Braschi fur coats

Every girl and woman, regardless of age, dreams of wrapping her shoulders in high-quality fur. Ideally, it should be a luxurious fur coat from the famous Italian brand Braschi.

Reviews of happy fashionistas who have become owners of Braschi fur coats are always enthusiastic. This is explained by the fact that in addition to the traditional functions of a fur product, such as cold resistance, comfort and ease of use, Braschi fur coats compare favorably with unsurpassed quality, exclusive design and impeccable style.

A woman in such a fur coat informs others about her good taste by her appearance, because Braschi is one of the most famous brands, it sets the tone in the world of fur fashion.

The history of the Braschi brand dates back to the middle of the last century. Initially, the business idea for the married couple Lorenzo and Kitty Braschi consisted of custom tailoring of leather goods. At first it was a small atelier shop in the heart of Rome.

Only after some time, spent in the development of a unique concept, the couple switched to the production of fur coats. This landmark moment happened in 1989. The spouses went to world success during 15 years spent in daily work and attentive attitude to their beloved work, the work of their whole life.
The heir to the founders of the brand, Maurizio Braschi, did not rest on the laurels earned by his parents, but raises the company to ever greater heights, which would seem to be impossible. He personally supervises all stages of production, from the selection of materials at auctions and design development, ending with the sewing of products.

Features of Braschi fur coats
- Maurizio Braschi's team consists of the most talented fashion designers - together they take the Braschi brand to unimaginable heights of the fashion world in all corners of the planet. It is these people who provide the variety of Braschi fur coats, which makes it possible to choose an elegant model for a respectable lady who radiates confidence and status, and for an airy girl who personifies tenderness and fragility.

- Braschi fur coat models favorably complement (or may define) the image of their owner. Unlike mass production, where all products are the same, each model of these fur coats is different from the other and has individuality.

- With such a wide selection of models, there remains one most important detail that unites both a status fur coat on the floor and an ultra-fashionable short fur vest - an impeccably high quality fur. It is supplied by countries that are rightfully proud of their fur industry: Canada, the United States and Russia. Only whole skins, royal varieties of fur are used: sable, mink and lynx.
Braschi Italian fur coats are made of specially processed fur, its technology allows you to achieve the weightlessness of a fur coat, which is so necessary for fragile women's shoulders.

Product types
Braschi fur products are unique in their own way: styles developed by a team of designers can be combined with clothes of any style. A girl with a Braschi fur coat is free to choose her own image, only she decides what and with what to combine - the result will always be flawless.

Braschi fur coats made from wild mink fur deserve special attention. This type of fur is distinguished by the highest degree of heat retention in severe frosts due to its thick undercoat, as well as high wear resistance. Few factories work with this fur, which once again proves the exclusivity of Braschi fur coats.

There are also models with a stand-up collar, which has become the company's hallmark, and models with a hood, which are especially relevant for beauties who live in areas with harsh winters, since they allow them not to spoil their hair with hats, but at the same time they perfectly protect from wind and snow.

Of course, such an unconditional quality cannot be cheap. But a fur coat is purchased for more than one season, and Braschi fur coats do not lose their luxurious look, with proper care, the product will look perfect throughout the entire period of operation. In addition, for a real woman there is nothing more desirable than a frost-resistant fur coat made of flowing fur, gently caressing the skin.

A high-quality cut is very important, and it is Braschi fur coats that meet all the requirements of the most demanding representative of the fair sex. If a lady has long dreamed of acquiring such a necessary luxury item as a fur coat, then there can be nothing more dangerous than the desire to save money. Of course, after all, this threatens with a quick loss of the appearance of the product, as well as the loss of practical properties. It is Braschi fur coats that will save their owner from such unpleasant surprises for more than one season.

The Braschi fur coat is the most desirable item, and maybe even a profitable investment. The Braschi brand is a reformer in the fur industry, but at the same time the owners hold sacred to the traditions of production.

Buying a Braschi fur coat will make any girl irresistible, with each new client the brand receives new positive reviews, because, despite the justifiably expensive price, the fur coat will bring comfort to its owner and will also serve as a subject of special pride for more than one year.

A woman who has tried on a Braschi fur coat at least once will never forget the sensations of warmth, comfort, safety, and, of course, the feeling of her own irresistibility in a luxurious wardrobe, presented by wonderful fur.