What is architectural sketching and how do you learn how to sketch?
In our world, there are many ways to express your thoughts. In the form of literary and musical forms, as well as a drawing or work of art. Artistic expression of thoughts is such a type of work as a sketch.
What it is?
The word "sketch" came to us from the English speech and is firmly entrenched in our language. Defines a sketch as a "sketch" or "sketch".
Most often, but not always, it is done with a pencil so that you can remove some details in the process and draw new ones. Markers (alcohol), watercolors, pencils with colored rods and any other accessories for artistic creation are used as tools for execution.
Sketching is the best way to start developing inexperienced artists. In it, you can practice conveying the mood and ideas of projects at the sketch level. But sketching is not just a sketch; it is a fairly accurate visualization of an idea.
There are several types of sketch. They differ depending on the activities in which they are applied: landscape sketching, interior, industrial, clothing sketching, food and architectural sketching. In fact, there are a lot of types of such sketches.
Sketch architecture is a very interesting and serious direction in the development of sketches. To work in this direction requires a certain artistic skill. After all, it is not so easy to convey the exact features and model of an architectural object. But that's not all, you need to be able to convey the character and style of the building.
Who needs it?
Sketch is indispensable in many creative professions. This is the initial form of thought on paper. The first stage in the emergence of a full-fledged project.
There are many directions for sketching (the names are given above). Depending on the direction, it has its own subtleties and features, but at the same time there is one base. The goal and the end result are different, but the expression of the idea and the means of achievement are the same.
It's always a drawing. It is required for portrait painters, landscape and interior designers. It is also necessary for website and application creators for initial sketches of logos and other digital designs.
Due to the undemandingness of specialized means, it is very convenient for people who are constantly in business. An idea can come to mind at any time. And to translate it in the form of a sketch, you only need to have a sheet of paper and a simple pencil at hand.
This is an important milestone for architects and interior designers. In these professions, you cannot do without an initial sketch of a future building or design, for example, a bathroom. Already at this stage of the project, its pros and cons are visible. And you can understand where you need to add something, and where to replace it.
How to learn to draw?
You don't have to be a professional to try yourself in this kind of creativity. But in order to achieve success, you need to adhere to some tips for aspiring artists:
- To transfer huge buildings and structures to paper in the form of a drawing, you must first outline its volumes on a sheet. In order not to get confused, you should not start by drawing individual small details.
- Better to start with the top lines of the buildings. You should draw the main lines and only then draw the details.
- In the sketch, you should not depict the entire texture of the walls, you can limit yourself to sketching a separate section.
- You can also try your hand at sketching the interior decoration of houses, rather than the external facade. Sometimes it is even more interesting - the character of the buildings is more complete.
- You shouldn't cast aside the image on the sketch of the figures of people. This adds some history and flavor to the building.
- When depicting the interior of the premises, one should not forget about the drawing of windows. Such details add completeness and completeness to the picture.
First, the sketch is done with a pencil, then painted over with watercolors at will, or left without adding color.
A small summary can be made. Sketching is a direction in art, as well as a tool in the expression of ideas and projects at an early stage. Architectural sketching is indispensable for people working in design bureaus and interior design firms.