
What are the sizes of tablecloths on the table and how to calculate them?

What are the sizes of tablecloths on the table and how to calculate them?
  1. Standard sizes for different tables
  2. Calculation features
  3. Rules for choosing tablecloths by size

Each self-respecting housewife has several tablecloths used for different occasions. Made of various materials, they are used in everyday life or to decorate a festive table. Table covers are inherited, bought or sewn on their own. And the question often arises of how to correctly calculate the size of the tablecloth so that it looks organic, creating the desired impression.

Standard sizes for different tables

Mostly standard tables are used, so you can find ready-made tablecloths and sets on sale that are suitable in shape and size. It is more difficult when furniture is created according to an individual project. Then sewing the tablecloth is necessary. It can be ordered from the studio, or sewn by yourself.

Tables are rectangular and square, round and oval, sliding or folding like a book. And for each type, you can choose a tablecloth of the appropriate size and shape. The main thing is to know the dimensions of the table top and determine for what purposes the table cover will be used. This information is necessary because the length of the overhanging edges is different for each case.

Here are the minimum values:

  • in everyday use, the edges hang down from 15 cm to 20 cm on each side;
  • for festive decoration, the overhang border does not fall below 30 cm;
  • if an official reception or banquet is expected, then the border is 40 cm from the edge of the table;
  • and only at the buffet table do the edges of the tablecloth go down to the floor, completely hiding the table legs.

Another caveat: tablecloths should be at least two sizes. This is necessary, since the spread-out table needs a larger blanket than the assembled one.And on the kitchen table for daily use, you can lay an oilcloth, which is equal in size to the area of ​​the countertop.

For square and rectangular

Most often, rectangular or square tables are used in homes. Tablecloths for them should be 30-40 cm longer and wider than the table if everyday use is planned, and 60 cm for a festive situation. The shape of the tablecloth should match the shape of the table top. Although it is possible to use a round bedspread for a square table.

For oval

Connoisseurs of oval furniture can choose a table cover from two options: oval or rectangular. The choice is made depending on the overall design concept of the room. To determine the size of the tablecloth, the same standards for the overhang of the edges are used as for the classic ones.

For round

A round table can be covered with a round or square tablecloth. Its size depends on the diameter of the table. When choosing a table cover for a sliding table, you need to take into account what shape the unfold furniture takes. It can be an oversized round tabletop or an ellipse. Therefore, when buying tablecloths, this factor should be taken into account.

For a book table

Many have book tables. Compact furniture comes in three different shapes. When folded, it is a narrow table top that can be covered with a runner (beautiful tablecloth). The choice of a large tablecloth depends on the layout of the table: only one wing is used or a full spread.

Calculation features

Determining the size of the tablecloth is easiest. For these purposes, it is necessary to measure the length and width of the table top, or its diameter if the table is round. For an oval table, the length is measured along the center line passing through the highest points of the rounded sides. The width is measured across the center of the table. It is necessary to take measurements in the folded and unfolded states. Next, double the length of the overhang should be added to the resulting dimensions, depending on the intended use. For example: the dimensions of the table top are 140x80 cm. Then the size of the tablecloth should be 170 × 110 cm (180 × 120 cm) for everyday use. It is considered this way:

  • 140 cm + 2 × 15/20 cm = 170/180 cm - length;
  • 80 cm + 2 × 15/20 cm = 110/120 cm - width.

For a festive party or banquet, the corresponding double overhang lengths are added to the length and width. To decorate a buffet table, it is also necessary to measure the height of the furniture. Then you can calculate using the following formula: length / width / diameter + double height. For example, for a table with a diameter of 150 cm and a height of 75 cm, you will need a tablecloth with a diameter of 3 meters (150 + 2 × 75 = 300).

Below is a table of sizes to guide you when choosing a tablecloth.

Table, cm2

Everyday tablecloth, cm2



Banquet room, cm2













































If you need to calculate the size of a round tablecloth for square furniture, then the diagonal length of the table is taken as a basis. A double overhang allowance is added to it, the result obtained will be the required diameter of the table cover.

Rules for choosing tablecloths by size

The tablecloth is chosen according to one's own taste. But there are several nuances that should be taken into account in order to choose the right bedspread for the table for home use. There are several factors to consider when choosing a tablecloth. All of them are important: they are the material of manufacture, the color scheme, as well as the size and shape of the product. However, one of the most important points to consider when choosing is the size of the table cover. The dimensions of the tablecloth are influenced by the purpose for which it will be used. A properly selected tablecloth should hang nicely from the edges by at least 15-20 centimeters in everyday use.

For such an application in the kitchen, an ordinary oilcloth or a waterproof tablecloth made of modern materials impregnated with Teflon or acrylic is suitable. A tablecloth made of a more expensive fabric will look good in the living room: it can be tapestry, velvet, silk, linen or cotton. The color scheme is selected depending on the overall concept. For a festive table, the length of the hanging of the tablecloth increases from 20 cm to 80 cm, depending on the situation and the degree of importance of the celebration.

For a festive feast, cotton and linen sets are used, as well as tablecloths made of modern mixed materials that are closest to natural sensations. The color is selected depending on the holiday. For a special celebration or banquet, tablecloths made of expensive materials are used. In addition, the festive tablecloth can be decorated with embroidery, lace, fringe. And also it can be of different shapes, not only square or rectangular, but also round or oval or other fancy shapes.

If non-standard tables are used for a festive dinner, then the tablecloth is selected in accordance with them, so that the hanging edge passes below the level of the seats. In everyday life, it should be much higher. For sliding furniture, as a rule, two types of tablecloths are used, especially if the tables are too long.

Important: when choosing a tablecloth made from natural materials, you should take into account the possibility of fabric shrinkage after washing. Therefore, buying a tablecloth costs a little more than the required size.

If a tablecloth of the required size is not on sale, preference should be given to the larger one. For a banquet, you do not need to buy a separate large tablecloth, if there is an opportunity to purchase a set with a special banquet (buffet) skirt. When decorating a festive table, you can use bedspreads of different sizes and shades, laying one on top of the other. Often there are design options when special tracks are laid on top of the main accessory in tone or in a contrasting color. They can be positioned in the center, or they can be used to decorate the corners of the table.

Based on these rules, you can choose a tablecloth of the desired size and shape. Do not overlook the children's table. The size of a table cover for children's furniture is calculated according to the same principles as for an adult. Only the length of the overhanging edge will be shorter, since the height of the children's table is much less. So, instead of 15-20 centimeters for standard nursery furniture, it will be within 10 cm.

For the festive option, the same principle remains - the edge runs just below the seat of the chair.

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