Tips for choosing classic-style living room curtains

The classic style is one of the main trends in the interior design of apartments and houses. When decorating a living room in this style, it is necessary to choose the appropriate curtains. They are an important element of the decor, without them any room will look uncomfortable, empty and sad, despite the presence of good furniture or thoughtful design.

Classic curtains in the living room are appropriate at all times. They are suitable for those people who have doubts about their choice, love stability or do not really accept everything new and unusual.
Basically, classic-style curtains are made from two or three types of fabrics. These are dense curtains, thin transparent tulle, additional elements are possible in the form of lambrequins, draperies and swag.
Usually fabrics are selected in solid colors or with an unobtrusive pattern, that is, it is desirable to exclude bright artsy shades and patterns. This is unacceptable for the classic style.

Dense curtains are usually collected on the sides of the window opening in the daytime. To do this, use clamps of various shapes, twisted cords, tapes. And also fringes, brushes, gold embroidery are often used for decoration. That is, the general appearance creates the impression of luxury, material prosperity, as it was before, several centuries ago, when this style was born.

It should be noted that currently, various directions are allowed in interior design, and when choosing the style of curtains for the hall, you can additionally use or remove some elements. For example, replace dense curtains with thin tulle, and close the window itself with Roman blinds, which can be raised during the day and lowered at night.
Or make English curtains, which can also be draped upstairs with ribbons and cords. Or even combine the classic set of curtains, but in a simpler minimalist design: one color, a minimum of folds and decor, but curtains and tulle are available.

If, for example, curtains are sewn for a living room in a private house, where it is possible not to close the window from the prying glances of strangers, and you want to fill the room with a lot of light, then you can not use tulle in the classic version, but simply modify the curtains at your discretion.
There are a great many options, it is only important to observe the harmonious image of the room as a whole, and so that the resulting atmosphere pleases the owners.

For sewing classic curtains, it is better to choose solid natural fabrics. But it should be noted that such fabrics are more susceptible to wear and tear, and they are very laborious to maintain.
Now there is a huge selection of synthetic and artificial textile materials, which are much easier to care for, while they are not inferior in appearance to natural fabrics and are more affordable. Blended fabrics are also sold, where, along with natural, artificial or synthetic fibers are used. These fabrics are also much easier to wash and less wrinkled.
Particularly noteworthy is a fabric such as a header - it does not need to be ironed, such curtains greatly facilitate everyday life.

Curtain fabrics (they are called that) come in different densities... But if the fabric is not very dense, then you can duplicate it with a lining. For very luxurious options, curtains can be offered velvet, brocade, taffeta, chenille... Such curtains are usually designed to create an atmosphere of luxury, and they are usually sewn in such a way that they fall to the floor in beautiful and voluminous folds.

Generally, the issue of the density of folds is also important to create the desired image of the room. To do this, you need to pay attention to the size of the hall and correctly correlate them with the volume and style of curtains. For example, if the living room is not very spacious, it would be a mistake to choose curtains with a huge number of voluminous folds and additional decor, as this will visually hide an already small area.

Tulle can be made from fabrics such as veil, organza, muslin, and you can also use silk, chiffon, cambric and similar thin transparent or translucent materials.
Decor details are usually sewn from the same fabric as and curtains, and tulle, but sometimes they use another kind of finishing type of canvas. And also when sewing some types of lambrequins, cushioning materials are needed, which additionally seal the fabric and give the necessary shape.

Colors and patterns
There are several "golden" design rules used by professional fashion designers and designers.
- When choosing a color, you need to remember that ideally, any ensemble should have no more than three colors. The first is the main one, makes up the majority (more than 50%), the second is additional, close in shade, about half of the main, and the third serves as a small bright spot.
Therefore, the curtains in the hall, in most cases, are an addition to the walls and furniture, and it is desirable that they be of the same color scheme.

- The next rule applies to drawing. Vertical stripes and ornaments visually increase the height, horizontal stripes - the width. A large drawing visually reduces the space, a small drawing, as well as a solid color - expand it. That is, you need to take into account the size of the room, windows and the height of the ceiling.

- It should be noted that different colors and shades affect the visual perception of space in different ways. Light ones visually expand the space, while dark ones, on the contrary, narrow it. The red spectrum of color (these are all shades of yellow, red, brown) creates a feeling of warmth, the blue spectrum - coolness.
That is, depending on which side of the world the windows of the room face, due to the color scheme of the interior, you can create a feeling of comfort in the room, create a feeling of spaciousness, or, conversely, the feeling of a warm cozy corner.

It should still be noted that the predominant color when creating classic curtains is beige and all its shades... Perhaps this is due to the fact that there is wood furniture in the classic interior. And also personal preferences cannot be canceled, perhaps someone likes, for example, white curtains with red poppies.
For modern design options, it is quite fabric with various patterns is allowed, in a box, a strip... In this case, it is important to maintain the overall style of the room.

Mounts and decor
To decorate the living room windows in a classic style, two- or three-row cornices are required. Layering is a distinctive feature of such curtains. Tulle is attached to the first row, then curtains, and the third layer is finishing details such as lambrequins, draperies, swagi. But sometimes, especially if the living room is not very large, or there is no desire to overload the window, many refuse lambrequins, and the set consists only of curtains and tulle.

The most common type of attachment is a circular bar-shaped cornice with rings. Curtains can also be attached to such a bar using eyelets - these are special rings for creating holes in the fabric, and the cornice is inserted into these holes. In the same way, you can fasten the curtains if you design the upper part of the curtain in the form of a drawstring, or sew on loops from the same fabric as the curtains.

The simplest mounting option is ceiling cornices with hooks. For fastening on such cornices, a special braid with loops is sewn on the upper part of the curtains and tulle from the inside out.
Such ceiling cornices, made from wall to wall, allow you to visually increase the space from the side of the window.

All kinds of details are used to decorate curtains: fringes, tassels and tassels, twisted cords, braid embroidered with gold or silver, beads, ribbons. And also in a variety of variations, you can arrange tacks. The main thing is to observe the measure and try to make everything look harmonious in general.
It is this finish that serves as the hallmark of classic curtains, as they should give the living room a luxurious, rich, solemn look.