner.

For the characteristics of the Pomeranian, see below.

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