
All about the black spitz

All about the black spitz
  1. Description
  2. Character traits
  3. How to choose?
  4. How to name?
  5. Content

No lover of small fluffy dogs can resist the black Spitz. This adorable tangle with a cute face has already won many hearts. The name of the breed is associated with Svalbard - an area near the Baltic coast, however, not all scientists agree with the opinion that this region is the birthplace of the animal. According to information from many dog ​​breeders, the black spitz is an animal native to northern Europe.


Black Spitz is considered a dwarf species, as it has a small height and weight. According to American standards, the height of the dog at the withers should be 260 mm. According to the FCI standard, the growth of animals is allowed no more than 220 mm. The body weight of such pets is about 3 kg. The body of the fluffy is of a square format, the height is related to the length as 1 to 1. The body structure is characterized by strength, decorative grace, and excellent muscular development.

The head is small, with a short muzzle on it, narrowed towards the end and resembling a fox. In a black Spitz, the nose is colored black, like the lips, which fit tightly to the jaws. The shape of the eyes is oblong, the organs of vision are set obliquely. They have a lively and mischievous expression that makes the dogs look adorable.

The ears of the black Spitz are erect, they have a triangular shape and sharp tops. The location of the hearing organs is fairly close to each other. The animals are characterized by a strong neck with medium length, which has a thick mane-like collar. The back of the pussies is strong, straight and short. At the end of the body there is a tail, which is covered with thick wool. It is set high and carried like a fan.

The forelegs are straight, with long shoulder blades and muscular shoulders. The forearm is straight, stocky, pubescent behind. The pet's legs are round, well-knit and have black pads. Dogs with a black-brown color are endowed with brown pads on their paws. The hind legs are massive and straight, covered with fur up to the tangent joints.

The Spitz of this species has a black coat. The wool of these animals is luxurious, consisting of several types of hair:

  • cover (guard) hair, characterized by a large length;
  • dense undercoat that feels like cotton wool.

The head, ears and front legs are covered with short hair, but there is a thick collar on the shoulders and neck. The hind legs resemble fluffy pants.

The black Spitz is usually covered with a glossy coat that does not show any other shade marks.

    Immediately after birth, puppies have black fur with red undercoat. If the ancestors of the pet had a different color, then, most likely, the color of the puppy's fur coat will change from black to some other.

    The black-and-tan spitz has distinct markings on its fur. The color of such blotches can be very diverse. For example, if a black Spitz has brown markings, then such a pet is called black-brown. In a tan Pomeranian, blotches are located on the chest and legs.

    Character traits

    The black Spitz dog is quite cheerful and friendly. This animal can take root in any family. The dog gives preference in communication to children - the fluffy happily supports their games, participating in fun. A pet can become not only a nanny, but also a friend to a little man. Adults will have fun with such a dog, however, this breed is not the best option for the elderly.

    Spitz are extremely active, they spend a lot of time moving and running, so you always have to keep an eye on them. Despite its diminutive size, the black Spitz is a real guard. This is a fighting dog that does not tolerate strangers. When a danger arises, the pet will defend its owner to the last.

    It is worth remembering that if a dwarf spitz barks a lot, then this phenomenon has a reason. The negative traits of a dog's character include stubbornness, willfulness. This breed has a tendency to dominate other representatives, pets love to always be in the spotlight.

    How to choose?

    Before you buy a black Spitz puppy, you should determine the purpose of acquiring such a pet. Usually this dog is brought up to participate in exhibitions or in order to acquire a friendly pet. To buy a fluffy one should contact a special nursery with a good reputation or a reliable breeder.

    In order not to be deceived and to buy a thoroughbred puppy, you need to remember that Spitz are expensive, so you should not be led at a low price. Arriving at the place of the transaction, it is worth paying attention to the cleanliness of the room, as well as to the food that the pets eat, breeders do not save on real Spitz. If a puppy is bought to participate in exhibitions and show programs, then the pedigree should be demanded from the seller, while paying attention to the exterior of the parents.

    If you want to breed this breed of dogs in the future, you need to clarify the question of whether the baby belongs to the litter of linear mating. The parents of such a puppy must be from the same breeding line. If a dwarf dog is purchased as a pet, then you should not pay a lot of money. Pet-class babies practically do not differ from the exhibition ones, with the exception of the bite features.

    It is also worth noting that for exhibitions it is better to give preference to a male of this dog breed, since he has a larger body size and a better coat. However, at the same time, Spitz boys have the following disadvantages:

    • dominant character traits, that is, the dog will start fights and conflicts with other pets;
    • some difficulties in training;
    • when a female in heat appears, the Spitz male will be ready for anything to run after her, so there is a risk that the baby will be lost;
    • when the puppy grows older, he begins to "mark" the area, so he must not only be accustomed to the litter box, but also requires a walk twice a day.

      Girls of the Spitz breed do not create problems in education and training. They are characterized by a more calm and flexible disposition. The animal quickly gets used to the toilet, however, there are also disadvantages:

      • females are in heat twice a year, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy;
      • the process of bearing puppies and childbirth have a lot of their own nuances, and this will require special care from the owner.

      For the correct choice of a black Spitz puppy, it is worth remembering the following rules:

      • focus on one fuzzy;
      • monitor the behavior of the animal: the baby should not be afraid of a person, be aggressive or break out of his hands;
      • examine the appearance of the dog, while paying attention to the coat, the presence of dandruff in it, the quality of the skin, the state of the organs of hearing and vision, the oral cavity;
      • pay attention to the gait and movement of the animal.

          The weight of a newborn puppy should be 100 grams, but if the weight of the baby is less than 70 grams, then this may indicate developmental problems. You can pick up a baby black Spitz from the mother at the age of 3 months. The puppy must have a corresponding stamp, it is this indicator that testifies to the authenticity of the breed.

          How to name?

          After acquiring a black Spitz, many owners think about what to call this small, fluffy and temperamental creature.

          According to experienced breeders, the full name of a dog should not consist of more than forty characters, moreover, the name should correspond to the character and behavior of the animal.

          Often the owners of black Spitz males give them nicknames in accordance with the color of the fur, for example, Red or Black. A worthy name for a boy would be a Greek or mythological character: Eric, Bruno.

          You should not choose an offensive name for your pet, so that it does not affect its behavior. Spitz is a kind and affectionate aristocrat, so a dog can choose one of the following nicknames: Speaker, Carat, Napoleon, Othello. Scooter, Fantik can become cool names. Unusual and at the same time beautiful nicknames include: Wolf, Hans, Martin, Thomas.

          The Spitz girl is considered a playful, cute creature, so the name Push, Amalia, Elsa, Blot is perfect for her. Such nicknames as Monica, Bianca, Jasmine sound beautiful. The following are interesting and cool nicknames of the black Spitz girl: Julia, Juno, Bagheera, Bullet, Marquis, Sonya.

          You should not choose a snarling and vulgar name for your pet. The nickname should have a positive effect on the animal, so you need to call the pet a friendly, companionable and easy-to-pronounce name. The main rules when choosing a nickname:

          • ease of pronunciation;
          • at least letters;
          • perception by the dog;
          • compliance with the behavior and habits of the animal.


            Black Spitz normally exist in conditions of apartment and home maintenance, they are not adapted to life in an aviary.


            Like many other small dogs, black Spitz are prone to obesity. For this reason, an adult pet, like a puppy, requires careful attention to the diet. According to most breeders, high quality dry food is the best nutritional option for a Pomeranian. Such food contains all vital vitamins and elements for the normal growth and development of a thoroughbred pet.

            Owners who prefer homemade foods to their Spitz should remember that a larger percentage of the furry's diet should be meat. In addition to meat products, the following foods must be present in the dog's diet:

            • rice and buckwheat groats;
            • cottage cheese, kefir;
            • vegetables.

              Potatoes, sausages, legumes, sweets, pasta, chocolate products should not be given to Spitz. The veterinarian should make up the food for the animal. Every day, the dog should consume clean water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and dietary supplements.

              It is not worth saving on feeding a thoroughbred pet, as poor food quality can cause diseases.

              It is forbidden to give fluffy long bones, pork meat, spicy, fatty and salty foods. Milk is a product that Spitz cannot digest, so hard cheese can be given to them as a treat. Black Spitz puppies should eat 5 times a day, and the food should be served in small portions. After six months of age, the animals are fed three times a day.


              Long-haired black Pomeranians need careful grooming. Dogs need regular brushing with combs and bathing with professional shampoos, masks, balm and sprays. If you do not take care of the black pet's coat, then brown blotches may appear on it.

              Among other things, this breed of animals requires a regular haircut - if the owner does not have the skills in this matter, then you should contact a professional.

              The furry is washed when necessary, however, it should be done more often than with other breeds. In dusty and hot weather, the pet can be bathed weekly. Spitz shampoos should be free of parabens and sulfates. Along with the shampoo, you should purchase a conditioner from the same series - such a remedy will help overcome dryness and unravel the unruly coat.

              Brushing black Spitz is carried out much more often than other hygiene procedures. Ideally, your pet should devote about 20 minutes every day to comb out the fur. Thorough combing is required before bathing, as well as during the shedding period.


              It is necessary to start raising a little Spitz as soon as he appears in the house. This animal is characterized by extraordinary ingenuity, so the pet will quickly understand what is required of him. The black Spitz must obey the owner, following his commands, so you will have to take time to train him. A five-month-old puppy will simply learn the standard commands.

              When raising an animal, you need to establish close contact and a friendly attitude with it.

              The dog must be socialized in a timely manner, otherwise the dog will constantly bark at people.

              If the owner has a desire, then the baby can be taught tricks and shepherd's affairs.

              The Black Spitz can be called a cocky extrovert, a glorious and devoted dog. This is a very intelligent pet that can be easily trained to please its owners.

              For interesting facts about the breed, see below.

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