How to make shugaring at home?

Sugaring - effective removal of excessive vegetation on the skin by means of a thick caramel paste. This is one of the most popular salon procedures, it is distinguished by its gentle action on the skin and the availability of working material.
The shugaring technique is quite simple, it is no coincidence that many of the fair sex are gradually switching to its independent implementation at home.

What tools and materials are needed?
Sugar waxing involves removing unwanted vegetation from the body using thick caramel syrup. Caramel quickly grabs the bristles and makes it easier to pull them out, making processing as fast and almost painless as possible. This is a universal composition; at home, with the help of caramel depilation, you can remove the bristles from the legs, arms and upper lip. Sugaring has a high effect in the armpits and in the bikini area. Do-it-yourself paste is almost as good as a salon one, while home hair removal helps to save an impressive amount of money.
For self-sugaring, you need to prepare the following materials and working compositions.
- Sugar paste - it can be hard, soft or medium. For beginners, it is better to give preference to wax with a medium density.
- Baby powder or talcum powder - Before using the sweet paste, the skin should be dried with talcum powder. In the leg area, treatment is carried out 1-2 times, and in the armpits and bikini area - 3-4 times. If this is not done, then the caramel simply will not adhere to the surface of the skin.
- Lotion - applied immediately before using the caramel. It is used for scrubbing, allows you to neutralize the problem of sweating of the skin, effectively softens its upper layers, due to which the depilation is carried out more efficiently.
- Cloth or paper strips - With these tools, you can easily grip the bristles even in the most difficult-to-reach areas.
An important condition for the correct performance of shugaring at home is the treatment of the epidermis immediately after the manipulations. To do this, the list of necessary formulations should include care lotions and creams with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, nourishing and moisturizing properties.

How to make pasta?
So, for homemade caramel depilation, you need lotions, creams and tonics before and after shugaring, as well as the paste itself. The ready-made compounds on the market may differ in terms of hardness parameters. To remove vellus hair, soft mixtures are used - they are effective when treating the hands and upper lip. Medium waxes are effective for tighter leg hairs. The thickest paste is used in the treatment of bikini and underarm areas - the bristles there are the toughest, while the hair follicles are very strong.
Experienced craftsmen recommend giving preference to ready-made pastes in a cartridge. They argue that such a composition is much more effective than one made at home in conditions. Firstly, when mixing wax at home, you should strictly adhere to the basic technology; it can be difficult for beginners to figure out how long to boil the mixture until the optimum consistency is achieved. Secondly, store-bought formulations are prepared on the basis of glucose and fructose, due to which they acquire special plasticity - they are easy to apply and convenient to remove. The required paste can be purchased at every professional cosmetics store.
However, as practice shows, homemade caramel wax does its job just as well. To make caramel, you need simple components:
- lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
- sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
- water - 1 tbsp. l.

To prepare caramel, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then poured into a saucepan and put on low heat. The mixture should be cooked with constant stirring for 2-3 minutes. When the composition acquires a golden hue, the fire can be turned off. If cooked correctly, the pasta will be elastic and moderately firm. The recipe can be slightly changed and instead of lemon, add citric acid in small doses. Depending on the area of the treated skin, the amount of ingredients can be reduced or increased.
You can make a sweet epilation paste based on honey. To do this, 450 g of sugar is mixed with 150 ml of warmed up water, and then put on a slow fire and, stirring constantly, bring until the sweet particles are dissolved. Then add 60 g of honey, 80 ml of lemon juice and continue to boil. The finished mixture has a beer tint, and its components acquire a homogeneous structure. After that, the tile is turned off, after a few hours, the thickened paste should be mixed and used to remove the bristles.
The prepared product can be kept in the refrigerator for several days. To do this, it must be poured into a plastic container with a lid. Before each use, the syrup is heated in a steam bath or in a microwave oven.

Features of preparation
Cosmetologists advise removing unwanted vegetation only when the length of the bristles is more than 3-5 mm. Therefore, if you have resorted to shaving before, then you should wait for the regrowth of hairs. This is due to the fact that after shaving, the hair shaft is characterized by a high degree of rigidity, and with a short length, the sweet paste cannot always capture and remove it.
Cosmetologists give the following recommendations for preparing the skin for the shugaring procedure at home.
- An important step is the obligatory scrubbing of the skin before applying the depilatory paste. For this, any peeling or scrub is used, it removes the tough keratinized layer of the skin, and in addition, lifts the ingrown bristles.
- You should take a warm shower or rinse with hot water on the part of your body that you intend to treat right before the treatment. Steamed skin perceives the main components of the sugar composition better. Preliminary steaming of the skin ensures the fastest possible release of hairs and bulbs.
- Next, wipe the skin with any tonic or alcohol-containing lotion - this will help get rid of excessive sebum.
- On moist surfaces, the depilatory paste based on caramel will not stick, so they should first be greased with talcum powder or ordinary powder.
- Despite the fact that shugaring is based on the use of gentle technologies, the cosmetic procedure can cause mild pain. Therefore, it is advisable to take a strong anesthetic drug 20-25 minutes before it is carried out. A good effect is given by Nurofen, Tempalgin or Analgin. You can also apply anesthetics to previously defatted skin, then wrap the selected area with cling film - these actions are performed 1.5-2 hours before the manipulations.
Advice: it is advisable to carry out the shugaring procedure in the first half of the menstrual cycle or during ovulation - during this period, the woman's sensitivity decreases. On the contrary, soreness increases closer to menstruation. During this period, depilation will cause a lot of discomfort.

Step-by-step execution technique
At home, caramel depilation is performed using several methods, each of which is distinguished by its effectiveness and ease of implementation. The following processing methods are most commonly used.
- Bandage technique. In this case, depilation is carried out using tissue or paper strips and a spatula. The syrup is heated for several minutes before application, after which it is spread with a spatula over the skin, and fixed on top with fabric strips. After the mixture has set, the strips are torn off together with the bristles.
- Manual method. This method requires more professionalism. The sweet sugar mass is warmed up, spread over the skin with your hands, wait a little and, again, remove it with your fingers together with the fixed hairs.
Bandage depilation is optimal in those situations when it is necessary to treat large areas with excess vegetation or hard-to-reach areas. Manual is resorted to in more delicate places. The procedure itself includes two main stages - applying the paste and removing hairs.

Mass application
The prepared pasta is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven, ready-made compounds are simply kneaded in your hands. Then the composition is gently applied to the skin in a thin layer, moving against the hairline, and left until set.
When using manual technique, the composition is applied with fingers, with bandage, a special spatula is used, and the paste itself is fixed with a fabric cloth.

Usually 15-30 seconds is enough for the sweet paste to completely set and freeze, and all the bristles get bogged down in a thick, viscous mass. The hardened paste must be torn off along the hairline in one sharp motion - this way, all hairs along with the roots will be removed. When using the bandage technique, the strips are torn off together with the bristles adhered to them; with the manual technique, the hardened mass is gently pryed by the tip and removed.
The procedure for performing shugaring of the axillary zone has its own characteristics. This place is considered very gentle, prone to irritation and the development of inflammatory processes. Here it is best to resort to a bandage technique and use a ready-made composition.If you make the paste yourself, it should be as soft as possible.
Axillary shugaring is carried out in several steps:
- the hand is raised up and bent at the elbow so that the skin is evened out and stretched as much as possible;
- after that, the caramel is evenly distributed over the skin surface with a spatula;
- a cotton cloth or bandage strip is applied on top;
- the composition is left for 40-60 seconds, and then abruptly torn off.
In one area, manipulation can be performed no more than two times, and the procedure should be carried out as quickly as possible - the area is characterized by increased sweating, and in conditions of high humidity it is impossible to perform high-quality hair removal.

After processing, the surface of the skin should be cleaned from the remnants of caramel and treated with chlorhexidine or any other mild antiseptic. If the manipulations have caused severe irritation, you can treat the surface with Levomekol ointment.
Please note that at the slightest irritation, shugaring is not used on this part of the body. In the first days after using sugar paste, you should not wear synthetic clothes and use deodorant.
At home, shugaring can also be done in the bikini area. This is a very delicate area of the body, and the bristles are the most rigid here - this makes surface treatment inconvenient. There are several ways to depilate the bikini area:
- classic - involves the removal of hairs along the border of the underwear;
- medium - eliminates the bristles in the crotch along the line of the panties and involves partial depilation of the pubis;
- deep - includes the removal of hair in the pubic area, on the inner thighs and on the labia;
- Brazilian - includes the same zones as with deep shugaring, with the addition of the gluteal region.

For this type of depilation, it is better to give preference to manual techniques using a thick paste. In this case, the length of the bristles should be about 4-5 mm, if they are shorter, it is worth stopping at the bandage technique. Processing includes several stages:
- the bristles must be trimmed with nail scissors before manipulation;
- one leg is placed on a chair or the edge of the bath;
- a small ball the size of a walnut is separated from the sugar paste, kneaded by hands and distributed over a body area no larger than 2x2 cm;
- the sticky mixture is smoothed by moving along the skin against the hairline;
- after 40-60 seconds, when the cosmetic material has completely hardened, the skin must be pulled with your fingers, and with the other hand, quickly tear off the hardened paste.
The vegetation remaining after the procedure is best removed with a razor. You should not use sweet paste twice on the bikini area, it can irritate the skin. At the final stage, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the paste with warm water, and then treat the skin with a mild antiseptic and apply sedatives.

Follow-up care
If you are going to carry out shugaring to yourself, then it is important to properly care for your skin after manipulation:
- within 10-14 hours, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of water on the treated skin surface;
- sports activities are not recommended for 20-24 hours, as well as any types of physical activity;
- during the day you should not visit the bathhouse and the pool;
- the first 3-5 days it is undesirable to be under direct ultraviolet rays or visit a solarium;
- two days after treatment, it is necessary to carry out a gentle scrubbing - this will soften the skin, and also prevent ingrowth of new hairs;
- any cosmetic preparations, tonics, creams, lotions and deodorants can be applied to the skin no earlier than 12 hours later;
- shugaring gives a long lasting effect, therefore it should be repeated no earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

Common mistakes
Users who decide to do shugaring at home often make mistakes. Among the most common are:
- shugaring is carried out on too short bristles, the length of which is less than 3-4 mm;
- use a paste of a single consistency for all parts of the body (if it is quite possible to use soft compounds on the legs, then a denser substance will be needed in the bikini area and in the armpits);
- do not comply with the basic proportions of the main components, replace lemon with a small volume of citric acid;
- when buying a ready-made product, ignore the instructions in which the manufacturer determines all the basic recommendations for applying caramel.

Review overview
Home caramel depilation has many advantages over other techniques for removing unwanted hair from the skin. Users highlight the following:
- the procedure gives an instant effect, while it lasts at least 2-3 weeks;
- any woman can learn shugaring; this does not require special equipment and cosmetological skills;
- having adapted, the removal of vegetation can be made as painless as possible;
- shugaring is optimal for beginners - to make a working composition, you only need available products (sugar, water, and also lemon);
- the caramel contains components of natural origin, this minimizes the risk of chemical burns;
- in comparison with the removal of hair with the help of special devices or methods of epilation, such a procedure is characterized by minimal trauma to the skin;
- with regular shugaring, the hairs become thinner and light, so each time the procedure is repeated less and less.
Home sugaring has become one of the easiest types of hair removal for beginners. With the help of your own made or ready-made paste, you can quickly and effectively get rid of any excess hairs on the legs, in the armpits, in the bikini area, as well as on the arms and face. Salon procedures are quite expensive, which is why women are increasingly resorting to performing them on their own.
By following our recommendations, you will be able to achieve a perfectly smooth skin surface and at the same time save a lot of money.