Clothes for obese women

Large size fur coats for obese women

Large size fur coats for obese women
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Models and styles
  3. Fur types
  4. Colour
  5. How to choose the right one?

There is an opinion that for women with impressive proportions, fur winter clothing is almost contraindicated: it visually adds to such ladies several years and extra pounds. Only those who have no idea what types of fur and what styles of fur coats should be worn by large ladies are inclined to think so.

Fur, like jewelry, is rightly called one of the best ways to highlight a woman's beauty. However, unlike jewelry, with the selection of which girls usually do not have problems, when buying a fur coat, you need to show a little more awareness - an unsuccessfully chosen style or structure of fur can do a disservice to a carefully composed image.


If literally all models of fur coats are suitable for tall and slender girls, from the eternal classics to designer experimental masterpieces, then the "dumplings" should carefully analyze all their advantages and disadvantages. And already taking into account the results obtained, clearly outline the range of models, types of fur and its colors, in which to start looking for the ideal fur coat for yourself.

Before choosing from what is "possible", it is necessary to decide what is absolutely contraindicated for such ladies. The main thing that should immediately be abandoned is oversize fur coats: dimensionless, baggy models will not hide excess weight and roundness, but will only visually add a few more extra kilograms.

A cut that implies a narrowed chest or narrow sleeves is also not suitable - in such fur coats, large women will look even more massive. Under the ban, ruffles on the sleeves or along the bottom of the hem - such delights visually make the silhouette heavier.

Also, not the best option would be to buy a fur coat made from long-haired varieties of fur. This texture will visually increase the already impressive volumes and dimensions. In recent years, the cut-cross is gaining more and more popularity - it is not recommended for full ladies to get carried away. The fact is that the horizontal method of laying fur skins is not beneficial to not the most slender silhouettes. But if you really want to replenish your wardrobe with a thing with elements of a transverse cut, you can choose a fur coat where horizontal stripes are decorative, adjacent to vertical or diagonal ones.

Models and styles

The question of the optimal length of a fur coat for obese women is still controversial. Some stylists are convinced that both long floor-length models and shortened variations are contraindicated for such ladies.

Their opponents argue that long fur coats are quite acceptable, provided that the "donut" is tall. But it's really better not to get carried away with the mini format, especially if there is a problem area of ​​the hip in the figure.

The "golden mean" acts as a lifesaver in this dispute: the length of the midi, the cut of which implies that the hem of the fur coat barely covers the knees. However, the fur coat can end a little higher, but only if the long and slender legs are the pride of the woman. Among midi-styles "knee-deep", straight, A-shaped and flared variations are considered the most preferable for overweight ladies.

A straight cut fur coat (with or without a hood) is guaranteed to look good on any lady, no matter what proportions she has. Depending on the type of figure, you should pay attention either to the model "under the belt" (a real must have for owners of a magnificent bust and an hourglass-like figure), or to a minimalistic straight version, which is recommended for ladies with approximately the same width at the waist line, hips and in the chest.

A-shaped fur coats are the best option, perfectly emphasizing the advantages and neatly camouflaging the shortcomings of women of any size. A light flare, starting already on the chest line or even the shoulders, will allow the owner of the fur coat to feel comfortable and elegant in it.

For supporters of a more individual style, there is nothing better than a flared cut - the variety of design solutions in this category of models will delight even the most discerning fashionistas. Daring fur coats, sewn in the style of "butterfly" or "bat", at the same time can be both feminine and ironically frivolous.

A fur coat for a full lady can be equipped with both a fur hood and a collar. In the first case, this item of clothing should not be bulky and too bulky. If the option with a collar is more preferable, extra volumes will be inappropriate here too - it is better to choose a fur coat with a stand-up collar, a classic shawl or the so-called "Chanel".

In the matter of choosing the style of sleeves, it is more and more democratic - the priority is the classic cut, light flared and raglan. Sleeve length is appropriate for both standard and three-quarters. If a woman is happy with her own hands, you can pay attention to fur coats with sleeves that reach the elbow. In this case, it is better to wear a fur coat complete with high leather gloves - you get an ideal output ensemble.

Fur types

The first rule of choosing a fur coat for a fat woman is no flirting with long fur. Therefore, you should be wary of coats made of raccoon, common or silver fox, beaver and lynx. If a lady is crazy about long fur, it is permissible to use it as a decorative component - to trim the collar or hood.

But short-haired types of fur will not only not add extra volume to the silhouette, but will also delicately hide excess weight.

The most suitable types are presented below:

  • Mink. Timeless classics of the fur market.Fur coats made of Scandinavian or North American mink are especially suitable for full ladies - their fur does not look shaggy and is distinguished by a short awn.
  • Mouton. This fur is a specially processed sheepskin of valuable breeds. In recent years, mouton coats have become more and more popular. Full ladies need to take a closer look at such a variety of muton as astragan. When processing the hair of this fur, it is trimmed much shorter than that of a regular muton, which is beneficial to the silhouette of the finished product.
  • Astrakhan. Particular attention should be paid to the white, gray and black shades of astrakhan and broadtail, as well as the elite variety of this fur - svakara, common in southwestern Africa.
  • Goat and otter. Their fur is not as popular, but when properly processed, it is very effective.


If the color scheme of a fur coat is in a favorable range, it can easily visually "build" a large lady by 5-10 kilograms. In this case, the usual scheme works: white and light will fill up, and dark and black - vice versa. It should be understood that the permitted palette is not limited to only black or brown shades.

Pastel colors are very suitable for full women. Biscuit shades and slightly discolored golden are also recommended. However, a real hit can easily be found in the brown spectrum - take, for example, mahogany with its brightly transverse stripe of a color that is darker than the main color.

Designers who develop models of fur coats especially for women who are prone to overweight prefer to operate with natural color schemes. Even if the fur coat is made of dyed fur, its shade will remind of the palette found in the wild.

But it is better to refrain from a riot of bright colors like purple, green, red and blue fur. If you want something "like", you can consider the option of decorative coloring of the fur with "feathers".

How to choose the right one?

The main recommendation that stylists give to ladies prone to overweight is to scrupulously analyze the features of the body structure, highlight all its advantages and disadvantages, and based on this, start choosing a suitable model of a fur coat.

Also, do not forget that some of the rules were created specifically to be violated. It may happen that a fur coat of a "forbidden" style or color will look amazing on a full lady. In any case, the final verdict as to whether the fur coat "sits" on the figure will be subjective - much depends on the confidence of the future owner of the fur coat in her own attractiveness.

Therefore, when choosing a model, you should take a close friend with you, for whose sense of style there are no complaints. A look from the outside always helps to consider the nuances - both positive and negative.

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