Sagita fur coats

An elegant and beautiful fur coat is every girl's dream. But with such an abundance of stores, it often happens that we do not know which one to go to, and which manufacturer to contact when buying. In this article, you will learn about a brand like Sagitta and why you should pay attention to it.

Brand Benefits
Sagitta is one of the largest manufacturers of fur and leather in Russia. Also, this brand has a network of its own branded stores. This helps to perfectly combine new technologies in production and control the quality of the offered goods.
Factory experts consider this combination to be one of the most important components of success.

The factories for the production of fur products of this brand use exclusively German equipment, which is considered the most high-tech in this industry. It should be noted that such technologies can not be found in every production, even abroad.

Sagitta recruits only the best professionals with compulsory education. And the styles of fur coats and leather products themselves are developed by invited designers from Italy, who bring to the collection all the leading trends in world fashion.
As for the quality of the product itself, then its control is monitored at every stage of production.

Also one of the main advantages of this brand is that the company sells its finished products without trade margins through its own Sagitta stores.

Styles and models
Most of the Sagitta brand assortment is represented by mink coats. But in addition to them, the factory also produces high-quality fur coats from astrakhan, Tuscan lamb, silver fox and red fox, wild raccoon.

Not only fur coats, but also sheepskin coats, leather goods, fur hats and a wide variety of accessories are made from all the materials presented in production.

This brand specializes not only in sewing women's outerwear, but also manufactures men's outerwear.

Sagitta products always meet modern fashion trends and produce a large number of beautiful and individual models. In the branded showroom you can meet more than 1500 models. And you can also familiarize yourself with all the presented goods on the website www. Sagitta - Now let's talk about the most interesting models from Sagitta.

Models of scanbrown and mahogany mink fur coats are unique. The styles of products from this fur are different - from a cross-cut fur coat with a hood or belt to a short product with a three-quarter sleeve and an interesting print with flowers.
The main feature of Sagitta fur coats is the boldness of design when combining various textures and colors of products. The adornment of this collection is the chanel black scanblack fur coat with a hood.

Despite the fact that Sagitta always produces only high-quality products, their prices are not exorbitant. During the season of sales, you can purchase an elegant mink coat from 40,000 rubles, and a sheepskin coat from 14,000 rubles.
The company also regularly participates in fur fairs, where prices are also significantly lower than salon ones.

But don't be upset if you missed the sale days or the fur fair. The firm provides its clients with loans with a minimum interest or even an interest-free installment plan.

This firm has many loyal customers and fans who return to Sagitta for new purchases.
Many girls share this find with their friends, because finding a product of decent quality at an affordable price has always been and will be a big problem.

Many positive reviews can be found about the staff of the stores: “When I entered the Sagitta store, I was simply struck by the politeness of the consultants! A nice seller helped me to choose a perfectly fitting fur coat, which I now wear with great pleasure! "

Also, customers speak positively about prices and discounts for goods in Sagitta stores. But there are also negative reviews, in which clients say that one or another style did not suit them. But, in fact, who is to blame for this? You need to carefully choose, try on and think over how the new purchase will fit into your wardrobe, so as not to get into an awkward situation later.