
What does a synthesizer look like and how to play it?

What does a synthesizer look like and how to play it?
  1. What it is?
  3. Top Models
  4. How to choose a synthesizer?
  5. Technique of the game
  6. Repair features

Knowing what a synthesizer looks like and how to play it, how to repair it, connoisseurs of musical creativity expand their capabilities. Getting acquainted with such a tool, you need to pay attention to how to choose it and what it is in general, what are the best and coolest models for today. They are clearly divided into two categories: professional and home products, and this is also a point to figure out.

What it is?

Synthesizers are keyboards designed to replace pianos. Of course such a unit looks somewhat similar to the piano itself. But the keyboard is only a subset of the device options. The main role is played by the processor with its computational capabilities. The software executed with the help of this processor handles all the manipulations of the musicians on the synthesizer.

On command from the processor, the acoustic oscillation generator is triggered. Sometimes there may even be several such devices. If the synthesizer does not have its own keyboard, then it is simply controlled from another. Even computer synthesizers are known. They use conventional computer input / output devices and standard sound cards in their work.


The earliest of all was an analog synthesizing musical instrument. It does not use any digital technology, only processes analog signals... Some people think that this solution makes the sound warmer. But in fact, there are too many subjective points. For the home, you can use both analog and digital designs of various sizes - if only they suit in all respects.

Differences may relate to the input method. The most commonly used keyboard is the one used on the piano. Push-button input is typical for electronic accordions, and models with flexible keyboards are suitable for beginners to master children's music. If there are no buttons at all, then the control of the block is carried out from a MIDI device: usually a MIDI keyboard or the same guitar.

Analog models may differ too. The simplest scheme is with subtractive synthesis. Acoustic properties are controlled by voltage. Additional filters may apply. Since the 1980s, devices with FM synthesis have entered the market, which could also belong to the analog category and had polyphony; today this approach is also applied to digital technology.

More modern solutions are PCM synthesis and table synthesis. The first type was appreciated by musicians for its very accurate imitation of the sound of real instruments. It was PCM that became the "gravedigger" of subtractive technologies. The use of the modeling approach became popular with the advent of high-speed home computers, at least at the 1990 level. In this case, complex mathematical algorithms are applied.

Beginners often and willingly take backlit keyboard synthesizers for learning. They make it easier to master the basics. Mini-synthesizer, despite its name, is quite a serious instrument, used by many professionals. The color apparatus is distinguished by the ability to create a colored score of a piece on computer screens.

Models with active keyboards are often in the budget entry-level category, but they can give musicians quite a lot of practical possibilities.


The budget group includes everything that is cheaper than 30 - 40 thousand rubles. This includes many sound synthesizing devices for children and, in fact, amateur classes. But with inexpensive semi-professional equipment, not everything is so simple - many do not single it out in a special category at all. You have to understand that "amateur" is not a synonym for bad; such models are more perfect than training analogs.

Specific traits:

  • decent sounding, at least for some models;

  • active keyboard;

  • fairly high functionality;

  • noticeable acoustics power.


It is predictable that such models are expensive. But they also have a maximum of practical possibilities. The reaction to the force and characteristics of keystrokes are built very clearly. There are especially many timbres and effects, which allows musicians to achieve extraordinary results.

The concert subspecies are always devoid of auto-accompaniment, since they were designed for playing in a group, and not alone.

Top Models

It is impossible to answer the question which is the coolest modern sound synthesis instrument. The fact is that they are clearly categorized, and only within each group can we single out the leading models. Designed for training YAMAHA PSR-EW300 cannot be classified as a cheap device. However, such a device will definitely justify the amount invested. The keyboard includes 76 full-format keys, 48-voice polyphony is also provided.

Other features:

  • the ability to connect external speakers;

  • headphone output;

  • lightness and relative compactness;

  • 574 voices and 49 effects;

  • backlit display.

Competition for a leader in the training segment can make Casio LK-S250... This model has 400 tones. The backlighting of the keys on the two-touch semi-weighted keyboard works without any problems. The device weighs only 3.4 kg. The device will satisfy the needs of everyone, except for professional musicians.

The amateur rating includes a different model from the same manufacturer - PX-160... The designers have provided 88 full-size keys on a weighted keyboard.When played on such a synthesizer, the impression of a traditional acoustic piano is created completely. This model has been produced for a long time and has been worked out to the smallest detail. There are 3 color options, and skilled musicians will appreciate the 128-voice polyphony.

Considering some of the TOP for professionals, it's hard to pass by Nord Piano 4... The synthesizer's red body looks great in any room. The developers did not bring the maximum number of keys to the surface, but on the other hand, it is relatively easy to navigate in them. Expert reviews point to first-class sound and extreme ease of customization. True, there are no speakers of its own, and you will have to pay a lot for the pleasure of the game.

Kurzweil PC3LE8 Is 88 weighted keys with a relatively reasonable price. 64 voices of polyphony - relatively decent and partly explains the low cost. 16 tones can be applied at the same time. There is no SD card slot, but there are 520 effects. There are quite a lot of connectors, there is a possibility of connecting pedals; total weight - 24.5 kg.

Professionals will also be delighted to have a synthesizer Roland GO-61K... This 61-key model has a display. She will offer the buyer 500 timbres and 128 polyphonic voices. The designers preferred active mechanics; they provided chorus, reverb and transposition. USB and Bluetooth are provided.

How to choose a synthesizer?

First you need to figure out what specific level is needed: for beginners, professionals, or an intermediate option. The first model in a career should be simpler. If you already have experience with classical instruments, you may prefer the digital piano. Attention should be paid to the features of the keyboard. Adult musicians, even if they are just starting out, should use the 76 or 88 button models.

The simple way the keys react is quite good for beginners. Only after gaining some experience, it is worth moving on to models with a sensitive reaction. When getting acquainted with the products of specific brands, one should look closely not only at their reputation, but also at the original technologies that each manufacturer offers.

One has only to be aware that such nuances can be used by professional musicians.

Other subtleties:

  • polyphony (32 tones are enough to start a musical career);

  • the number of timbres (again, at the very beginning it is required to use the minimum set);

  • accompaniment stylistics;

  • connectors;

  • samplers;

  • design;

  • price characteristic.

Technique of the game

In the vast majority of cases, synthesizers are designed for 4 octaves. However, this is quite enough to get beautiful melodies - the main thing is to know exactly how this is done. In most cases, play with two hands. The left hand accompanies, the right hand solo. It is very important to learn musical notation, using corrections for the size and composition of the keyboard.

It is more correct to master the style of the game not through online courses, but with the help of qualified teachers. With an extreme pair of fingers, press on the white keys. Dark buttons are pressed with three middle fingers. It is very important to master this technique of application in order to facilitate the beginning of musical exercises.

Training may involve using a metronome. This allows you to set the rhythm especially accurately. Most often simple chord progressions are played with the left hand. It's better to turn off the auto accompaniment mode so you don't get used to playing with mistakes. It will be easier to compose melodies and build solo parts if you listen to the works of domestic and foreign composers.

It is not very easy to master the synthesizer, but with persistent training it succeeds. Self-study, even when using ready-made video materials, is not as effective as contacting tutors. Professionals will look out for mistakes and incorrect playing style. You should not strive to play as quickly as possible, it is better to hone the technique meticulously.Only after mastering the basics, you can move on to group lessons and complex exercises.

Each movement and each technique is worked out separately. Once you have completed the most basic stage, you can begin to practice the various Voices. It is useful, with some experience, to experiment with the tempo and frequency of the sound.

If the instrument allows you to record, this feature should definitely be used. It is even better if the subsequent analysis will not be carried out independently, but with the help of knowledgeable experts.

Repair features

Even the most reliable synthesizers can break. The main problems are key sticking and audio dropouts. But often the masters are faced with complaints about the unauthorized triggering of signals. Devices that have been used for a long time may experience problems with wires and their connections. If possible, you should contact the manufacturer's service centers until the warranty period ends; if it's already out, you should use an advanced third-party service.

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