Beaver fur coat

Beaver fur coats are beautiful and durable products that are not often found in the store. The fact is that beavers are not bred in captivity, and their fur is very rare. Consider what options for these fur coats exist, and also talk about analogues.

Working with expensive furs, designers themselves prefer simple styles and cut - a straight or fitted beaver fur coat with a length just below the knee is a versatile and very stylish option for all times. It's not bad if the fur coat is equipped with a hood - it will successfully protect the head and hairdo not only from the wind, but also from wet snow, since the beaver's fur is water-repellent.
What is it?
Often, the labels of fur coats say "beaver fur" and you need to know that this material has nothing to do with the beaver at all. Beaver - smooth and dense fur of a royal rabbit or a rex rabbit. This breed appeared in France, the animals had skins with a brownish-red tint and an unusual structure of fur: much shorter and denser than ordinary rabbits. So the breed was named "Castor Rex" - the king of the beavers. The delicate, even and soft pile is popular with manufacturers, and it is also not too expensive, which customers like.

But fur coats made from natural beavers have been valuable since the times of ancient Russia. This fur is considered the warmest, it successfully suits the most severe climate, not afraid of moisture - under wet snow or rain, a beaver fur coat becomes even more beautiful - the fur fluffs up and does not turn into stuck together icicles. Natural beaver fur surpasses mink in its qualities and stands at the top of the fur hierarchy in terms of wear.

Many factories that sew beaver fur coats prefer Canadian fur. The Canadian beaver is a reasonable combination of beauty, wearing comfort, quality and price. Quite rightly, this type of fur is considered the best. As for the price, plucked beaver fur coats are the most expensive. The cost is high due to the exclusive labor-consuming technology of working with fur, during which the product becomes light and durable without losing other characteristics. The fact is that beaver fur is tough, and to give it plasticity, the guard hair is plucked out by hand.

The fur of the marsh beaver, like that of the beaver, is not entirely related to this animal. Marsh beaver is called nutria, which is successfully grown in captivity, because their fur is relatively cheap. But nutria fur coats are also very beautiful, strong and not afraid of moisture. Since there are several breeds and colors of nutria bred in an artificial environment, the variations in shades and types of such coats are numerous.

Very original fur coats - "cross-sections", sewn from beaver fur. This is a type of skin collection where the finished product is textured, striped. Since beaver fur lends itself well to shearing, the pile on such fur coats can be very short, less than half a centimeter.

Since beaver fur is not cheap, and the cost of individual models can reach unimaginable heights, it is better to purchase a classic model of a fur coat made of such material. The properties of beaver fur make it possible to wear a fur coat for fifteen to twenty years, and a model for such a long period should be universal.

Working with expensive furs, designers themselves prefer simple styles and cuts. - a straight or fitted beaver fur coat with a length just below the knee is a versatile and very stylish option for all times. It's not bad if the fur coat is equipped with a hood - it will successfully protect the head and hairdo not only from the wind, but also from wet snow, since the beaver's fur is water-repellent.

Since the beaver's fur is not long, there are many combination models of fur coats. - with a silver fox, arctic fox or fox. The trim with fluffier and longer fur does not harm the "canonicity" of the product, but, on the contrary, makes it more interesting. In addition, due to this effect, it is possible to hide figure flaws - for example, a voluminous collar will balance the “pear” figure.

There are also large beaver models. Such fur coats are sewn according to the general rules - they usually have a "robe" or "trapezoid" cut, a stand-up collar and slightly flared sleeves. Designers advise not to purchase a straight-cut beaver fur coat if you are unhappy with your figure. Non-fluffy fur in itself will not hide flaws, it can only be done by the skillful hands of a designer.

Beaver fur coats are in great demand among men; there is even an opinion that this is generally male fur. Discreet, practical and purely functional, beaver fur is liked by the strong half of humanity. Beaver outerwear for men exudes status - a laconic cut, high-quality unobtrusive accessories, impeccable dressing of fur.

Color solutions
Real beaver fur has a complex color - a cross between ash and brown. It is not very expressive, rather a “dusty” shade, which at the same time has a lot of fans. Often, beaver fur is tinted, lightening or vice versa, darkening the fur. This is how shades of brown are obtained: biscuit, nutty, pearl or coffee.

Beaver fur is rarely dyed, even less often in bright colors.... If we talk about the fur of nutria, then there are a dozen natural shades of fur, from animals bred in captivity. Colors range from crisp white and cream-white to yellow, smoky, silvery blue and graphite black.

As for the color of beaver fur coats, they can be any. Rabbit fur is easily dyed and you can find fur coats not only of the entire classic palette, but also bright, multi-colored: red, pink, purple, blue.

Above, we talked about the Canadian beaver fur, which, of course, is actively used in local factories. Canadian manufacturers sew expensive fur products that are highly valued all over the world.

Russian manufacturers also produce beaver fur coats. Some of them are made of Russian fur, which is handed over to factories by hunters. This is the most valuable option, such furs are minimally processed, whole skins are used for fur coats, often this is the fur of cubs. Fur purchased at auctions is also included in the price. You can buy beaver coats from such giants of the Russian market as Melita or Snow Queen.

Beaver fur coats are sewn by various manufacturers, including China... Whole fur-tours are collected there, many of whose participants are aiming to buy a beaver fur coat. A well-chosen Chinese-made product will be an order of magnitude cheaper than that of other factories, but at the same time it will have decent quality.

Selection Tips
When purchasing a beaver product, it is important to understand exactly how to distinguish natural fur from a fake. There are some methods to help you avoid making a mistake with your purchase:
- Rate the fur by touch
Natural and sheared beaver fur prickles if you run your hand over it. The outer fur is more rigid, it is he who will tingle and rustle. If you push the fur apart and look closely, you will find these tough, thick hairs in the thick of the down. If you have a rabbit in front of you, there will be no such effect - its fur is soft and uniform. However, when you consider a product made of a plucked beaver, there will be no "taunting"; here you need to focus on other signs.

- Fur plate size
For sewing fur coats, one-piece plates are almost always used, which have a size of about 40 by 50 centimeters. (for comparison, a rabbit has about 20 by 30 centimeters). If possible, inspect the product carefully, compare the size of the skins. But do not forget that beaver skins are sometimes cut, if the style requires it or in front of you a "cross-section" fur coat.

- Look inside out
Fur coats have two types of lining - closed or detachable. The first option is easier - you can move it aside and examine the fur inside. If you are ready to buy an expensive product, but it has a closed lining, try to negotiate with the seller and slightly rip it up. Why is this needed? To evaluate the leather surface of a hide. If it is a beaver, then they will be dense, strong and thick, in a rabbit - thin as a rag.

- Pay attention to the shade
A small range of colors is a sign that you have beaver fur coats in front of you. The color of the natural skin is fandum or ash brown, which has transitions from a dark tone to a light one. Beavers are dyed black; by lightening, they achieve red, cream or golden. It seems to you that none of the listed shades is similar to the one in front of you - this is a reason to think.

- Navigate by price
Beaver fur cannot be cheap, its minimum cost starts from 100,000 rubles. A suspiciously low price suggests that this is a fur coat made from the fur of another animal, even if the seller explains this with a sale of last year's collection or discounts.

- Ask for a certificate for fur
After all, the buyer doesn't have to understand fur. In order not to buy a fake, you should ask the seller for a quality certificate... It should contain the following words: "beaver", "bieber" or "castor" in Greek, "biaver" in English. If you see "rebbit", "rex rebbit" or "orilag" it is rabbit or beaver fur.

It's good if the seller can show you the catalogs of manufacturing factories, which have photographs of the model that interests you. Particularly distrustful ones may even ask for the manufacturer's contacts and find out if they cooperate with the point of sale.
Among the reviews about beaver fur coats, you can find a lot of useful ones, which are shared by the owners and owners of such fur coats. Most often, it is advised to purchase Canadian beaver fur coats by choosing a worthy manufacturer in Russia.... “Let this fur coat cost a pretty penny, but it won't be demolished. Light, warm, thing for life, practically ”- write on the forums.

But reviews full of disappointment are not uncommon. Inexperienced buyers purchase rabbit fur coats, which are mistaken for a shorn beaver.“I bought a fur coat cheap, but I was sure that it was a beaver. After the first snow, everything fell off, became wet and heavy, the fur began to climb. And all because I bought it spontaneously, on the go, without having read how to distinguish a fake from a real fur. "

There are also lucky women on the forums who were lucky to purchase fur from hunters. With skins, they came to the atelier and received an exclusive model for little money. Many go on tours to Greece or the UAE for fur coats, working with operators who offer shopping at trusted, reliable factories. Products bought for substantial money and having quality certificates have been delighting the owners for the tenth season.

- You need to choose wisely. Today I walked around ten points, seemingly a fur coat - a beaver, but if you look closely - a rabbit. You need to select stores based on reviews, not pay attention to very low prices. You can't buy a beaver profitable anyway ...
- It is difficult to buy a beaver, but I was lucky. I have been wearing a trimmed fur coat for five years now, I haven’t even taken it to clean - it looks like new. The fur is not worn out, not stained, and also withstands public transport. It is not hot if you enter the room for a short time. Easy, beautiful!
- In a good fur salon, they will allow you to rip the lining, if you are sure of your quality! Yesterday I did just that, I bought a fur coat from a sheared beaver with a lynx, the price is 210,000 rubles. But there are also cheaper models - a beaver up to the knee can be taken for 100,000 rubles.
- If you take a beaver, then only the classic style. Wear such a fur coat for at least ten seasons, the fashion will change more than once. I have a dark brown, natural, not cropped. I've been in it for 11 years, I can't get enough of it. Now, it seems to me, you cannot find such people. During this time, I wore it twice to the dry-cleaner, and before that it was like new, and after cleaning it became luxurious, like from a boutique!

What to wear with?
The classic beaver fur coat is a versatile outerwear. It can be combined with any footwear, with all elements of a daily wardrobe. Elongated models of beaver fur coats are best worn with shoes with heels so as not to stain the hem, shortened and “midi” options can also be worn with flat-soled shoes - boots and boots, with high fur boots or felt boots. A fur coat in dark colors will look good with dark shoes and accessories. Leather gloves and a bag in brown, black or gray will do just fine.

Under a beaver fur coat, you can wear a business suit with a skirt or trousers, or create a casual look with jeans and a sweater. The only thing that a beaver coat “won't understand” is a sporty style. Insulated sneakers and ski pants are best combined with other outerwear. When choosing a hat for a beaver fur coat, you need to remember that natural materials are combined with fur - a knitted hat or snood, a fur beret, a felt hat or a beautiful silk or cashmere shawl.

A luxurious model that can be safely called sexy as far as it is applicable to outerwear. An interesting combined finish turns the fur coat into an object of admiration - here sheared and natural fur are combined in a transverse cut.

A wonderful example of a fur coat for magnificent young ladies. A sheared beaver fur coat-poncho has a trapezoid silhouette that does not hinder movement. The model has a spectacular semi-collar and batwing sleeves. Very feminine and soft image "

A deep black and blue fur coat, both business and elegant. A stand-up collar, loose sleeves and a straight cut give the product an association with an expensive caftan, which was worn in Russia by noble young ladies. A fur coat that will not leave indifferent more than one lady.