Brother sewing machines: models, pros and cons, instruction manual

There is a large number of sewing equipment on the market today. Among the well-known and demanded brands, it is worth highlighting the Brother brand, which sells a huge variety of types and models of sewing machines, which makes it possible to choose a device for the individual needs of each consumer.

The manufacturer occupies a leading position in the production of sewing equipment of various classes. The products of this brand are characterized by individual characteristics, thanks to which it has become recognizable in the market. Notable characteristics include the following.
- Brother sewing machine - a universal technique, which, if desired, can be supplemented with various kinds of embroidery units. Additional mechanisms for equipment are supplied separately.
- Country of origin of sewing units - Japan. The body and main components of the devices are made of high quality metal alloys. This feature allows the consumer to use durable equipment.
- The brand's service centers are now available in more than 50 countries around the world., due to which consumers have the opportunity, if necessary, to receive high-quality service.

Advantages and disadvantages
In addition to the remarkable properties that will be inherent in the company's sewing equipment, all sewing devices of this brand have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The strengths of sewing machines include the following factors.
- The main advantage of automatic units is the sewing speed.As a rule, a sewing machine can make about a thousand stitches in one minute.
- Despite the fact that the functionality of Brother equipment is regularly improved, the cost of machines remains in an affordable segment, if we compare the same indicator with sewing devices of other brands.
- Consumers note the possibility of daily operation of machines with a heavy load, while the devices retain their performance without failing.
- With proper tuning, as well as the operation of machines with the appropriate material and consumables, the equipment during the sewing process stands out for its soft and high-quality movement on the fabric, which is a great advantage in work.
- Simple operation makes it possible to use sewing machines not only for professionals, but also for beginners.
- Home and professional sewing equipment is capable of sewing decorative stitches, and if adjusted, the machines will be suitable for quilling.
- The range of products is represented by units that can be used to work with various types of fabrics, including regular knitwear, as well as materials with high density, delicate fabrics.
- Built-in seams allow you to handle tricky areas and patterns such as scalloped edges, elastic, and more.

However, the equipment of this brand is not without some drawbacks. These include the following:
- when buying, you should pay attention to the features of some models of machines that will function only at a voltage of 100 W - to use them, you will need to purchase a special transformer;
- varieties with minimum capacity are unable to handle thick material;
- seamstresses also refer to the disadvantages of such equipment in the impossibility of adjusting the pressing of the foot on typewriters.

Types and models
Today, the range of products of the brand includes household and professional types of equipment. Also, devices are divided into the following types:
- electromechanical;
- electronic;
- computer.
The first category includes sewing machines that have mechanical units in their device, as well as an electric motor.
The manufacturer recommends these products for use at home and, if necessary, to carry out simple work on the repair and sewing of clothes.
The units are capable of sewing with different stitches, and the functionality of the equipment in this category is represented by decorative stitches. Machines can sew loops, work with cylindrical components of clothing, with the help of such equipment at home it will be possible to overcast material, make embroidery, fix buttons.
For convenience, the units have in their design a special compartment for storing various accessories for work.

Brother sewing equipment of the second type is a versatile device that will be convenient for use by professionals and novices. A feature of such models is the function of the built-in assistant, and the units are also equipped with an auto-thread cutter function. The spool in sewing machines has a horizontal arrangement, which eliminates the occurrence of malfunctions related to thread entanglement. In addition, there is a line on the body of the devices, the machines are capable of performing not only ordinary, but also decorative stitches. There is no need to use a foot control to operate electrical devices.
Computer sewing machines are advanced work accessories that are controlled and operated by the automatic Creative Card system. The device contains from 40 to 150 types of stitches, thread tension control. All necessary information is shown on the display. A distinctive advantage of computerized sewing machines is considered to be extended functionality, as well as the ability to sew products from any type of material.
Also in the assortment of varieties of sewing machines are presented highly specialized devices, which are in demand for work in the atelier and other organizations specializing in sewing various products.

Among the demanded models of Brother sewing machines, it is worth highlighting the following.
An affordable electromechanical machine that has a horizontal shuttle in its design. The power of the device is 50 W, while the device can perform about 20 operations, including overcasting and working with elastic raw materials. The model practically does not make noise during operation, it is recommended for home use. Among the disadvantages of the machine, it is worth highlighting the need to purchase a stabilizer for voltage.

Hanami 17
An electromechanical version of the machine with an attractive design, a white body, the mechanism is equipped with a horizontal shuttle. The device practically does not make noise during operation, has a minimum weight, which allows you to easily transport the machine to its destination. The model is designed to work with different types of materials, is capable of performing 17 different stitches, the functions are controlled using a special regulator on the body.
Among the advantages of the products, it is worth highlighting the automatic needle threader, the presence of additional illumination of the working surface.
The car has a completely democratic cost.

Innov-Is 150
A computer-controlled unit with a horizontal shuttle and a wide range of functions. The device operates with an electric drive, control is carried out using buttons on the case. The device provides an additional working surface, thanks to a wide range of functions, the model of the sewing machine is suitable for professional work and household use.

The model is designed for minor repairs and sewing with a simple set of functions. The device is capable of performing about 14 basic operations from materials, and the machine will also be able to overcast buttonholes and reverse stitches if necessary. The mechanical unit is realized in a reliable plastic case, the frame is made of metal. The power of the model is 50 W. Among its positive features, it is worth highlighting the ability to sew with a double needle, also the model is equipped with an LED light.

Computer DS 140
Modern sewing machine with computer control capable of performing about 40 tasks. For ease of use, the device has a built-in power adjustment function, the average power is 40 W, the device is able to thread the thread automatically, which greatly facilitates the work.
The machine stands out for its quiet running, has a display on the body.
Among the disadvantages of the variety, it is worth highlighting the lack of the Russian alphabet and adjustment of the presser foot.

In addition to the above, the following models of sewing machines are in demand:
- Tokyo;
- M-14;
- Universal 27S;
- FS-40;
- CX5;
- Comfort 60E;
- LX-1700;
- Artwork 20;
- Comfort 40E;
- JS-25;
- LS 2325S;
- E-15;
- M14.

Selection recommendations
For the selection of Brother brand sewing machine it is worth taking into account a number of important nuances.
- First of all, it is necessary to clearly determine the purpose of the further use of sewing equipment. If you plan to purchase a machine for small home repairs, then you can consider models with low power, which stand out for good performance and affordable cost.
- For processing dense fabrics, you will need a device with the ability to adjust the distance between the plate and the foot, as well as high power (within 60-80 W).
- There are situations in which the dimensions of the sewing device are also important. The most compact in the line of the presented units will be computers with computer control.
- It will be useful to pay attention to the material used for the manufacture of the model's case.Today the brand produces products in metal and plastic versions, but the first type will be more resistant to mechanical damage.
- Sewing speed is an important parameter for sewing equipment. Typically, household models perform from 800 to 850 stitches per minute, while varieties from the professional range are capable of about 1300 stitches.
- The models also differ in the arrangement of the shuttles. In vertical type models, it is easier to troubleshoot thread tension problems. Rotary shuttles make it possible to make a line in the process of work, the length of which will be 6-7 mm.
- Studying the offered assortment of sewing equipment, it is also recommended to pay attention to the complete set of the model you like. It is important that the device is sold with several spare feet, possibly a walking foot, bobbin case, embroidery or gathering attachment, etc.
- To work on a sewing machine, the number and types of operations that the device can perform will be important. For budget models recommended as a home sewing unit, 10 operations will be enough. As for the electromechanical varieties, they are capable of making about 40 types of stitches, computer ones - 150.

After purchasing the equipment in some cases for operation, it may be necessary to adjust some important functions in the mechanism of machines.
- To thread correctly or insert a needle, the distance between the needle and the hook deserves special attention. These components in the machine must not touch each other. Therefore, the user will need to adjust the distance between the elements, which should be at least 0.1-0.5 mm.
- To correct the functioning of the machine operating in automatic mode, in contrast to the leg models of the old model, the operator will need to set the appropriate program in the device, which coordinates the sewing speed and stitch length.
- If the fabric does not move, as well as when working with a complex contour with a breakdown of the work into certain zones, you need to program the machine for the desired mode, but the workpiece under the foot will need to be turned manually.

User manual
Sewing machines of this brand stand out for their reliability, however, some elements for sewing, for example, consumables, will need to be purchased additionally, as well as replaced. The manufacturer does not recommend using products of this kind from other brands.
It would be most correct to purchase consumables from authorized dealers selling spare parts for Brother sewing machines.
In addition, the manufacturer allows for independent minor repairs, if necessary, for example, insert a bobbin, change the needle, lubricate the unit. According to the operating instructions for sewing machines, it is recommended to carry out preventive cleaning and lubrication of moving mechanisms, which will help prevent various malfunctions.
Avoid spilling liquid on the device.
Open the front cover of the sewing machine only after 5 minutes have passed after disconnecting the unit from the power supply.
Failure to follow this recommendation may result in injury hazardous situations.
It is recommended to operate computerized units strictly according to the attached instructions, setting the modes in accordance with the manual, as well as the power and other capabilities of the device. It is recommended to store the sewing machine in a protective case, with a mandatory disconnection from the power supply.

Potential problems and repairs
Some problems may occur while using the sewing machines.
- When hitting a hard surface, the tip of the needle may bend. Such a defect is usually not visible to the naked eye, but this moment will negatively affect the quality of the seam. If you find uneven seams on the product, it is worth replacing the needle with a new one.
- Interruptions in the operation of the machine may occur due to the use of fabrics that do not match the capabilities of the device in terms of their parameters.
- Also, problems in operation may arise due to improper installation of the needle.
- If the bobbin thread loops or the upper thread breaks, then the problem may be related to the use of low quality consumables. In addition, in different models, the threading pattern may differ, non-observance of the recommendations will lead to a situation where the unit simply broke down during the sewing process.
- Electric drives fail very often. Such unpleasant situations are caused by overheating of the nodes, as a result of which the main conductors melt, and a short circuit occurs. The burned-out mechanism is not repaired, therefore, it is completely replaced.

Review overview
Consumers rate Brother sewing machines as a product with good assembly and long service life, provided that the operating instructions are followed. The attractive design of the models, including professional and budget equipment, deserves special attention.
The devices have optimal power, stand out for their maintainability, as well as a versatile set of functions for carrying out sewing work.

An overview of the Brother GS2700 sewing machine is provided in the video below.