Cross fur coat

With the onset of the cold season, cross-section fur coats, as always, remain in the fashion trend. The peculiarity of such fur coats is in their cut. The product consists of transverse fur stripes. The length and the longitudinal arrangement of the stripes may be different. Different fur is used for sewing. In general, it is difficult to confuse cross-section fur coats with other models.

What is a cross-section fur coat?
Fur coats have long ceased to be exclusively a luxury item. This wardrobe item is distinguished by its aesthetics and practicality. The presence of a fur coat in the wardrobe of a modern woman is rather a sign of taste and self-love (which is not always a bad thing). Of the various models of fur coats, today you can often find cross-section fur coats, as an option for fur design.

Fur coats can be:
- classic straight cut:

- flared type:

- floor length:

- shortened:

- combined:

- with the presence of decor.

All these models are united by a common quality - a special cut in the form of transverse stripes. The styles of cross-section fur coats differ in color and style.

The uniqueness of fur products lies in the cross cut, which allows you to create an original image. In addition, the cross-section model allows you to showcase the beauty of fur. The transverse lines very favorably emphasize the beauty of natural fur when it sparkles and shimmers in the light. Smooth texture transitions allow you to appreciate all the advantages of a natural fur coat.

How are fur cross models sewn?
Some fashionable styles have inserts made of genuine leather or fur with a different nap. To obtain a high-quality model, the manufacturer must strictly observe the technology of sewing a cross-section fur coat.Therefore, a real model of such a fur coat costs a lot of money. Cheap counterparts will quickly disperse at the seams and shed. A real and high-quality model shines with beauty and grace. This is the standard of a fur coat.
For sewing models, fur strips of different lengths and widths are used and must be fastened end-to-end.

Which fur coat is better - transverse or longitudinal?
Longitudinal fur coats are no less refined than transverse ones. However, when choosing a model, you should be guided by the nuances. Of course, in the first place, a woman should just like a fur coat. The classic version of a longitudinal fur coat on the floor looks elegant and expensive if a slender long-legged girl with a beautiful posture is wearing it. Such a fur coat has a perfectly smooth uniform surface and an equally equivalent color.
You should buy the style of clothing that will favorably emphasize the figure and hide flaws. A cross-cut fur coat in this regard is ideal for all types of figures, despite the cross cut.

When choosing a cross-section fur coat, you need to pay attention to how it will sit on the figure. Usually there are no complaints here. The model can be with a voluminous hood or on a belt. Thanks to the successful cut of the fur coat, the fur shimmers very beautifully, visually does not place accents along the line of the figure. A fur coat with a cross cut looks more luxurious than a longitudinal model.
Fashionable interest in cross-section fur coats will never dry out, so you can safely try on your favorite style with the expectation of the next season.

Of particular interest among fashionistas are models of fur coats with a cross cut. These can be products:
- with a hood:

- Chanel fur coat:

- with stand-up collar:

Today you can choose the styles of fur coats for the most demanding taste.
A polar fox coat or silver fox models look like the fluffiest ones in terms of volume. In terms of cost, these are more expensive models. The most democratic in the price range are mutton cross fur coats. But the most popular are cross-section mink coats, although this fur is not the warmest.

For sewing a fur coat, coarse and large skins of an inelastic and heavy texture are never chosen. Woolen fabric and leather are often used to decorate the product.
Also interesting are the models of coats with fur inserts, sewn in according to the principle of cross-cut. Although the fur coats will still be called transverse, even if the stripes on the model are arranged in a herringbone pattern. In addition, it can be models from stripes with long-haired or trimmed fur. Fur options can alternate. Each type of fur has its own texture, and transverse stripes can start from the waist line.

Fur coat color is a special criterion for selecting a model. Of course, a lot depends on the type of fur and the quality of the finish. Cross-cut products are presented today in a colorful variety. Although most manufacturers adhere to classic standards when choosing shades:
- black;
- graphite;
- mahogany;
- Brown;
- nut;
- Gray;
- crushed ice.

Who is it suitable for?
Women with an imperfect figure are usually advised to avoid cross-cut styles for fear that such a model will further plump. Everything is correct, but with one caveat. The cross cut of a fur coat has its own characteristics associated with the length of the pile. Very fluffy fur products, the same arctic fox and silver fox, are able to visually increase the figure. But mink coats with a transverse cut visually slim, as if stretching the figure.

When choosing a cross-section fur coat, it is important to pay attention to the silhouette of the product. It can be a free or straight cut, you can also consider a butterfly or Cleopatra model. In some models, the hip line is not so clearly visible, while in others it is this area of the figure that is emphasized.

Ladies with especially curvaceous forms should not experiment with models of the year, with large collars and voluminous hoods. It is also wrong to choose models with a wide belt.
The ideal cross section is selected according to individual parameters, taking into account the height and size, shade and line of the cross stripes.
How to choose?
Choosing a fur coat across, one should not rush to conclusions. What is fashionable does not have to suit your face. To choose the right product, you first need to decide on the fur and the style of the fur coat, taking into account the cost of such products. And in order to guess the size and length, it is better to go to the fitting room. Then everything will immediately fall into place. Also, when choosing a suitable model of a fur coat, a compromise should be sought. Perhaps, initially you were guided by a completely different style, but when you saw the model in the shop window, you could not refuse to purchase. Moreover, the model fit perfectly.

A woman should feel comfortable and confident in the chosen fur coat. There should be a desire to demonstrate to the whole world your individuality in this fur coat. What is there ... A woman will never agree to part with a model she likes. True, you should not neglect the simple rules when choosing a product.
You need to pay attention to the quality of the model's seams, probe the product for hidden defects, check the accuracy of the lining.

It should not be hemmed at the bottom. You should also evaluate the quality of the fur. It can be squeezed in the palm of your hand and released sharply. In good fur, the villi quickly return to their original position.

What to wear with?
A new coat is valuable in itself. However, no one canceled the rules of combinatorialism. The crossover is great for going out or for everyday wear. And the look depends on the right wardrobe. Depending on the length of the fur coat model, it can be worn with classic straight-cut trousers or with a pencil skirt. There are many models of a universal character with a length below the knee.

The average length of the model allows you to wear both dresses and trousers under a fur coat. Shoes are another important nuance when building a wardrobe. The combination of a fur coat with a cross-cut with boots with heels and high tops always stands out. Although more and more women today give preference not to elegance and chic, but to their comfortable feeling. Therefore, it can be wedge shoes or with a small but stable heel.