Sheared rabbit fur coat

Rabbit fur initially proved to be not the best, negating all its advantages with short durability and quick wiping. Now this fur is specially processed, which gives it strength and durability. Therefore, rabbit fur coats are becoming popular again.

Features and models
The time has passed when only cute souvenirs and children's fur coats were created from rabbit fur. Modern fur, through the passage of special processing, as well as the use of new dressing technologies, acquires new features:
- The aesthetic characteristics of a properly processed rabbit are not much inferior to expensive and even elite furs, which captivates many fashionistas with a limited budget and pushes negligent sellers to give out the place of a sheared rabbit mink.
- Rabbit fur perfectly warms, does not let the wind and frost, even though it weighs a little and has a soft structure. In terms of its ability to keep warm, a rabbit can be compared with an expensive mink and voluminous sheepskin.

But for special occasions, you can purchase a white fur coat, which looks like a king, although it costs ridiculous money. Since we have touched on the classics, it is worth mentioning black fur coats from a sheared rabbit. Such models are non-marking, are directly related to the classics, are suitable for a large number of women and are the basic option for creating a large number of images.
But for special occasions, you can purchase a white shuboo, which looks like a king, although it costs ridiculous money. Since we have touched on the classics, it is worth mentioning black fur coats from a sheared rabbit. Such models are non-marking, are directly related to the classics, are suitable for a large number of women and are the basic option for creating a large number of images.
- The quality of the same fur can vary significantly, therefore, this issue requires serious attention when choosing a fur coat. The preference should be given to the sheared rabbit, which has increased operational abilities and excellent practicality.
- A rabbit can look completely different.: in one model it looks more like velvet, and in the other it looks like silk.
- The fur of this animal in natural colors looks greatbut staining doesn't spoil it in any way.

- Rabbit fur is not prone to rolling, perfectly tolerates the effects of moisture, does not lose its gloss and smoothness.
- Such changes and the emergence of new features did not significantly affect the cost level, therefore choosing a rabbit fur coat allows you to buy a new model every few seasons.
- Rabbit fur is divided into several subspecies, of which the sheared Rex rabbit, often called "beaver", stands out. TThis material captivates fashionistas with a special silky structure, which is very similar to expensive velvet... The noble luster of the material is combined with its density and high ability to preserve its owner even in the fierce Russian winters.

A huge number of models are created from a rabbit, from which it can be very difficult to choose a single one. But you should not despair, because the cost of such fur coats is so affordable that you can buy a new fur product at least every year.
- Now they have learned how to cut fur so skillfully that fur coats can be radically different in texture. ANDFrom a rabbit, as well as from any other fur, such a fashionable cross is created now.
- The youth fashion for fur coats has replenished this season with models with torn patterns that look magical on rabbit fur. Worthy competition for them are short fur coats that are suitable for everyday use.using public transport and driving a car.
- The warmest options are rabbit fur coats to the floor, which, in addition, are complemented by a hood. Due to the peculiarities of the fur, the hood will not be too bulky and will allow you to go through the whole winter without a headdress.

Color solutions
Choosing a fur coat from a sheared rabbit of one shade or another, you can hide figure flaws. Models in which several shades of fur are combined are very relevant. For obese women, designers offer models in which the front is made from light rabbit, and dark skins are located on the side parts. Such fur coats definitely add harmony.

The relevance of natural shades does not fade despite the whims of fashion. Rabbit fur looks gorgeous in light shades, a creamy palette and a combination of pearl color with a gray tone. For young fashionistas, designers offer bright fur coats of the most unusual shades... Since a rabbit fur coat is designed for a maximum of three seasons, you can afford to follow fashion trends and choose the current model of this season.

But for special occasions, you can purchase a white fur coat, which looks like a king, although it costs ridiculous money. Since we touched on the classics, then it is worth mentioning about black fur coats from a sheared rabbit. Such models are non-marking, are directly related to the classics, are suitable for a large number of women and are the basic option for creating a large number of images.

Selection Tips
The rules for choosing a rabbit fur coat are not much different from the basics of choosing a product from another fur. It will not be superfluous to remember them again, so to speak, to consolidate such important information.
- We move with the palm of our hand against the pile to examine the fur for density, uniformity, the ability to restore its shape, and at the same time look at the color of the skin, which should be light when the fur is not dyed.
- The inner part of the fur, which is hidden under the lining. If the manufacturer did not leave an unstitched area on the lining, then the store should meet you halfway and rip off a small part. The flesh should be soft to the touch, not break when bending, be white, and by no means yellow, which speaks of old fur and limited service life.
- To create the seams, strong high-quality threads must be selected, there can be no talk of gluing the skins, such a fur coat is not suitable for purchase. Each seam must be of high quality, even and in place. Otherwise, over time, the fur coat may warp, which will be extremely difficult to fix.
- We study the label that should be on each fur product. On a rabbit fur coat, one of the following inscriptions must be present on the label: orilag, rabbit or rex rabbit. If you are in doubt, you can request a certificate. Well, if you are also provided with a catalog from the manufacturer, in which your chosen fur coat will be present, then this will be the highest degree of verification.

Reviews about a sheared rabbit fur coat are very controversial. The owners of such clothes were divided into two camps: some of them really like such products and some are ready to buy a fur coat from such fur again, while other women of fashion were extremely unhappy with their purchase. This situation can be explained by the wrong choice, ignoring the rules described above and improper storage of the fur product. Another reason for such negative reviews may lie in poor processing of the fur, which has not acquired the desired durability.

And here is the white short rabbit fur coat, about which we spoke so warmly earlier. To create a cute, girlish look, in which there will be nothing provocative, just beautiful, gentle, attractive, restrained and a little playful. And who dares to say that this rabbit looks worse than a mink, which for many is an unaffordable luxury? In the upper part of the fur coat, a curly haircut is embodied, which in this model serves as an unobtrusive accent.

A gray rabbit fur coat with a length below the thigh is more suitable for a serious woman who is used to trying on working looks. On the one hand, this model looks austere, but the design shows elements of the Chanel style, and this makes the fur coat automatically elegant and simply chic.