Minerva sewing machines and overlocks: models and operation

In our time, sewing machines still remain popular and relevant, as they were several decades ago. Moreover, this category of technology is constantly evolving, and more and more advanced models of sewing machines and overlocks appear. One of the most famous manufacturers of such devices is the Minerva company, which has production facilities located in the countries of the former USSR.

Advantages and disadvantages
It should be said that The Minerva brand has been around for almost 140 years. Back in 1881, Emil Rezler and Joseph Komarek founded a company in Vienna called K. k. priv. Nahmaschinen - Fabrik Rezler & Komarek in Wien ”, which made wonderful foot-operated sewing machines. It is she who is the progenitor of the Minerva company. Today, the country of origin of the brand's products is Czech. Although, as mentioned above, the company's enterprises are located on the territory of the countries of the former USSR.
If we talk about the advantages of the products of this manufacturer, then the following factors should be highlighted.
- High quality. Overlocks and sewing machines of this brand have been manufactured in factories around the world for many years. This allows us to speak about the well-established production lines and the rather high quality of all overlocks and sewing machines that enter the markets of different countries.
- Excellent functionality. Each model of a sewing machine or overlock from this manufacturer is the result of the work of engineers, designers and a number of specialists, which allows us to talk about a truly thought-out technique from all points of view.
- Large model range. A huge number of models of the considered equipment of this brand allows even the most demanding buyer to find a suitable model.Here you can find different models: carpet locks, overlocks, needle punching machines, computerized models, electromechanical sewing machines.
- Availability of high-quality warranty and service. It should be said that in our country all types of service for sewing equipment of this brand are carried out in special service centers opened by the manufacturer in Perm.
- Affordable cost. Taking into account the highest quality of sewing equipment, which is produced under the Minerva brand, the manufacturer manages to maintain a low cost of the machines. Much depends on the number of actions performed and the availability of certain functions. This makes it possible for almost everyone to find a model that will be affordable.

As for the disadvantages, it should be noted that in good and expensive models, there is an insufficiently high speed threshold. Another disadvantage is that in models where the body is made of plastic, it is not always fixed to the body of the machine itself. In a number of models, access to the needle bar is also difficult, which makes the lubrication process of the device parts significantly difficult.

If we talk about the varieties of sewing machines, then they are all divided into 2 categories:
- household;
- industrial.
As a rule, household models have a fairly wide functionality that allows you to satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding user. But industrial ones are usually designed to perform some one function, which they can perform continuously over a long period of time without stopping.

However, if we are talking about ordinary people, then they are unlikely to be interested in models from the latter category - they are expensive, bulky and noisy. Household models are divided into the following types:
- computer;
- carpetlocks;
- overlocks;
- electromechanical;
- cover-up;
- embroidery;
- sewing and embroidery.

It is worth taking a closer look at each species. Electromechanical are the simplest of all. Such models are completely mechanical with the exception of the electric motor. They are reliable, simple and very easy to repair. Striking examples - Minerva M832B, Minerva M32Q, Minerva M921.

Computer models have a special feature - a special board that controls the entire process of work. This makes it possible to implement more complex ideas. The disadvantage of such devices will be a considerable price. An example of such a model is Minerva Decorexpert.

Embroidery and sewing-embroidery models are devices that can either embroider or sew, or both. Their cost is quite high, but the quality of performance of the assigned tasks often leaves much to be desired.

Sewing models are necessary to form a flat elastic seam, which is used to close the hem edge of the product. Their price is low, but the scope is rather narrow, which is why such a machine is rarely used.

If we talk about overlocks, then these are devices equipped with 1 or 2 needles with a trimming mechanism, which are needed to overcast the cuts of various garments.
The cost of such models is low. Note that the overlock cannot replace the sewing machine, but only supplements it.
Coverlock is a relatively new category of devices that can make both overcasting of garments and various kinds of seams and chain stitches. That is, the device combines the capabilities of coverstitch machines and overlocks. Their price starts from 25 thousand rubles.

Overlock lineup
If we talk about the model range of Minerva overlocks, then you should start with the model Minerva M2020... This overlock model allows you to make 2-, 3- and 4-thread stitches. The working speed is about 1300 stitches per minute. The model weighs just under 8 kilograms. Note the presence of a differential feed and the ease of use of this model.

Another overlock from Minerva has the designation M2020DS... The characteristics of this model are completely identical to those presented above, but, in addition to thread seams with a different number of threads, the model can also make a roll-type seam.

The next model is Minerva M740DS... This type of overlock allows you to make 3- and 4-thread stitches, as well as roll-type stitches. There is a differential feed. The speed of this model is 1300 stitches per minute. Note that it is very convenient to thread and change threads here. The weight of the model is about 7.4 kilograms, and the power is 105 watts. There is also an illumination of the working area.

The next overlock model from Minerva has an index M840DS... She can sew 2-, 3- and 4-thread stitches. In addition, using this model, you can make a role-type seam. There is a differential feed function, and the speed of the Minerva M840DS is 1250 stitches in 1 minute.
It should be said that threading is extremely simple here, and the model itself can be called very unpretentious and easy to use.

The last overlock worth mentioning is Minerva M940DS... This model can sew 2-, 3- and 4-thread and rolled seams. We also note the presence of differential feed and simple threading. The speed of this model is 1200 stitches per minute.

As you can see, the manufacturer's range of overlockers is represented by a considerable number of models that do not differ too much from each other in their technical characteristics.
Recommendations for use
If we talk about the first rule of using the type of technology under consideration, then it should be said that first of all, it is necessary to comply with all norms and principles that are indicated in the operating instructions for the device. Here are written not only simple tips on how to use a sewing machine or overlock correctly, but also recommendations on the selection of threads and needles, instructions on materials that can be used with this model. In addition, specific recommendations for the maintenance of a particular model are given.

Sooner or later, the owner of an overlock or sewing machine is faced with phenomena such as rust or dirt.
The machine starts making noise, jerking and skipping stitches. To avoid this, it must be properly maintained. These are the rules:
- use only threads and needles that are suitable for a specific material;
- keep the device indoors where the humidity level is not very high;
- store the machine, if it is not supposed to be used, it is better under the canvas or in a case. This is necessary so that dust does not get into the mechanisms;
- the unit should be cleaned and lubricated from time to time.

Review overview
If we talk about reviews of Minerva sewing machines and overlocks, then users note the high reliability of all sewing equipment of the brand, the ease of operation of the models and the ability to implement the most complex sewing ideas. They mention the unpretentiousness of the technique and the fact that the repair is quite simple to carry out on your own. In general, we can say that users are very positive about Minerva brand products and consider them a good purchase, which is worth the money.
For an overview of the Minerva sewing machine, see the video.