Electric skateboards: principle of operation, best models and selection criteria

Today, electric transport is becoming more and more popular among various categories of people. It allows a person to move on roads and sidewalks without making any effort. One of the most interesting types of such transport can be called an electric skateboard. This is a great solution for the city, which will make you feel confident and easy on any surface.

From the outside, the electric board looks like a regular skateboard, which does not have an electronic drive. Therefore, it is called an electric skateboard, since its device is not so much more complicated than the classic model, although it is different. For example, the mass of the product in question is significantly greater. The wheels here have a larger diameter.
If we talk about the device of an electric skateboard, then it consists of 4 main components:
- Electrical engine;
- rechargeable batteries;
- brakes;
- control mechanism.
Now let's talk a little more about each element. An electric skateboard can have 1 or more electric motors. Low-power boards accelerate up to 15 km per hour, and more powerful models - up to 40.
This makes it possible not only to have fun, but also to commute to work.

Similar speed indicators are typical for non-professional devices with an electric drive. If we talk about models that belong to the category of sports, then they can drive at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. True, driving at such a speed is associated with a great risk to health, which requires special training. Note that the motor of the electric board can be easily turned off and moved on it, as on a regular skateboard.
An electric skateboard draws its electrical energy from the lithium-ion batteries it is equipped with. They are usually located directly under the board. Their power is low, but the electric motor itself can hardly be called very energy-intensive. Therefore, when the battery is fully charged, you can travel up to 20 kilometers or more. Everything will depend on the model.
And it won't be difficult to charge such a battery. To do this, you will need a regular 200 volt outlet and a special wire, which usually comes with the board. Usually a couple of hours is enough to fully charge the battery.

The braking mechanism is usually responsible for reducing the speed of the board when driving after receiving the appropriate command from the control panel. This is possible due to the use of the recuperation effect. The motor essentially goes into a generator state. And the device is coasting and starts to slow down, while charging the battery in parallel. If you are driving with deactivated motors, then braking can only be done with your feet. Typically, the stopping distance is 12 meters.
The control mechanism is usually a remote control, thanks to which the person who controls, applies the brake and allows you to control the movement of the board.

Advantages and disadvantages
Now let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the transport in question. The strengths are as follows.
- Any electric skate, if not an SUV, can be used as the simplest skate. If the battery is discharged, then you can safely ride with the help of body inertia. Nothing on the top of the board will interfere with the simplest kick-off.
- Considering that the skateboards are electrically powered, their dimensions are still small. If you compare them with electric scooters or electric bicycles, the boards can be carried in the hand or put in a backpack during a trip in transport.
- The control panel for such a vehicle is an original solution of the creators, because it can work at a certain distance from the skate, which is why it can be called remote. The remote control does not interfere with a person's driving, it is very compact and it is as simple and easy to use it as possible.
- The control panel allows you to control the skate even when there is no person on it. That is, you can ride someone or drive him to you.
- Such vehicles have a considerable amount of energy and can travel quite quickly. According to these criteria, it will be preferable to gyro scooters. Such a skateboard can ride on a single charge for an hour, even at high speed.
- Lack of sensitivity to moisture is another important aspect. If it rains outside, the electronic system will not fail, because it is protected by a board. But driving through puddles will already be dangerous. And the road will be slippery, which can cause danger while driving.
- A number of devices have various auxiliary elements. For example, a headlight that illuminates the road for safe driving. It does not consume a lot of charge due to the fact that it is based on several low-power LEDs that generate a sufficient luminous flux.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then the main thing is the rather high price of the device. It will be much higher than that of a regular skateboard. And if you also buy some kind of branded model, then its cost will not be affordable for everyone.
A significant part of the cost of the device is made up of electronics. And if it breaks down, then the repair will be expensive. That's why you definitely need to take care of the electric skateboard. Given the permanent charging and discharging of batteries, their service life is constantly decreasing.
And at some point you will have to buy a new electric skateboard due to the fact that the charge in the constantly used batteries will no longer be enough for a long time.

Species overview
Electric skateboards can be divided into several categories based on various criteria.For example, this can be done according to the permissible human weight, power and type of road surface. The first criterion is quite important, because if a person stands on such an electric skateboard, the mass of which is greater than the permissible one, then it will simply break. Manufacturers produce the following models of electric skateboards designed for the rider's weight:
- lungs;
- medium;
- heavy.

The easy option can also be called childish. They are suitable for people weighing up to 85 kilograms. Medium models can withstand a person weighing up to 100 kilograms, and heavy ones are designed for people weighing up to 135 kilograms. According to the category of road surface, electric skateboards are:
- urban;
- off-road.

The first category is characterized by narrow and smooth wheel tires, not very high engine power and low weight. Off-road tires are characterized by pronounced tire treads, as well as adaptability to driving on dirt roads and light off-road conditions. Here, the motor power will be higher, as well as the mass.
In addition, electric skates vary in power. According to this criterion, they are:
- children;
- professional.

The first category has a power of up to 150 watts and can move at speeds up to 10 kilometers per hour. Models of the second category have a power of up to 350 watts, their speed will be significantly higher.
In addition, both one-wheeled and two-wheeled options can be found on the market. Naturally, models on two wheels will be more popular, because they are much easier and easier to drive.
But one-wheeled solutions are also quite popular today among young people who do not want to waste their time on bulky two-wheeled models.

There are quite a lot of companies and firms on the market today that produce quite good and economical, but at the same time powerful electric skateboards. For example, a company Evolve Skateboards. It was founded in 2012, and in just a few years it managed to conquer the electric skateboard market and become one of the most successful companies in this market segment.
The founder of the companies Jeff Anning himself became the developer of the first models of the company's electric skateboards. And his product turned out to be so successful that in 2014 the company entered the world markets, including the Russian one. Particularly successful models can be called Evolve Bamboo One, Evolve Bustin Pintail 2 in 1, Evolve GT Carbon Street, Evolve Bustin Pintail Street, Evolve Carbon All Terrain.

Another manufacturer whose electric skateboards deserve the attention of consumers are models from the Chinese company Xiaomi. The company, founded not so long ago, first positioned itself as a manufacturer of mobile phones. But having achieved success in this field, she began to actively master the production of other goods, including electric scooters.

Another company that makes pretty high quality electric scooters is American firm Razor. It was established in 2000. The brand's trademark is the so-called scooter model A, which is known to everyone. According to user reviews, the company makes electric skateboards just as well.

Selection Tips
An electric skateboard is a great solution if you are experienced in riding it. If it is not there, then it is better to first practice on non-motorized counterparts.
Another important point - you should pay attention to the speed of the device. The highest for children's models is 15 kilometers per hour. For adults - up to 40 kilometers per hour. This value will depend on how powerful the motor is on the skateboard.
The third aspect is power reserve, which is determined by the charge of the battery. On average, we are talking about 20 kilometers. But for more powerful models, this indicator can be 2 times higher.
Another important point - the capacity of the battery, which is measured in ampere-hours. The power reserve will depend on this indicator.
The larger it is, the greater the distance this type of transport can travel.

The next moment that will influence the choice of the model is the angle of inclination. Thanks to him, a person can, with varying degrees of ease, drive up the hill and go down.
Another aspect is the number of wheels and their dimensions. As mentioned, one-, two- and four-wheeled models can be found today. If the wheels are large, then the passability of the skate will be maximum. But maneuverability will suffer, so you need to be careful here.
The next selection criterion is clearance. The higher the platform is, the more difficult terrain it will overcome. Most of the models are average.
And the last criterion - board weight. Depending on the model, the value can vary from 8 to 35 kilograms.
For an overview of the Armo Board Pro Gen 2 electric skateboard, see the following video.