How to choose a synthesizer for beginners?

The synthesizer is an insanely popular musical instrument. Today, such products are produced by many well-known brands, so making a choice in favor of the best option is not difficult. In this article, we will learn how to choose the right synthesizer for beginners.

Selecting the type and number of keys
In order to choose and buy a good synthesizer for a beginner user, you cannot rely only on the cost of the instrument. The first thing you need to pay attention to is its basic quality characteristics. It is necessary to pay attention to the type and number of keys that are installed in the synthesizer. So, the number of octaves, as well as the range, directly depends on the number of these components.
Today, stores sell instruments with such a number of keys:
- 88 - are designed for 7 octaves, as is the case with an ordinary piano;
- 76 - instruments with this number of keys provide 6 octaves;
- 61 - these are synthesizers for 5 octaves (such instrument models are one of the most common).

If you want to perform musical works of high complexity, then the number of keys should be the largest. It is important to consider not only the number, but also the type of keys in the selected synthesizer. The considered instruments have the following types of keys.
- Mechanical or unweighted... In instruments equipped with these types of keys, the volume and tone of the sound does not depend in any way on how hard you press.
- Dynamic or weighted... If such keys are present in the synthesizer, then they react as sensitively as possible to the user's pressure.
If you need to choose the optimal instrument for more serious training sessions, then it makes sense to give preference to synthesizers in which dynamic weighted keys are present.

Determining the effects and timbres
A high-quality synthesizer is quite capable of imitating playing not only on an ordinary piano, but also on many other musical instruments. For example, it can be a guitar, violin and even drums. If we are talking about simple amateur modifications of the instrument, then, as a rule, about 200-300 options are provided here. If we are talking about a professional copy, then there is a greater choice - up to 700.
In addition to the actual accompaniment, the sound is given additional richness through the built-in chorus, reverb, and so on. In the simplest and most inexpensive copies, only 3-10 different effects are usually provided.
In devices of a professional level, there are much more of them - from 50 and more.

Features of choice by age
It is necessary to select a tool, taking into account not only its quality characteristics, but also the age of the user for whom it is purchased. Let's consider what are the main features of choosing a keyboard musical instrument for children and adults.
For an adult
If the first synthesizer is selected for an adult user, then it is best to pay attention to models that have weighted dynamic keys. The sound of these musical devices is much brighter and more interesting..
We recommend that you select instruments that offer a wide variety of automatic accompaniment options.
In such conditions, almost any melody will sound as if it is being performed not by one person, but by a full-fledged group.

For kids
Children who are just starting to use the synthesizer need to find other types of instruments. In addition, if the parents are not yet sure that the children's hobby is absolutely serious, it makes sense to purchase the most budgetary model. It can be equipped with the most basic unweighted keys, a modest set of automatic accompaniment and backlighting. If a small user does not abandon training in 6 months, then it will be possible to pick up a more advanced type of synthesizer.

If you need to choose the best synthesizer for studying at a music school, then it is advisable to buy immediately a semi-weighted or weighted keyboard, numbering 76-88 quality keys... Otherwise, when using "adult" instruments or a piano, the child will have to re-learn how to play them.

We take into account the appointment
You need to select synthesizers based on their purpose. It is very important to consider where exactly the user is going to master this musical instrument. Someone wants to study at home, but someone finds it easier to master the synthesizer at a music school.
If a musical device is chosen for home study and use, then it will not take a long and painful time to choose it. If you just want to play music at home in your free time, then it is advisable to purchase an inexpensive but high-quality copy. You can stop at a five- or six-octave instrumentwhich has a standard type of keys.
Also, instead of the traditional model of the synthesizer, it is possible to purchase a light midi keyboard that connects to a personal computer, acting as an electronic instrument of a diverse nature.

If music is a more serious hobby for you, then it makes sense to find a worthy electronic "assistant". If your home music device will not constantly move and leave the apartment, then you can purchase a massive professional version with 88 keys.

Choosing a synthesizer for school is more difficult. Many people try to find the right tool on their own, but it is best to consult a teacher... He will be able to tell you exactly which device is the best to start the learning process. But be prepared for your instructor to advise you to practice on a simple piano first. However, not everyone can afford to place such a musical instrument at home. A synthesizer will be much more convenient anyway, especially if it has a lot of built-in tutorials.

Other selection criteria
Let's consider other criteria for choosing the right synthesizer for a beginner user.
- It is worth paying attention to the memory size of the keyboard instrument... Too much capacity only makes sense if a novice user plans to record their own work. You can use external storage devices - flash drives or SD cards.
- It is important to study the technical characteristics of the synthesizer... Most of the well-known manufacturers use special technologies in the manufacture of tools. True, it makes sense to take into account these data of synthesizers if a person has at least some skills in playing it. Novice users do not need to purchase very expensive and high-tech devices. A simplified version is enough.
- Pay attention to the instrument's polyphony.... For a beginner, 32 notes will be enough, and if you have at least some skills, then their number can be gradually increased. The highest value for professionals is 256.
- The presence of additional connectors is important, as well as their types.... Thanks to them, it becomes possible to connect the synthesizer to other devices. For example, it could be a computer. The audio output will allow you to connect headphones to use the instrument at night. Some modifications provide the ability to connect a microphone.
- The sampler is also important... This is the element responsible for processing and recording the played melodies. This option is not very necessary for beginners, but if it is still there in the copy you like, then this will serve as another reason to buy.

Top best models for beginners
We offer a small review and rating of the best synthesizers for beginners.
- Casio SA-78... One of the best children's models. Designed for children from 5 years old. Has 44 keys, metronome, very comfortable handles. Provides 600 Voices and 50 Auto Accompaniment.

- Casio CTK-3500... A device for older children. Has 61 keys, 48 notes polyphony is provided. Also provided are reverb, metronome, and the ability to transport. There are 400 Voices and 100 Auto Accompaniment.

- Medei M17... One of the best models in terms of price-quality ratio. Provides 64-voice polyphony. Has 390 timbres, as well as 100 styles of auto accompaniment. There are also 112 built-in tunes for productive learning.

- Casio CTK-1500... Great budget synthesizer that's great for beginners. Provides 120 Voices and 70 Styles. This model has a very useful learning function. A music stand is included with the device.

- Yamaha PSR-E263... This is an inexpensive but highly functional model of a quality synthesizer. Equipped with metronome and arpeggiator. There are 400 tones and a convenient tutorial mode.

There are many more top-notch synthesizers in stores that are suitable for novice users.
Having mastered such tools, you can switch to semi-professional or professional options.