Fur coats from the Kirov factory Sobol

When planning to purchase such a luxurious and rather expensive thing as a fur coat, many are thinking about choosing a manufacturer. Russian fur factories have a significant advantage over foreign manufacturers. Firstly, in Russia, fur coats are sewn taking into account the peculiarities of the female figure of Russian women, which cannot be said about other manufacturers. In addition, the prices for domestic goods will always be lower, and the quality will remain high.

Kirov fur coats are famous throughout Russia and have long earned the love and respect of many buyers. It is in this city that a large number of fur factories are concentrated, making products of the highest class.

One of the most successful and popular factories from Kirov is Sobol. Having started its activity in 1991, this fur factory works to create the best fur products and tries to please even the most discerning customer.

For sewing fur coats at the factory, a wide variety of furs are used. All types of fur have appropriate certificates, which guarantees high quality products. These are popular muton and Russian and Scandinavian mink, as well as fox, astragan, llama, nutria, astrakhan and beaver. Thanks to a wide selection, people with different social status and taste will find exactly what they need for themselves.

The size range for the Kirov fur coats of this factory is also quite wide. Among the models you can find products from 40 to 70 sizes. The presence of youth and classic models allows both young girls and older ladies to dress at this manufacturer.

Models of this factory range from short fur jackets to classic lengths to mid-calf.
Among the models of fur coats, you can find both the most popular models of straight cut and original models of fur coats - ponchos or trapeze. Some products have unusual rounded edges and combine several types of fur. There are fur coats with a hood or a stand-up collar, the sleeve can be of a standard length or 3⁄4.

Prices for products of a fur factory are of the middle category and depend on the length of the product, as well as on the fur used. A profitable purchase can be made during the period of various promotions from the manufacturer.

Separately, it is worth noting the desire of the manufacturer to come to a compromise with the buyer. So, for those who want to purchase a Kirov fur coat from another region of the country, free delivery is carried out within 2-15 days. In addition, the buyer has the right to try on a fur coat upon receipt of the goods, and, if everything suits him, pay the courier. For the correct choice of the size, the buyer is offered to fill out a special form with measurements.

For women with individual features of the figure, for whom it is difficult to choose one size or another, the fur factory offers a free service for adjusting the product to the figure.
For those who cannot immediately pay the full cost of the Kirov fur coat, the manufacturer offers payment by installments on favorable terms for the buyer without overpayment.

The Sobol factory is confident in the quality of its products, therefore, it provides a 1-season warranty for its products, as well as post-warranty service of its fur products.

Most of the buyers comment on the products of the fur factory positively. Many people note the responsiveness of the manufacturer and the willingness to sew the product according to the provided individual measurements. Thanks to this, ordered Kirov fur coats fit perfectly on the figure. Others talk about interesting design solutions and methods of finishing fur coats that are used by the designers of the factory. The finished products look very stylish and original.
Negative points in customer reviews mainly relate to courier services and delivery. However, this is not the manufacturer's fault, and therefore does not spoil the overall good impression of the fur factory's services.