Nutria fur coat

Nutria belongs to aquatic animals, it lives near water bodies and spends a lot of time in the water. This makes her fur resistant to moisture. Therefore, if you get caught in rain or snow in a fur coat, then nothing will happen to it.

A nutria fur coat will look just as great as before. The nutria fur is thick, very warm, but light and durable. Sheared nutria is very similar to mink in appearance and organoleptic characteristics, only the cost of nutria is several times less. Such characteristics make the fur of this animal a leader.

It is difficult to talk about the period of wearing a nutria fur coat. In some cases, such a fur coat can withstand even more than 10 seasons, but it also happens that after 5 years you have to go for a new model. This state of affairs is due to the processing of fur, proper care of the fur coat and the regularity of its use.

Fashionable styles and models
Nutria fur is suitable for sewing any fur coat that a designer can create. The range of models is huge. Some time ago, fur strips were located and sewn in a longitudinal version, but with the advent of cross-section fur coats, similar models from nutria began to appear. The fur looks chic, rich and unusual.

In modern collections, there are long overcoat models, elegant coats, seductive sheepskin coats, fashionable capes with various sleeve designs.

Models with drapery are more often performed in classic versions or have a slight flare.

The use of a belt made of a material that is different in structure from the main product is a winning solution, which is often used by designers when creating modern models of outerwear from nutria. For the belt, leather, suede, textiles can be selected.

Nutria goes well with other furs and materials that are different in structure. Therefore, designers are experimenting with might and main, creating coats from nutria, which are complemented by a polar fox, silver fox and raccoon. Maintaining a solid color or choosing different colors for each of the furs used looks equally good. The combination of fur and leather requires a special conversation. This is a kind of classic that is appropriate in any case. Agree that a leather strap and shoes have not interfered with a single fur coat.

Long nutria fur coats are often decorated with draperies. Such elements do not add weight to the product, but they make the models more luxurious and expressive. Floor-length fur coats look harmoniously on respectable aged ladies.

Fur coats that reach the knee are most often created from nutria, since it is these models that beat all records in popularity. After all, it is precisely such clothes that are convenient to use for everyday wear, use public transport with comfort and not freeze in especially frosty times.

Shorter models are preferred by younger ladies and women who drive. Cropped nutria coats look especially seductive with ¾ sleeves.

There are no special age limits in choosing the length of a nutria fur coat, so you can be guided by your personal preferences, the rhythm of life and the purpose for which such outerwear is chosen.

Large size for full
Who said that overweight women should not wear a fur coat, especially from such a chic fur as nutria. Not every fur can be chosen by overweight women, but this in no way applies to nutria.

The smooth fur of nutria does not create excess volume, flows beautifully along the silhouette and envelops the body. It is better to choose a dark coat color, medium length or autolady model. The most common and successful silhouette when creating large fur coats is the A-style, which looks most advantageous with the midi length.

But it is undesirable to choose fur coats with a hood for full ladies, since such a practical element will make the figure heavier and make it cumbersome.

Fur types
Initially, nutria were bred in Argentina, therefore this country is considered the historical homeland of such animals. And although many countries have adopted this practice, Argentine fur coats can be found in Russian stores.

On the territory of Russia, there are several industries that are engaged in the cultivation of nutria to obtain high-quality fur. Its level is no worse than the Argentinean or any other. Scientists have managed to breed nutria, the fur of which initially has a beautiful shade, so there is no need to dye such skins.

Nutria fur is necessarily processed. It can be different, which means that the fur can take on different characteristics, radically different from each other. The fur of this animal can be sheared or plucked, dyed or processed with a laser.

Plucked nutria is obtained by removing the guard hair. With this processing, the nutria becomes like a mink, and all the benefits are retained in full, at the original level. Not even all professionals can tell the difference between a plucked nutria and a mink.

But the sheared nutria is more like the fur of a beaver, while its qualities are striking in their completeness and level. If you run your hand over the sheared fur, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. Such a fur coat will not allow moisture to pass through and deteriorate from its effects. The sheared nutria surpasses the fur of mink and muskrat in its thermal qualities.The remaining guard hair, which is the source of the tingling sensation, acts as a kind of skeleton and protection for the undercoat.

In nature, the fur of the nutria is gray-brown in color, which is slightly lighter than the fur of the beaver. But in the assortment of fur coats there are a variety of colors: black, white, blue, red, gray, fawn, all kinds of shades of brown.

In the coming season, the golden shade of nutria is at risk of becoming the most popular along with light colors. No one can abolish the classics, so white and black colors are still relevant.

How to choose and take care of?
The nutria fur has some features that are not typical of other furs. Since the animal spends most of its life in sight, its skin is greasy and smells like musk. To eliminate these issues, manufacturers must use good technology for dressing fur.

In case of violation of technology or insufficiently good processing, the remaining fat will begin to oxidize, as evidenced by a characteristic unpleasant odor. Therefore, when choosing a fur coat, you need to smell it and study the skin well for the presence of fat. If an unpleasant smell began to emanate from the fur coat some time after the purchase, then it must be returned to the seller if possible. When choosing a nutria fur coat, be sure to pay attention to the label. It should say “nutria” or “castorino”.

In addition, in the process of choosing a fur coat, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- the appearance of the fur, its uniformity, healthy shine, lack of fragility and hair loss;
- uniform texture;
- the quality of staining is easily checked with a damp scarf, on which not the slightest traces of paint should remain when it is carried over the fur;
- the skins must be sewn together, and not glued;
- the lining should be given special attention, having studied not only the strength of the material, but also the absence of the bottom seam.

Any fur requires careful handling, following storage rules and careful handling. Only in this case can one hope for a long service life of the fur. After walking in the rain or snow, the fur coat should dry well. To do this, you need to hang it on wide hangers and wait until the fur is completely dry. If more serious dirt is found, for example, adhering dirt, you will need to use a soft brush to remove it with light movements.

After each season, the fur coat should go to the dry cleaner you trust. For the summer period, the fur coat will need to be packaged in a natural cover and removed from the sun.

What is the price?
This fur is not expensive, but it cannot be called the cheapest either. A nutria fur coat will definitely cost less than a mink coat, but more expensive than a rabbit fur. The price can start from 20 thousand rubles and go up to 40 thousand rubles. It all depends on the length of the fur coat, style, type of fur processing and its variety.

Finding a negative or negative review about a nutria fur coat that has been correctly selected, carefully worn and properly stored is not an easy task. Basically, all the owners of such fur clothes are satisfied with all the characteristics and also choose nutria as their next fur coat. Studying the reviews will once again make sure that nutria really warms up perfectly, wears it for a long time, does not deteriorate from moisture and is a real decoration for a woman.

What to wear with?
A fur coat does not tolerate the wrong neighbors next to it, therefore, since you have become the owner of a fur coat, especially from such fur as nutria, it is advisable to know about the rules for combining it with other clothes. The image formation process is mainly based on the length of the fur coat. For various options, you can pick up trousers, a skirt, and even jeans, but all these things cannot be combined with one fur coat.

If the future image should be of a youthful character, be a little windy and stylish, then at the base should be a short nutria fur coat, which will be complemented by a blouse and jeans (dark, without holes, excessive scuffs, fitted style and without excessive decor). If you want to create a more extravagant image, then the same short coat can be taken as a basis, but leather trousers of a fitted style, leather boots / boots will be matched to it. In this case, it is advisable to supplement the fur coat with a leather strap. Owners of short autolady fur coats can take note of such options for creating images.

Under a fur coat from nutria to the floor, which, among other things, is complemented by a hood, you must wear trousers, dresses or skirts. Any of these elements should not be visible under the hem.

If your fur coat ends at the knee level, then you can safely choose mini skirts, tight pants / jeans, complementing any of these images with a blouse.

You definitely need to forget about sports shoes / clothes. Although examples of such a combination can be found on the Internet and some of them look decent, you should not experiment, moreover, for such more sporty looks, there is a large selection of jackets and down jackets. Let the fur coat remain for elegant looks.

The bag should be chosen with the utmost care. First, it must match the color and material of the shoe. Secondly, the bag must be designed to be carried in the hand. Not on the shoulder or bent arm so that the fur is not wiped off. Also, gloves should be in the same tandem with shoes. If the shoes are made of leather, then the gloves should also be made of leather.

The selection of hats is not as wide as we would like it to be. We confidently sweep aside knitted patterns, simple, shapeless and sporty hats that should be worn with completely different clothes. An ideal option is a fur coat with a hood. But if your model does not have such a bonus, then you can safely choose a fur hat of a different shade.

Stylish looks
It seems to be a regular model with a standard length, straight, with a hood, long sleeves, but there is something here that has a mesmerizing and catchy look.
Firstly, the nutria's fur was so successfully processed that it even became unlike itself. Neither at first glance, nor after probing it will be possible to say unequivocally that this fur coat is made of nutria, and not from some other, more expensive and rare fur.
Secondly, the color. Brown shades, which are only slightly different from each other, are arranged in vertical stripes without clear transitions. All this beauty is set off by a leather belt, which in this case was not chosen in the most successful way. It looks like a shiny spot on a laconic fur coat and doesn't match suede shoes at all.

And here is one of the images that can be created on the basis of a light cross from nutria. This image is more urban in nature and can be considered as everyday. Everything is fine here, except for the scarf. This element will obviously be superfluous here, all the more why cover up such a chic stand-up collar on a fur coat? But a hat would not hurt. It should be uniquely furry, simple and preferably beige, which will differ from the fur coat.