Black fur coat

Black fur coats stand out favorably against the background of other fur products. And this is not surprising, because black fur looks especially chic. But do you all know about the black fur coat? Before you go for such a purchase, you need to replenish your knowledge.

A black fur coat is like a little black dress that fits any type, always looks amazing and every woman should have. In addition, a black fur coat has a number of important advantages:
- Giving harmony to any figure.
- Spectacular look and enduring popularity that fashion has no influence on.
- From time to time it does not turn yellow, like fur of a different color.

- Relevance for any image and occasion.
- The classic fur coat is associated with black. A fur coat, after all, is not a dress that can be changed several times a season, therefore it is the classic version that is the most acceptable and relevant, regardless of fashion.

Different furs are dyed black, but the result is always different, although it remains excellent.
Fur seals, natural leopard fur are very rare, and weasel, wolf and llama fur coats are also rare. But still, fur coats made from such materials can still be found at points of sale. But the height of luxury and chic is sable fur. Even hundreds of years ago, this particular fur was preferred to be worn by noble and wealthy people. This fur itself is chic, thick, shiny, and in black it becomes so beautiful that it is difficult to look away.

Mink looks spectacular in black, it is not for nothing that it is in a high price category.
The mink fur is short, smooth, with a silky texture, very warm and not blown by the wind.Next to mink, in terms of price and popularity, are black fur coats created from Tuscany and a special subspecies of muton. Such furs are rare, therefore they are considered almost exclusive.

More affordable, but still beautiful, are black coats made from beaver and fox fur. The first version of the fur is characterized by a light structure, which makes the clothes almost weightless, the pile is not long, thin, but this does not prevent the fur from being warm. But the fox's fur has long villi and thick underfur.

The most budgetary option are astrakhan fur coats, models made of otter and nutria fur.
Karakul is characterized by the presence of a dense cover, moderately elastic, with a silky structure. But it is still recognizable by the curls located on the surface. Karakul gets special chic precisely in black color, which adds mystery and nobility to this fur. The nutria fur in black takes on a characteristic resinous hue, which has a radiant sheen. A nutria fur coat turns out to be heavy, so long models are rare.

There are several of the most successful models in which black fur coats are presented. Of course, each season presents us with new models, styles and trends. Nevertheless, designers again and again return to the familiar classics and create their creations based on the good old models.
- The hood in a fur coat plays a special role, not only decorating it, but also warming the hostess. Such elements usually do not unfasten, have a free structure, are quite bulky and warm. Often the hood carries a contrast in color or texture.

- Cross - a new direction in the creation of fur products. Black noble fur, sewn in such an unusual way, forms the basis of chic models. All other fur coats pale before such beauty. The black cross-section looks most advantageous in short models created as an autolady.

- Models with a belt they will certainly always be present at fashion shows, they are so relevant and popular among women of any age and physique. When choosing such fur coats, there is always a concern for the rapid erasure of the fur at the waist, which will seriously ruin the appearance of the fur coat. To prevent such a situation from happening, designers combine fur and a leather insert, which is located precisely in the waist area. In this case, of course, a leather belt will be relevant.

- For lovers of a free cut, designers offer models with hidden fasteners. You can also consider a fur coat with buttons, which are located in two rows. Here you can play with accessories, choosing simple elements that will highlight the rich texture of the fur, or, conversely, due to the rich and expressive elements, attract the attention of others to the necessary places.

- Stand-up collar in black fur coats more and more often seen at fashion shows, chosen by girls and women, remains a relevant element, a fashionable interpretation of the classic style.

- Combined models now they are gaining a second life, coming to the fore and overshadowing all other options with their beauty. The ideal neighbors for fur are suede and leather. Such models look most attractive in a short version, which is more suitable for a mild winter.

Short fur coats in black have already become a trend, especially for active business women. It is convenient to move in such a fur coat, it is not easily soiled, and even perfectly emphasizes the slenderness of the legs.

Long options always remain an integral option for an evening look. They dress for special occasions, combined with evening dresses. Such a fur coat remains a matter of pride. In such models, excessively fluffy fur is unacceptable, and it cannot be created from small pieces, otherwise the weight of such a fur coat will be impressive. Long black fur coats are best created from mink or a sheared raccoon, designers are well aware of this.

Another popular option for a black fur coat is knee-length models. They are warm, comfortable, they are not too bulky and heavy, and there are no problems with quickly rubbing the hem, as is the case with long models.

Shades and print
Fur that naturally has a perfectly black color is a rarity. But the growing demand for black fur coats is forcing manufacturers to process the fur appropriately in order to get black. Even mink, which in its natural form may be black, still has a peculiar shade.
A rich black color, which does not deteriorate due to the presence of extraneous shades, is given to the fur due to toning. This procedure is gentle and does not cause much harm to the fur material.

It will not work to come to the store for a simple black fur coat, since this color can be embodied in several shades. Anyway, just a black fur coat is boring when there are so many shades of black around. Let's analyze the existing options for black fur using the example of everyone's favorite mink.

In the first place in popularity is Scandinavian black fur, which is called Scanblack in professional circles. In this case, the black color is diluted with a subtle brown tint, which makes the fur shimmer in the rays of the sun and shine with every movement. It is not for nothing that such fur coats are called black diamonds. Just as rare, and just as delicious.

Black fur, called BlackGlama, came to us from America. This shade is compared to the color of oil. It doesn't sound very good, but it looks gorgeous. Another black fur of American origin is called BlackNafa. It can be recognized by the presence of a subtle brown tint.

What to wear with?
The choice of additional elements that will participate in creating a winter look based on a fur coat should start with a headdress. If there is a hood in a fur coat, then the question disappears by itself. In all other cases, you will have to worry about the hat. In this matter, every detail is important, starting from the features of the face, the color type and ending with the model of the fur coat.
If the fur coat has a simple style and there are no expressive decorative elements on it, then the hat can stand out and become a key detail in the image.

You should be careful with knitted hats, since such options are extremely rare for a classic black fur coat.
One of the acceptable options for a headdress that can look good with a fur coat is a scarf. If the choice of a hat turns out to be difficult, then you can always choose a fur model.

But with shoes, things are a little easier. In any case, it should be boots, suede or leather, with a heel, wedge heel, at a low speed. As for the color, there are several options here: black or brown boots, you can also consider a gray option.

Spectacular images
And here is the long black fur coat, which was discussed in our article. Agree that she looks great. In such clothes, at least go to the royal reception. Simple cut, deep color, slight flaring of the hem and discreet decoration on the sleeves - this is the secret of the perfect fur coat.

A good example of a youthful style that is based on a black fur coat. See how a classic fur garment can work harmoniously with simple and even everyday items. This girl is clearly out for a walk, or maybe it will be a date or a trip to work? In each of these options, a black short fur coat with a transverse connection of fur stripes will be relevant.