
Korg Synthesizer Review

Korg Synthesizer Review
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range of analog models
  3. Analog Modeling Models
  4. Overview of Music Stations
  5. Description of synthesizers for entertainment

The synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument suitable for people of any gender and age, does not require tuning, mobile and lightweight, and most importantly - affordable. Since the synthesizer is mostly easy to learn, this is a great start to your creative journey.


Korg synthesizers are not, in principle, intended for teaching, and here you are unlikely to find instruments that practically play on their own. However, this in no way means that this brand is not at all used by newcomers in this area. These instruments are played not only by professional musicians who work in recording studios, but also by many amateurs who prefer to create their own music using electronic instruments from Korg.

All models of this company are equipped with a speaker system, which is very important for people striving for an ideal result.

Besides, you can find instruments in which the playback of sounds is carried out with the support of the Midi-keyboard and all kinds of controllers - a large number of lotions combined with a low price and good quality.

Range of analog models

There are Korg analog synthesizers, which are characterized by slow and very smooth sound changes. This creates the unique character of the music. Such models are equipped with two built-in oscillators and a noise-regulating generator. These synthesizers have the ability to process sounds while playing thanks to an external effects process. These models include the following options.

  • Minilogue equipped with 4-voice polyphony. This model has a better price and more features than competing synthesizers.
  • Volca keys - an instrument that is self-powered, 27 keys, and combines incredible compactness and good sound.
  • Monologue-BK - 25-key instrument, elegant analog synthesizer from a famous Japanese company. It really is a multifunctional device, unlike other well-known models.

Analog Modeling Models

In most cases, simulation analog synthesis is intended for live performance. These synthesizers have an XMT engine that provides the keyboard with many oscillators and filters.designed to accurately simulate vintage analog synthesizers in demand today.

Analog modeling instruments have 3 oscillators and a two-part multitimbrality, which gives musicians the ability to make a bright, dense sound. In addition to a set of waveforms, it provides a person with preset algorithms containing various combinations of oscillators.

For a synthesizer, the filter section plays a huge role. In addition to the built-in filters, originally intended for analog modeling, there are special ones that repeat the keyboard melodies of the 70s and 80s.

Synthesizers of this kind provide a choice of 200 preset programs containing many famous melodies, modern and classical songs.

Musicians have the opportunity to save their compositions to one of the 100 memory slots available in the device. These include the Korg NC-Q1 BK, Korg NC-Q1 WHWH and many others.

Overview of Music Stations

Music station - a power tool that combines a drum machine, synthesizer, sequencer, and effects processes in one mechanism. As a rule, they are equipped with keys.

Korg Pa1000

Considering budget music stations, you can pay attention to the Korg Pa1000. For a relatively small amount, the user will have access to an instrument with good sounding and a built-in library of more than 1000 beautiful sounds.

Another plus is the excellent possibilities for recording and processing melodies using a user-friendly interface. This model also has a controller that changes the sound in real time.

Korg kronos-2

This model has everything you need to create a composition of any complexity with the ability to simulate the sound of acoustic instruments. The price for it is almost 2 times higher, but the functions on it, respectively, are many times more. There is a recording and processing of voice, the ability to expand sound libraries.

There are few musicians who lack the capabilities of such an instrument, because in terms of functionality this device can only be compared with a computer, which has a huge library of sounds and more complex software.

These keyboards rarely crash and do not require any tuning after purchase.

Description of synthesizers for entertainment

It is very difficult to find children's synthesizers or keyboard models on which they begin to learn, because serious and high-quality instruments for professional playing are created under this brand - mainly digital pianos, synthesizers, professional workstations and arrangers. However, for games and entertainment, you can take any synthesizer without a lot of options. Typically, this type of model has few keys and is relatively small in size, and their price is much lower.

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