Which is better - fur coats or sheepskin coats?

What to choose - a sheepskin coat or a fur coat? This is the question many women ask themselves. A beautiful fur coat made of natural fur always looks very impressive and expensive. On the other hand, a beautiful sheepskin coat of an original design looks no worse. Any clothing has pros and cons.

Our article will help you to understand them and help you make the right choice.

What is the difference between a fur coat and a sheepskin coat?
To choose between a sheepskin coat and a fur coat, you first need to understand what both types of outerwear are.

A fur coat is a piece of outerwear designed to protect you from the cold. Natural or artificial fur is used for its manufacture.

A sheepskin coat is an outer garment made of tanned sheepskin.

A good, expensive fur coat has always been a sign of status and good wealth. Especially if it is made of expensive, valuable fur of sable, mink, arctic fox, fox, chinchilla. There are also more affordable options from karakul, muton, rabbit, wolf and other animals.

Luxury fur coats can be attributed to a separate category of clothing. They are sewn according to exclusive sketches, exclusively high-quality furs purchased through fur auctions are used for their sewing, as well as expensive accessories and original decorative elements. The cost of such a fur coat can amount to tens of thousands of dollars.

We can say about a sheepskin coat that this is one of the most ancient types of clothing. Around the time when the skin of an animal, wrapped around a human body, saved him from the cold and wind. A sheepskin coat with natural fur is most often more affordable than a fur coat, but no less beautiful, practical and durable.

For sewing sheepskin coats, different furs are used - from inexpensive to very valuable. Sheepskin coats are often made in a combination of several materials, for example, suede or leather, decorated with appliqués, sparkling rhinestones, shiny embroidery, etc.

Some sheepskin coats are treated with a special water-repellent impregnation, which allows them to be worn even in fairly wet weather.

Which is better: a fur coat or a jacket, a coat, a down jacket?
This is a rhetorical question, to which there is probably no definite answer. Down jackets, jackets, fur coats and sheepskin coats have their fans and opponents. Someone is looking for a practical and inexpensive option, someone is chasing luxury and exclusiveness. For both, the answer to this question will be different.

The coat is a very popular type of outerwear for fall, winter and spring. If we compare it with a fur coat and a sheepskin coat, then the coat definitely wins in price. That is, you can buy it, and therefore change your image, much more often.

Cashmere is one of the most popular materials for sewing coats. Noble, thin, soft and warm cashmere perfectly holds its shape and is suitable for creating coats of the most original and elegant styles, decorated with intricate draperies.

A cashmere coat speaks of the good taste of its mistress and gives her a certain aristocracy and sophistication.

Fur coat. Without a doubt, the warmest option of all winter clothing. Especially if it is made of marten, sable or arctic fox fur. Coats made of mink, astrakhan fur, marten, fox also perfectly withstand low temperatures. For regions with sparing climatic conditions, "colder" otter or nutria furs are suitable. The thicker and longer the fur, the warmer the fur coat.

With careful and careful care of a fur coat, it will delight its mistress with warmth and an attractive appearance for very many years.

Sheepskin coat is hardly inferior to a fur coat in terms of heat-saving characteristics. It all depends on the thickness of the fur, the material from which it is sewn, the presence of a hood and other details. As for the appearance, the modern range of sheepskin coats allows you to choose a very stylish and beautiful model that will look no less luxurious than the most expensive fur coat.

A sheepskin coat is somewhat heavier than a fur coat, although it all depends on the fur, the thickness of the product, the presence of additional details and decorative elements and other parameters.

A winter jacket is one of the most comfortable options for everyday life. In it, you can go to work, and to a festive event, and to a picnic outside the city, and take a walk with your child. This applies, above all, to the classic model of the jacket, for example, leather.

Genuine leather has always been highly valued due to its excellent characteristics, durability, practicality, wear resistance and beautiful appearance. A leather jacket with fur trim perfectly withstands very low temperatures, while it is much more affordable than a fur coat or sheepskin coat.

The down jacket is probably the most democratic of the options proposed above. Long or short, straight or fitted, sporty or feminine - a huge number of models and affordable cost allows you to have several different models in your wardrobe at once, suitable for different occasions.

Down jacket - very light clothing, thanks to the filling made of down or feathers of waterfowl. Leather down jackets with fur are very stylish and beautiful clothes, sometimes not inferior in appearance to sheepskin coats or fur coats.

There is simply no unequivocal answer to the question - which outerwear is best. It is good if there are several options for outerwear in the wardrobe. For example, practical options (winter jacket or down jacket) and more elegant things (sheepskin coat or fur coat).

In addition, the choice of suitable clothing depends not only on your own preferences, but also on climatic conditions, for example. For a region with low humidity and low winter temperatures, a natural fur coat is best suited.

However, if most of the time is planned to be spent not in the fresh air, but, for example, driving, then it will be hot in a warm fur coat. It just doesn't make sense. It is better to purchase a thinner and lighter cropped model or opt for a down jacket or jacket.

If the climate is humid enough and the weather is changeable, it is best to purchase a sheepskin coat with a special water-repellent impregnation.

We take into account the factors influencing the choice
In order to determine which outerwear suits you best, you need to compare them with each other according to different characteristics.

- Price. A good fur coat, as a rule, always costs more than a good sheepskin coat. Because it is warmer, more durable and because a higher quality fur is used for a fur coat.
- The weight. If we compare a fur coat and a sheepskin coat of the same length, made of the same fur, then the sheepskin coat will still be heavier. And this is an important factor for winter, when every extra gram is felt much stronger than at other times of the year.
- Life time. And in this regard, a fur coat is superior to a sheepskin coat. Of course, subject to careful and careful care for her.
- Practicality. This criterion depends on various reasons. If the weather is slushy outside, then a sheepskin coat will be more practical, if dry and frosty, then a fur coat.
- Heat saving ability. A good, high-quality sheepskin coat is practically not inferior in this indicator to a fur coat. And yet the fur coat is in the first place here too. This is evidenced by the results of practical experiments, when tests are carried out on a fur coat, down jacket and sheepskin coat. Of these three things, the first place is taken by a fur coat, three times - by a down jacket, and only in third place is a sheepskin coat. The same can be said from the results of experiments on resistance to wind load.
- Care. There is no fundamental difference between caring for a fur coat and a sheepskin coat. Both outerwear requires careful care, and it is best to clean them in dry cleaning.

Quality checking
Before buying a sheepskin coat, you must run your hand over its surface. A good quality sheepskin coat will leave a clear handprint (this is the so-called graph-writing effect).

The top layer of the sheepskin coat should have a uniform color, without spots and streaks. The seams should be double and the corners of the cut-in pockets should be carefully finished. The quality of the coloring of the sheepskin coat can be checked by swiping a snow-white shawl over it. Poorly dyed fur will leave a mark.

It is easy to check the water-repellent properties of a sheepskin coat if you drop a drop of water on its surface. If she does not leave a wet divorce, but curls up into a ball, the quality of the sheepskin coat is good.

The flesh of both a fur coat and a sheepskin coat should be soft, pleasant to the touch, firm and elastic.
Good fur should be thick, smooth and shiny.
It should not fall out when trying to pinch it. It also should not be stuck together.

Fur coats and sheepskin coats from good, trusted manufacturers must have a quality certificate.