Synthesizer pedal

Many musicians start playing the synthesizer without a pedal and only connect it with time. In fact, it is better to master this element precisely at the beginning of training. This will make it easier to use the pedal later when performing various songs. It is important to choose the right model so that it is easy and convenient to play.

What are they for?
A synthesizer pedal is not essential, but it allows you to sound fuller and deeper. When pressed, the strings inside the instrument are not muffled. As a result, you can hear the overtones after the note itself. Sustain allows you to prolong the sound, make it more expressive.
A synth sustain pedal allows you to maintain sound. This element makes the notes last longer. The sound does not stop after the pianist removes his finger from the synthesizer key. At the same time, the pedals differ in design and material.
A simple plastic pedal visually somewhat resembles the same part for a sewing machine. A good option for beginners and undemanding musicians. The model is as accessible as possible, but it quickly breaks down under active and frequent loads.

The metal model has a greater margin of safety. The lower part has a plate that prevents the pedal from sliding on the floor. This makes the game more comfortable. The accessory itself is compact and visually similar to that of a standard piano.

If a musician learned to play the piano, then it is better for him to take a pedal of the piano type. Anti-slip rubber base for such models is present. And also the roll-type accessories are pressure-sensitive. Here you can make smooth decays and transitions of sound to maintain harmony.

The standard model for synthesizers. The sustain has 2 modes of operation: pressed and depressed. There will be no smooth effect here. The accessory allows you to change the polarity if necessary. So the pedal is suitable for any synthesizer.

Triple and double models are usually designed for a specific musical instrument. So, a console from Yamaha is suitable for several synthesizers of the same brand. The principle of operation is the same as for piano pedals.

- The universal version is usually used by owners of several synthesizers of different production. The accessory will allow you to play a variety of classic voices and complex compositions.

All types have their own characteristics. So, plastic pedals are the simplest and quickly fail, which is offset by an affordable price.
When teaching children, it is better to use a metal model with a non-slip pad. It is more comfortable and easy to use.
How to choose?
The sustain pedal allows the musician to vary his playing. Many manufacturers offer quality parts that last more than one year. When choosing, you will have to take into account many nuances so as not to be disappointed in the pedals. At the same time, some factors affect only comfort, while others affect the quality of the game. There may be several selection criteria.
Design feature. The body itself can be in the form of a button or repeat the grand piano pedal. Moreover, this does not at all affect the principle of work. However, it greatly affects comfort. If the musician has previously played the piano, then it is necessary to take a grand piano model.
Wire length. If the synthesizer is located on the upper tier of the stand, then the connecting cord should be quite long. The standard size may simply not be enough.
Half pedal effect. Usually there are only 2 modes: pressed and wrung out. However, there are models that allow you to choose an intermediate option with a smooth movement. Half damper pedals duplicate sustains from real acoustic pianos. These models are more expensive and do not work with all synthesizers. However, the sound is more varied.
The number of pedals on the console. A standard synthesizer will do just fine with a single model. More complex versions with 2-3 pedals are produced for specific instruments. The choice in this case depends solely on the synthesizer.
Possibility of polarity reversal. It happens that the pedal prolongs the sound when it is not depressed. If this happened when connecting, then the polarities of the part and the synthesizer do not match. There can be only 2 operating modes: normally open and closed. Some synths allow polarity reversal, but simple models don't. This is why it is much better to take a pedal with such a switch.
Price. Such a synthesizer accessory is usually quite affordable. With active and regular use, they can fail.

The accessory can and should be used not only in classical piano voices. Holding a sound or chord on the pedal frees your hands. And also this detail makes the game more lively and interesting.
When choosing, it is worth considering the features of the synthesizer and the comfort of the musician.

How to use?
If you press the pedal, the note will continue to sound even after the player releases the key. There are several ways to realize the potential of an accessory. Usually, the clamping is done with a key press or with a slight delay. As soon as the pedal is released, the sound is muted. The musician chooses the way of using the accessory himself, depending on the composition and his own preferences.