Marmot fur coat

Features and Benefits
A marmot fur coat is the best option for all those who value comfort, practicality, lightness, aesthetic appeal and affordability. Outwardly, marmot fur coats are similar to furs made of refined mink, they are shiny, smooth, noble and refined. Only an experienced expert can truly recognize that a fur coat is sold not from a mink, but from a marmot.

True, in addition to external signs, a marmot coat is distinguished from a mink coat by lower wear resistance and thermal insulation qualities. It is recommended to wear an uninsulated marmot fur coat at a temperature not lower than -10 ° C, then it will be quite cool after that. It's not for nothing that the animal itself sleeps in winter! But if your region has mild "European" winters, or you plan to wear a fur coat only in late autumn or early spring, and also do not intend to purchase a fur product for at least ten years, you can safely make your choice in favor of marmot fur.

Classic fur coats will never go out of style, these are straight and trapezoidal marmot fur coats. Fitted models are also popular. Fashion designers love to work with ductile fur, of which the marmot is a prominent representative; they offer fur coats with "torn" hemlines, trimmed with all kinds of draperies and frills. Collars are sewn both turn-down and stand-up. Hoods are often trimmed with long-haired fur - fox, silver fox or raccoon.

Fur jackets are loved by active young girls and car owners - such products do not restrict movement and do not wipe off in places that are often in contact with various surfaces. Groundhog coats are often made with three-quarter sleeves. Marmot fur jackets can be equipped with hoods and belts, both fur and leather.

Leather, suede and knitwear are the main materials for finishing marmot fur coats.Inserts of them are present in the waist area, on the sides of the products, they replace sleeves, hoods and collars. The combination of black shiny leather and a sheared dyed marmot is especially impressive.
Marmot fur coats - the current trend of recent seasons, in them the skins for sewing are laid not in the traditional way vertically, but horizontally, thereby creating a modern and stylish image. Basically, this is how sheared marmot fur coats are sewn. To increase the thermal insulation properties of marmot products, they are sometimes insulated with the help of modern materials that almost do not weigh down finished fur coats.

Marmot fur coats are produced in different lengths. Long fur coats below the ankle are chic, but not too practical. Those who are afraid to get their new fur coat dirty and worn out choose products of medium length - up to about the knee. Such a fur coat will warm you and will not suffer from slush.

Young girls are especially fond of short fur jackets made of marmot - it is important for them that the fur coat does not get tangled under their feet, and, moreover, they have the opportunity to demonstrate their slender legs. However, it is cold to move around the city or walk in the park in such jackets in winter; at this time of the year, short products are shown only to drivers of modern cars with heated seats. The "autolady" style of a marmot is just what you need to drive a car - this fur is lightweight, flexible and not hot.

Fur types
Marmot, aka bobak, is a rodent that lives all over the globe. Zoologists count about fifteen species of marmot, among them: forest-steppe, forest, gray, gray-haired, yellow-bellied, Siberian, Mongolian, black-capped, alpine, Himalayan and Olympic marmots. The largest representative is the steppe marmot, which is widespread in the southern regions of Russia and in the north of Kazakhstan, and is characterized by a monochromatic sandy-yellow coat and light undercoat.

The most valuable fur is the Mongolian marmot or tarbagan. He prefers high-mountain meadows, lives in Transbaikalia, the Republic of Tuva, China and Mongolia. In Russia, it is listed in the Red Book, since because of predatory hunting, people almost completely destroyed tarbagans, poachers exterminated them because of valuable fur, meat and fat. The fur of the Mongolian marmot is higher, denser and more luxuriant than that of its steppe counterpart. Hair length is medium, the texture is rather fine. The color of the fur varies from light red to light brown, the underfur is dark.

It is quite difficult to process marmot fur: it can be rough, non-plastic, sparse and loose. Therefore, it is customary to distribute it by varieties. High-quality fur of the highest grade is used for the production of expensive and high-quality fur coats. The lower grades of fur are immediately visible in products that are striking for their "slovenliness", mainly the unevenness of the hairline associated with the fact that the animals bit their fur, fighting parasites, or excessive baldness caused by the fact that animals were killed during molting ...

The marmot, like most other types of fur, is sheared, thereby lightening and ennobling the product. The main thing is that the foams of the guard hairs remain in place, otherwise it will be cold in a plucked fur coat even with a slight minus.
Natural colors of marmot fur – sandy yellow, reddish brown and ash gray. Sheared fur coats, where the dark tips of the guard hair are cut off, are quite light in color. The most common colors in which marmots are painted are black and dark brown. Manufacturers thereby try to give marmot fur coats a resemblance to luxurious mink coats. Products made of marmot fur are rarely dyed in bright colors, but, nevertheless, burgundy and purple models are also found.

How to choose and take care of?
Before deciding on the purchase of a marmot fur coat, you need to try it on and carefully examine it. When trying on, the fur coat should not press (it is better to measure it not on a T-shirt, but on a sweater in which you plan to wear it in winter), but it should not "hang loose" either.
Turn around, move your arms, sit down, bend over. If there is no discomfort, you can proceed to a thorough examination of the thing.: first of all, shake the fur coat, if you hear a clear crunch or rustle, then, probably, it was sewn from old skins, a high-quality fur product does not "rattle"; then pull the fur, it should not fall off easily, the coat should be shiny, without bald patches; look under the lining, the flesh should be soft, of an even beige color without rusty spots; there should be high-quality thin seams between the skins, if they are not there, the fur coat is glued, and it is better to stay away from it. Don't forget to look at the labeling tags. Be sure to run a damp cloth over a dyed fur coat; as a result of the test, not a hint of paint should remain on it.

In order for a marmot fur coat to please its mistress as long as possible, you need to learn how to handle it carefully and take proper care of it. It is better to store a fur product on a hanger in a dark cabinet at room temperature. You should get a cover made of natural fabric. From time to time, the fur coat should be ventilated; for this purpose, a balcony or just open windows in the room are suitable. But make sure that the day is not sunny or rainy.

You do not need to carry a bag on your shoulder when you are in a fur coat, long fur hairs at the point of contact will break off, and the undercoat will begin to felter. Remember that it is forbidden to touch the fur coat with dirty or greasy (for example, after cream) hands. You cannot spray perfume or hairspray on the fur, because of this it deteriorates and, moreover, over time, accumulating various aromas, begins to smell bad.

If a marmot fur coat is wet, then after drying at room temperature away from heat sources, you can comb it with a special comb with rare teeth. It is strictly forbidden to wash a marmot fur coat; if you are faced with serious contamination, contact a dry cleaner. Moreover, professional cleaning is even shown to any, especially light, fur products at the end of each season, namely in the spring.

Subject to the above rules of care, a marmot fur coat will delight its owner for many years, at least four to five seasons, while maintaining its fresh and presentable look.
What is the price?
What is the cost of a marmot fur coat and is it true that almost any fashionista can afford such a fur product? In fur salons, the price for short marmot fur coats starts from about 30 thousand rubles. The longer the fur coat, the higher its price. Also, cheating goes for cutting and painting the product. You will also have to overpay for the brand, but you will protect yourself from buying a poor-quality fur coat. In general, the cost of marmot products is five times less than similar mink coats.

Reviews for marmot fur coats are generally good, happy owners are pleased with beautiful, shiny fur, lightness of products, external similarity with a noble mink and a democratic price.
The disadvantages of the owner of marmot fur coats include its weak ability to store heat and low wear resistance. Complaints are mainly about the fact that the fur is wiped off on the sleeves, at the fasteners and on the sides. It is not advised to purchase a non-insulated marmot fur coat of a resident of the northern and windy regions.

Spectacular images
- A marmot short fur coat above the knee is sewn from fur skins located transversely. The shiny, even fur looks as good as mink. Full-length straight sleeves help keep the wind out of your arms, while a sleek, stand-up collar with glittery closure helps keep wearer's throat and neck warm.

The classic straight cut of a marmot fur coat attracts with an exquisite chestnut shade. A wide hood can be used for its intended purpose, or you can leave it lying on your shoulders, straightened like a shawl. If desired, such a fur coat can be worn with a fur belt that emphasizes the waist.

An original short tinted marmot coat will attract the attention of young girls and auto ladies. This unusual piece is complemented by a full-fledged hood and decorated with a large shiny button at the top.