How to choose a sewing machine belt?

Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to purchase or find an old-style foot sewing machine. But still, some species, such as "Singer" or "Podolsk" are used in some families even now. Such an old item is often inherited from grandmothers. And in the XX and XXI centuries, more modern models with an electric foot drive became known - for example, "Chaika", "Podolsk 142", "Veritas" and many others. They do an excellent job of their task and work for many years without complaints from their owners.
At the same time, many machines, for example, the "Veritas" made in the German Democratic Republic (Germany), have a rotating shuttle in their arsenal that makes perfect stitches. Of course, the biggest advantage of the leg options is the hands-free work that makes the tailor's job much easier. But what if the car is out of order? Let's figure out how to choose, replace and tighten the drive belt for the foot machine yourself.

It is one of the important spare parts for foot or power sewing machines. Without it, the movement of the main shaft in a foot machine becomes impossible, since the pressure on the pedal sets the flywheel in motion, and this, in turn, starts the entire mechanism. In electric, this is the connection between the flywheel and the motor. Today you can find different materials from which the belt is made: leather, plastic, rubber or textiles. Plastic and leather are considered popular due to their strength and durability. At the same time, their variety is determined by the type of machine; they may differ in length, structure and shape.
Belts can be found like this.
- Textured. Used in electric sewing machines, serrated, stepped elements found on the inside and outside.
- Leather. Designed for foot operated models. Connected with a metal brace at the end.

How to choose?
There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the right belt for your sewing machine:
- temperature range of work;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- noise during work;
- the degree of extensibility;
- replacement method and care.

Paying attention to all these nuances, you can count on the long-term operation of the consumable and reliability under constant loads without losing its original properties. The belt is pressed from high quality leather suitable for foot sewing machines "Podolsk", "Tikka", "Chaika", "Lada", "Köller", "Veritas" and others. The belt is 185 cm long and 5 mm thick.
It is possible to purchase a custom-made belt.
The textured, toothed belt for electric clippers is designed to reduce vibration that can be generated during operation and maximizes power while handling high loads.

Replacing the belt
From constant use, the belt becomes unusable: it breaks or cracks, so it should be replaced in a timely manner. You can buy a new one at sewing parts stores or flea markets. However, the cost will be high and it is sometimes replaced with a used one. In some types, the problem area is cut off and reconnected, but over time it is simply not enough.
To correctly replace the belt on a foot sewing machine, connect the ends so that they do not further break. For this we use a metal clip (bracket), which you can purchase or make yourself from steel wire 1 mm thick. It should not be brittle when bent. Cut small pieces from the belt at the ends. In order for it to be in a taut working condition, you should first try it on the wheels, and cut off the remnants of the skin with nippers. We moisten the ends of the skin in water so that they do not break, and press down with pliers.

Then, on the front, smooth part, we make a clear, even hole with an awl or any other sharp object. It should be half a staple away. We insert the bracket in one direction, bend it, straighten the belt so that it is not twisted, and put it on the mechanism. Pull it over the wheels and make a mark for the location of the second hole. We make a second hole and connect with each other, while there should be a small gap between the ends. Next, insert it into the machine and let the tips dry. This compound will last for a long period of use. In addition to staples, they use nylon threads or fishing line, sewing the ends together.
It is not difficult to insert the belt into the machine - this is done on the top flywheel and into the groove on the bottom of the wheel. Insert and scroll. When tensioning the belt, you should not overdo it so as not to increase the load on the mating units and to prevent their premature wear.
With strong tension, the speed of the sewing machine decreases, and the noise increases.
Weak tension increases the chance of the belt coming off the flywheel or slipping during operation. We make fine adjustments with finger pressure to feel a little slack.

Do it yourself
Smart tailors resort to different household methods and use clothesline, laces, braid, rubber, cut an old leather belt, but for correct operation, a rawhide belt is indispensable. To make it from rubber, you should take a suitable piece and use a compass to draw 2 circles - an external and an internal one. Then cut them out. In another case, a strip is cut out and fastened with a paper clip according to the basic instructions.
The use of a dense nylon cord can return the machine to working condition. The diameter should be matched to the flywheel connector (1 cm). We measure the desired size and cut, leaving a little space for singeing the ends, making them round for a neat and tight connection. We take a needle and a strong nylon thread, sew everything without pulling the cord out of the machine. The rope will not slip under normal tension, and the machine will do the job without any problems.
The use of leather pants or other material sometimes helps to cope with the task in place of the original. The cost of a high-quality leather belt for foot sewing machines starts at 550 rubles per 195 cm. Other types are cheaper, they can be purchased at a price of 200 rubles per 1 meter.

Instructions on how to connect a leather sewing machine belt can be found in the video below.