Rabbit fur coat

Varieties of rabbit fur
Rabbit fur has been at the top of popularity for a long time due to its low cost. However, the opinion about rabbit fur coats as extremely unprestigious and unpresentable should be left in the past. The only and most significant drawback of rabbit fur is its much faster wear out in comparison with other types of fur, otherwise it is quite light, warm and varied in color.

Rabbit fur is considered better than that of a female. But just looking at the skin of a rabbit, it is not always possible to determine the gender. The best fur coats are made from the winter fur of animals, because just in this frosty season it is the warmest, densest and fluffiest. Rabbit fur is not expensive, so it is almost never counterfeited. On the contrary, just rabbit fur traders who are not clean on hand can pass off chinchillas or even minks as more valuable fur.

Rabbit "Rex" is the absolute "king" among the breeds of rabbits bred for the production of fur coats. The fur of these animals was obtained by crossing a common species of rabbits with a large German rabbit. The fur coat of these small "plush" animals is thick, fluffy and silky, the guide, guard and downy hairs have almost the same length, it does not exceed one and a half to two centimeters.
Rex rabbit skins are not inferior in their visual and practical qualities to rather valuable fur breeds, such as the South American chinchilla or the Siberian teleut squirrel. Fur coats made from such a "chinchilla" rabbit are worn for a long time, look luxurious and even have water-repellent properties.

The orilag rabbit belongs to the hare family, a subspecies of chinchilla, it is bred only on special French fur farms.The orilag fur is extremely warm, durable and very attractive. Its skin is light, soft, but at the same time quite dense. The most expensive and rare gray-white orilag color, the usual color of this rabbit is reddish-brown. Outwardly, a fur coat from this breed of rabbits is similar to that of a beaver, but in quality it resembles products from a chinchilla.

The white rabbit has the warmest and thickest fur of its fellow tribesmen due to the more dense structure of the white fur underfur. In addition, snow-white fur coats have since ancient times been associated with special sophistication and aristocracy.

The Angora rabbit is bred to produce soft and delicate Angora wool. Rabbit fur is sheared, combed and plucked. There are several breeds of the Angora rabbit, the most famous being English, French, German, Atlas and Giant. Fur coats from this type of rabbit are incredibly soft and fluffy.

A rabbit fur coat is sewn from fur strips arranged horizontally. Fashion designers can enhance the split effect by trimming them. Such a product made of snow-white rabbit fur looks especially attractive.

Sheared fur coats are a current trend in recent years. Soft, uniformly short pile, which feels like plush or velvet, does not weigh down the item and has a luxurious shine. Sheared rabbit fur coats perfectly tolerate all types of staining and do not fade during wear, they can be worn even longer than usual.

Fur coats made of knitted rabbit fur are made of special fur "yarn". From the previously plucked rabbit skins, thin yarn is cut out in a spiral, then a special elastic base is braided over it. Knitted fur products are durable, practical, flexible and, of course, unique.

Rabbit fur coat models
You can sew cute fur coats for girls, vests, jackets, jackets, short fur coats and long fur coats for adults, as well as hats from a rabbit. A rabbit fur coat is not for respectable people. Rather, such products will be appreciated by young people and slightly extravagant personalities. The main advantages of rabbit fur coats are that they are light, soft, of various styles and colors, and, moreover, they are not expensive. Due to the wide availability, such fur coats can be changed almost every season, until they have time to peel off or get bored.

Rex rabbit fur coats look great in a classic straight or trapezoidal cut, they are not plump and with their extraordinary softness emphasize the femininity of their owners. A leather strap or a belt made of the same fur as the fur coat itself will help to outline a slender silhouette. Models of a fur coat made of a sheared rabbit in light shades envelop the figure in pleasant velvet, such fur looks especially good in fitted and widening styles from the waist line.

Quite elegant are rabbit fur coats of a straight silhouette with a stand-up collar. A rabbit fur coat with a hood is very practical, it is not necessary to look for a suitable headdress for such a product, it is enough to put on a hood - and your head will be warm. The existing collar can replace a scarf, the turn-down collar can be raised up, protecting from the piercing wind. Moreover, the collar can be sewn from another, more expensive and fluffy fur, for example, a silver fox. A rich fur trim can also go down the bottom of the product.

Stylish lightweight rabbit fur coats without a collar and with three-quarter sleeves are an exquisite choice, such an outfit is suitable for both working days and ceremonial exits. For going to the theater or exhibitions, a cape, swinger or rabbit coat is useful, they are sewn from both whole skins and pieces. Elongated vests made of rabbit fur, especially snow-white, are loved by young girls.

The transverse alternation of light and dark fur stripes will appeal to modern women of fashion.The rabbit goes well with leather or suede trim, leather parts can be located in the waist area, on the sides or on the sleeves. Knitted parts can replace the hood, collar, sleeve completely or its lower part, cuffs, elastic bands at the bottom of the product, pockets or belts.

Rabbit fur coats on a knitted basis are very light, they are not suitable for frost, rather they are designed for the demi-season or European winter. The main advantages are the ability to gracefully drape and a good fit. A knitted fur coat looks almost like an expensive fur coat. Knitted coats with rabbit fur inserts are quite popular. Such models are not very expensive, but they look quite dignified and prestigious.

Modern men love fur things, but mostly mink, beaver and wolf. A men's rabbit fur coat is a dubious purchase, although a stylish jacket made of sheared fur can adorn a young man of slender appearance.

Rabbit fur coats of large sizes, from 52 and above, are very popular, they are lightweight and thus do not make their owners sweat, and are also able not to visually give them extra pounds, unlike the same fluffy fox. Due to the softness and plasticity of rabbit fur, products made from it slim, hide existing figure flaws and draw out even the most hopeless silhouette in terms of perfection.

Animal advocates will surely like rabbit-like faux fur coats. Such eco-fur coats are similar to natural ones, especially from afar. They have a variety of styles and colors, but, according to the reviews, they don't warm too well.

Color solutions
Coffee, smoky and ash are the most common colors of rabbit fur coats. Products made from rex rabbit fur are most often black and blue, and from ogilag - red-brown (under the beaver) and white-gray (under the chinchilla). White or cream rabbit fur coats are very popular, often such products compete even with a luxurious mink. A white fur coat can be a great addition to the bride's look if the wedding is planned for the cooler season.
Black rabbit coats are not uncommon, but these are usually dyed items. A pure black rabbit is a rather rare animal.

Color combinations - white with brown, black with gray, gray with white, and so on are quite appropriate in such an outerwear item as a rabbit fur coat. The alternation of horizontal or vertical stripes, square pieces, top and bottom of different colors - all this is offered to us by modern designers who are very fond of creating from rabbit fur.

Rabbit fur is easy to dye, and the natural shine after this procedure will not be lost. Deep and romantic Marsala color is deep and neutral, it looks luxurious even in rabbit products. A muted burgundy fur coat with a brown undertone will give confidence to its owner and convince others of her irresistibility.

Shocking bright rabbit coats are especially appreciated by young girls. Elegant pink, blue, blue and green products can improve mood and color gray everyday life in rich and rich colors. Printed rabbit coats are popular, especially those stylized as lynx fur. However, when purchasing a dyed rabbit, it must be remembered that the wear resistance of this fur decreases by 10-15%.

A floor-length fur coat is an acceptable style for more durable and wear-resistant furs, which, alas, does not apply to rabbit furs. Places that often come into contact with surfaces wear out quickly, so that this does not happen with the hem of a rabbit fur coat, we recommend purchasing a product of medium length. A knee-length fur coat is quite practical, it will not get dirty from below, and will warm you well. Shortened models of fur coats, up to the waist or mid-thigh - jackets, jackets, sheepskin coats and butterfly fur coats are suitable as youth options or "autolady".

Rabbit fur coats are sewn all over the world - the most popular are products from France, Italy and Greece, but China has become the leader among suppliers in recent years. Chinese fur coats are not of consistent quality. If manufactured products can still compete with well-known world and Russian manufacturers, then the bulk of the so-called consumer goods, sometimes made from low-quality or old raw materials, does not stand up to criticism.

Moreover, Chinese things can be dangerous: for the manufacture and processing of fur skins, many chemicals are used, improperly selected or applied in an unacceptable concentration, they can cause irreparable harm to health.

A natural fur coat is a traditional piece of outerwear for the inhabitants of Russia, many well-known and well-known manufacturers are engaged in sewing fur coats from high-quality raw materials, some of them trace their history back to Soviet times. Many fur factories are located in the Stavropol Territory, in Pyatigorsk, these are Elena Furs, Melich, Raphael, Zarya, Elena, Diana, Favorite, Violetta, Michelle, Slava, Edita, Zolotaya Antelope, Rockar and others.

In Moscow, fur coats made from natural fur, including rabbit fur, are sewn by fur factories Kalyaev, Alef, Svetlana, Marina Furs, Bari, Russian fur, Golden Fleece. One of the oldest fur factories in St. Petersburg is Rot-Front. Also in the northern capital is the Krasnoselskaya fur factory, which manufactures its products under the Saga Furs brand, Miroslava fur, and the Zima fur house.

In other cities of our vast homeland, many other companies are engaged in fur production: MegaFurs, Dionisia, Sibiryachka, Kerek, Sable, Golden Aries, Phoenix. You can also look at a rabbit product in one of the largest fur stores in Russia - the Snow Queen.
How to care?
Protect your rabbit coat from high temperatures and bright sunlight. Store it in a cool place, away from heating appliances.
It is best to put the fur coat in a fabric cover made of natural fabric. Vacuum bags and plastic bags are not suitable, there the fur will simply "suffocate" and lose its presentable appearance.
You can put a special insect repellent (tablets, plates, sachets), dried orange peels, lavender sprigs or geranium leaves in the cover. If the air in the room where the fur coat is stored is too dry, it is necessary to put a small container with water in the cabinet.

In good dry, but cloudy weather, a rabbit fur coat can be ventilated on the balcony or in a room with open windows, 3-4 hours a day in the fresh air or in a draft is quite enough.

If necessary, if the rabbit fur coat gets wet, it should be dried on a coat hanger at room temperature, shaken well and gently combed with a soft brush in the direction of the villi growth. Experts advise moistening the brush with a mild vinegar or glycerin solution to maintain its original shine. In no case should you dry a product made of natural fur with a hairdryer or iron it with an iron, unless, of course, you are going to turn your fur coat into a sheepskin coat.

Rabbit fur is very afraid of contact with various surfaces; rubbing easily appears on it. The most problematic areas are sleeves, hem, pockets. They will have to be protected - without unnecessary need not to stick your hands, especially greasy ones (for example, smeared with cream), into your pockets; it is better to carry a handbag in your hands, and not on your shoulder; if you have to sit in the car for a long time in a fur coat below the thigh, it is better to take it off and hang it on the seat; when entering and exiting public transport, raise the hem, and so on.

When leaving the house, try not to splash your rabbit fur coat with hairspray, perfume or alcohol-based eau de toilette, as this can render the fur unusable.In addition, things made from natural fur easily absorb any odors, accumulate and transform them over time - and it is not a fact that a successful mix will turn out.

The advice to "walk" the rabbit fur coat as often as possible is quite reasonable from the point of view of maintaining the shine of the fur and the elasticity of the flesh. It is better to remove stains and save a light coat from yellowing with professional means, for this you will have to contact a dry cleaner. Ideally, a rabbit coat should be taken there every spring, especially if it is white.

If you are in doubt whether the time has come for a general cleaning, you can conduct the following test: blow on not perfect-looking places, if the pile swells well and quickly returns to its place - the fur is clean, otherwise it is time to take the fur coat to dry cleaning.

The prices for rabbit fur coats are low, so they are affordable for almost everyone. But, depending on the manufacturer, the type of rabbit fur, the use of other furs and materials in the decoration, the quality of manufacture and the modernity of the model, the price can range from five thousand to half a million.

Of course, given the rather low wear resistance of rabbit fur, it is not entirely reasonable to pay too much money for it. Most often, buyers complain that a rabbit fur coat will quickly peel off, especially on the sleeves, along the hem and at the fasteners.

But there are also quite happy owners of rabbit fur coats who wear them for several seasons without complaining. Here, most likely, the quality of rabbit dressing plays a role. Professionals insist that properly dressed fur should not creep, it can only slightly crumble at the beginning of the socks, since it was cut during cutting. A properly dressed rabbit can be worn for up to five years.

White rabbit fur should not turn yellow with a competently executed dressing with optical processing, only fur coats made in a handicraft way, namely with acid, turn yellow. As for color, buyers are advised to take black rabbit coats, as they are the least visible various scuffs and bald spots that appear over time.

Consumers advise against purchasing rabbit fur coats for wearing in too frosty weather, below 25 degrees, or for very humid climates. In extreme cold, rabbit fur does not warm too well, if the product does not provide additional insulation made of padding polyester, and when wet in high humidity conditions, this fur looks pathetic.

Parents are happy to purchase rabbit fur coats for their children, as they are light, warm enough, comfortable for active children, quite affordable and can be changed every season as the child grows.

What to wear with?
With a long rabbit fur coat, you can wear anything you want - skirts, dresses, trousers. Only shoes with an elongated cut should be selected with high heels for fear of staining the hem. You can highlight your sophisticated look with belts and matching warm accessories such as a scarf, stole and gloves to match the color of your shoes. An exquisite neat knitted hat, beret or felt hat is suitable as a headdress.

Medium-length fur coats, cropped coats and fur jackets look good with trousers with arrows tapered to the bottom, skinny jeans, mid-knee skirts and shoes with flat soles, wedges or heels. Sneakers or any other athletic footwear is not recommended.
A sweater with a neckline and a hat with a fur pom-pom will help to complement the youthful look. It is better to buy a bag with short handles, so that there is no temptation to wear it on the shoulder, rubbing off the thin fur.

A neat straight-cut jacket made of azure orilag will not leave indifferent any woman of the fair sex - narrow transverse fur stripes, a stand-up collar, sleeves cut to the elbow and incredibly soft velvet fur will create a truly luxurious and incredibly attractive image.

This light rabbit collarless jacket is sewn of whole pieces of ginger fur.Such a fur coat of minimalistic design not only looks elegant, but also does not restrict movement while driving.

A trapezoidal fur coat made of Rex rabbit under a chinchilla can be worn with or without a belt. The soft color transition of the stripes from light gray to black gives the product a special sophistication.

A black fur coat made from whole pieces of rabbit skins looks incredibly light and warm. Sheared fur resembles a plush, you just want to stroke it. The comfortable hood is trimmed with fox fur, and a wide leather belt wraps around the waist.