Sewing machine pedals: device and repair

A sewing machine for many is not only an assistant in the implementation of their creative ideas, but also a device that helps to cope with the overwhelming daily monotonous work of a seamstress. In order for this work to go smoothly, you need to make sure that all parts of the machine are in good working order, especially the pedal.

The scheme of a pedal for a sewing machine is often very simple. This is especially true of the part in which electronic parts are completely absent. Most often they are found in electric foot machines. Call them rheostat pedals. Such a pedal consists of one part - a rheostat, which has a large number of graphite plates adjoining each other very tightly. It acts as a switch or on / off switch for the electric drive of the machine.
Unlike conventional switches, pedals with a wire rheostat smoothly and gradually turn the sewing machine on and off.
With its help, you can adjust the speed of work, as well as change the voltage that is supplied to the drive of the machine. As a result of this, the frequency of its rotation changes, respectively, and the speed of the work itself.

Principle of operation
If the graphite plates are in a free state, their resistance to electric current will be too high. In this case, the current will not pass through the stacked graphite plates, which means that the motor will not rotate.
But as soon as the plates are squeezed for at least a few minutes, their resistance will decrease in the same second.
If you do it harder, the amount of current will increase significantly. This means that the motor will work much more powerful, and the sewing machine will work faster.That is, a seamstress can do a lot more work in one day.

If we consider household sewing machines, then the pedal to the electric drive can be electronic and rheostat. It is easy and simple to distinguish them. A resistor pedal will be much heavier than an electronic pedal. It depends on whether the case is made of metal or hard plastic, which does not deform with a sharp temperature drop. In addition, a metal pedal will be able to serve in a sewing machine much longer than a plastic one. Indeed, if a heavy object falls on it, it will remain intact.
Inside such a pedal there is a large number of graphite plates, which are tight enough to each other. However, after a certain period of time from the fact that the plates constantly interact with each other, their destruction can occur. Most often this occurs among those craftswomen who use a sewing machine on a daily basis. In this case worn-out parts must be replaced with new ones. And since this is impossible to do, then you just need to purchase another rheostat.

Unlike a rheostat pedal, an electronic pedal has practically no weight. After all, its content is various microcircuits and radio components. It is possible to regulate such pedals by changing the value of the current or by changing the frequency of the voltage pulses supplied to the electric motor.

However, it is worth noting another sewing machine pedal, which is considered a rarity.
It is found in models such as "Podolsk" or Singer. Of course, in terms of use, it is very inconvenient; many find it easier to work with a finger rather than a foot. However, in itself it quite reliable pedal. Many consider it simply not killable. Inside it, the wiring cannot break, the graphite plates cannot burn out, and as for the case itself, not a single person can break it. Therefore, those who saw it in the kit for their sewing machine need to rejoice. After all it will be able to serve its owners longer than the machine itself.

How do I install them?
If the pedal of the sewing machine breaks down, it is necessary to determine which type it belongs to. If the electric pedal of the sewing machine is rheostat type, it can be either adjusted or repaired.
Those who have a sewing machine supplemented with such a detail as an electronic pedal need to stop working for a while. Indeed, in the event of a breakdown, you will need to contact a specialist. To repair it, you need special equipment, as well as at least minimal knowledge in such an area as radio electronics.

Among other things, the sewing machine pedal also serves to adjust the sewing speed. Modern sewing machines can be adjusted in 2 ways.
- a special regulator installed on the body of the sewing machine. It is especially important in those cases when a child often works at a typewriter. In this case, you can set the regulator to the lowest speed.
- With a pedal. The sewing speed will depend on how hard you press on it. You can also adjust the idle speed of the pedal itself and the smooth change in revolutions. In some machines, the pedal is equipped with a mode switch. In this case, on too difficult places, you can select a low speed.
In any case, if the pedal is well adjusted, the seamstress will enjoy her work, because the sewing machine will run smoothly and easily.

Causes of malfunctions
There are many different reasons for a broken sewing machine pedal. However, this does not mean that in each case it will be necessary to carry out repair work. First you need to make sure that it was the pedal that broke, and not some other part.

First you need to check the serviceability of the motor. To do this, you need to directly connect the cord coming from the outlet to it.If the cause of the breakdown is not the motor, then you need to see what type of pedal the sewing machine has. In the event that it is electric, it will be possible to start repairing it. The electronic pedal cannot be repaired by yourself. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common causes of its breakdown.
- In the event of oxidation of the contacts in the pedal itself or in the plug, it will be enough to simply clean them and then restore them. Then the sewing machine will start working again. This can be done using ordinary sandpaper, which cannot damage them when cleaning.

- The electrical circuit inside the insulating cord breaks quite often... This happens as a result of a careless attitude to the connecting wires that go to the pedal. For example, if you pull the power cord out of the outlet frequently and without reason, while pulling it by the cord, not the plug, the machine could break. In addition, very often heavy objects fall on the cord or a chair leg gets caught. In this case, you just need to replace the wire.
However, making repairs with your own hands in this case is dangerous, so it would be better to seek help from an electrician.

- Another reason for a malfunctioning sewing machine is burnout, as well as replacement of graphite plates. The first sign of such a breakdown is considered to be a decrease in speed in the operation of the electric drive of the sewing machine. In addition, when you press the pedal, the electric motor responds too weakly. The machine starts sewing only a couple of seconds after pressing the pedal, and not immediately. If you open the lid and look at the graphite plates, you can only see black dust. In this case, they must be replaced with new ones. However, it will not be possible to purchase them in the store. In addition, it is also impossible to saw them with a hacksaw. After all, the thickness of one plate is only 0.2 millimeters.
In addition, graphite crumbles too quickly and it will be impossible to cut it off evenly. Therefore, in the event of such a malfunction, it is necessary to purchase a new part completely, and then replace it.

- Most often rheostat the sewing machine pedal is made of heat-resistant plastic, which differs from other materials in its fragility. Therefore, if heavy objects fall on the plastic pedal or if it accidentally falls to the floor, it may break. In this case, some seamstresses try to glue it together with high-quality glue. However, the pedal of an electric sewing machine tends to heat up, which is why the glue softens with prolonged use and the parts that were connected by it will become fragile. Therefore, when you press the pedal with your foot, it can simply fall apart, and in some cases even shock the seamstress. Therefore, it is better to replace it with a new one.

- In electronic sewing machines, you can also notice that such an important part as the pedal does not work. However, a malfunction can only be detected with the help of special instruments. Quite often, the microcircuit fails or the thyristor is simply faulty. In this case, the parts must be replaced with new ones. This is best done in specialized centers, where the masters, after examining the pedal, will say their verdict. However, some experienced craftsmen who have little skill in working with electronic equipment try to do this on their own.
Repair is absolutely no different from repairing an electric pedal. You also need to open the pedal, carefully inspect all suspicious places, and then solder them with a soldering iron.

In addition, every seamstress should know several rules for using a sewing machine. First of all, after the completion of the repair, especially if it was done by yourself, do not leave the sewing pedal turned on for a long time. Besides, do not leave her unattendeduntil the seamstress is convinced of its complete serviceability. In any case, when the seamstress takes her foot off the pedal, to the electric motor in no case should current flow, especially on the output contacts going to the plug.Indeed, in this case, there is a complete disconnection of the electrical circuit.

Very often, new masters have no experience in adjusting a rheostat. Therefore, quite often they leave the pedal on. And this will lead to its constant overheating, which means that it will soon break down.
Summing up, we can say that a detail such as the pedal of a sewing machine is quite important. After all, the machine itself will not work without it. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, you must quickly run to the master or solve the problem yourself. Otherwise, work will stall for a long time.

The repair of the sewing machine pedal is demonstrated in the video.