Scorpio compatibility

Scorpio compatibility with Scorpio in various areas of life

Scorpio compatibility with Scorpio in various areas of life
  1. Characteristics of the zodiac sign
  2. Friendship compatibility
  3. Behavior in love relationships
  4. Secrets of a harmonious marriage
  5. Relationships at work
  6. Possible conflicts

Two Scorpios in the same territory is a dangerous combination that seems impossible to many. Nevertheless, it happens that a man and a woman - representatives of this sign - form a completely viable marriage or friendship union. They will not be bored together, but these two are ready for bright passions.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

Scorpio is one of the most versatile signs. His soul is woven from contradictions that are reflected in his behavior. He knows how to value himself and perfectly knows the truth about himself. He does not need to listen to the opinions of others about the good and bad sides of his character. Scorpio does not care about criticism of strangers against him, and compliments, at least outwardly, will not cause him a reaction.

From the outside, the representative of this sign may seem naive and even soft. But if you ask his opinion and advice, he will answer straightforwardly, and it is not a fact that what is said will please the one who asked the question. But if Scorpio expressed praise or said something pleasant, there is no doubt that he actually thinks as he says - the words were not spoken out of politeness.

Scorpio is capable of being a good helper and advisor. You just need to keep in mind his utmost honesty, perceiving it as a virtue, and not as a disadvantage. The truthfulness of a representative of such a zodiac is the flip side of his fearlessness. Such people, indeed, rarely seriously fear something.

But, like good, they do not forget evil. And this must be borne in mind by all enemies of Scorpions.Such people may sting in response instantly, but more often they follow the principle that revenge is a dish that is served cold.

These representatives of the water element have great efficiency and are ready to achieve any goal with their perseverance. They do not like to work physically, while they are able to find a non-standard way out of the situation.

They are adventurous by nature. Are able to achieve success in the financial field. The disadvantage of the sign is the unwillingness to finish what has been started. If someone else does it on principle, then Scorpio, having lost motivation, will simply forget about the problem.

Scorpios are passionate natures, despite the fact that it is almost impossible to discern this passion in a person who gives the impression of being completely in control of himself. Passion manifests itself not only in the intimate sphere, but also in everything with which they deal, be it friends, work or hobbies.

The duality of the sign is manifested in the equal influence of the forces of reason and passion on it. By nature, this is a person of a philosophical warehouse.

In the unknown and mysterious, he seeks answers to deep life questions and sometimes, thanks also to his highly developed intuition, comes very close to the answers.

Friendship compatibility

A stable friendly alliance between two Scorpios is a completely natural thing. These people understand each other perfectly, which gives them the opportunity to forgive shortcomings that would certainly annoy them not in Scorpio. Given the sign's ability to bond strongly to someone, such a friendship can last at least a lifetime.

Behavior in love relationships

Scorpio with Scorpio is brought together by the natural magnetism of the sign. It is not surprising that a man and a woman born under this zodiac sometimes find each other. They can be united by a passion for risk taking and adventure. It wouldn't be surprising if these two spot each other for the first time on the ski slope or while skydiving.

One glance at each other is enough for these people, so that a flame of love and passion flares up between them.

The Scorpio man is able to arrange a romantic date. From the outside, representatives of such a zodiac sign who find themselves at a table in a restaurant may seem like old acquaintances who enthusiastically discuss common memories.

In fact, they are brought together by internal compatibility.

It takes time for them to appreciate how these man and woman are really important to each other.

The Scorpio man, who realizes that he is completely dissolved in love, will make an offer, but the freedom-loving representative of such a sign may not give an instant answer to him. Such a reaction on her part can make a man jealous and ruin the relationship. Although after a stormy finding out, what happened after all, truly loving Scorpios are able to come to an understanding. This situation can be repeated more than once.

Not the least role in the strength of the union of two Scorpios is played by the intimate side of their relationship. Although violent passions in bed do not relieve the problems that arise between these people. Each of them is hampered by adherence to principles, which does not allow making concessions even for the sake of lofty feelings.

How much one Scorpio suits the other, you can find out from whether they can overcome mutual jealousy.

If one, indeed, is compatible with the other, both the man and the woman have enough intelligence to learn to forgive and accept a partner as he is.

Secrets of a harmonious marriage

Family unions of two Scorpios are rare. The peculiarities of his character depend on the period of the supremacy of this sign in the Zodiac. Therefore, Scorpios can be very different in this regard.

If a man and a woman converge in a pair, whose birthdays fall on different decades of the period of the dominance of their sign, and one of them is an imperious tough type, and the other is a soft and diplomatic one, then they have enough chances for a stable marriage relationship.

But in any case, one should not rely on ingenuous and comfortable relationships in the family. These people will to a greater extent be kept close to each other by their sexual attraction and sober calculation, and to a lesser extent by mutual warm feelings at the level of the soul.

From the outside, such a couple may seem imperceptible. But this is in the event that she does not want to attract attention to herself. To take possession of it in the company of a husband and wife Scorpios really does not cost anything. Enough time inserted weighty phrase on a particular occasion. Moreover, surrounded by other people, two Scorpios skillfully support each other and can become an excellent striking force in a dispute with opponents. Not everyone likes it.

In pairs of two Scorpios, a woman is often the head of the family, although sometimes this is the result of an uncompromising struggle for leadership. The husband can take on the function of providing material support to the family, and she will get all the household chores. But if these two do not please each other, each of them will directly express the essence of their claims to the other.

Both of them are unwilling to show their feelings to their partner. It seems to them that this makes them weak in the eyes of another. But life teaches each of them to show nobility and take under the protection of those closest to them and relatives. Having curbed their irrepressible temper, these people are able to make their family indestructible.

The birth of a child often helps to reduce the intensity of passions. Scorpios are responsible for raising children and are often overly demanding of them. At the same time, they sensitively protect them from negative influence from the outside and try not to ignore his needs.

Relationships at work

Any boss will be pleased with Scorpios working in pairs, if they are busy with a specific project and are completely absorbed in work. And if they are encouraged with praise, the results of the work will exceed all expectations.

But when the race for the result stops, these two begin to compete, so much so that in an effort to influence the situation they are ready to go to dishonest tricks.

In cases when a Scorpio of the fair sex is in the boss's chair, and the man of this sign is a subordinate employee, these two are able to work harmoniously. A man's desire for power can spoil everything. The lady boss will not forget to once again emphasize her importance as a leader and will try to protect herself from a competitor to the “throne”. That, in turn, will find what counter actions to use in an undeclared war.

When a man of this water sign is in the boss's chair, and a woman is in the role of a subordinate, a wonderful working union is obtained.

The Scorpio woman will be satisfied with the fact that her work is highly appreciated and do not forget to encourage, and will take the guidance of her fellow zodiac for granted.

Possible conflicts

There are also disagreements between the two Scorpios.

  • Despite the fact that Scorpios, regardless of gender, react in the same way to many things and must understand each other's feelings, for a long time they try to impose their will on the other half. The suspicion that periodically spills out into scandals is only a derivative of this. The “winner” in the struggle for the right to dispose of a partner is ready to endow him with his care, but he does not need it. He is not weak or defenseless. He does not need custody.
  • Each member of the couple is ready to endlessly test the strength of the nervous system of the other. This leads to the creation of reasons for conflict based on jealousy. In loving couples of Scorpions, its members do not commit adultery, but even if no one is seriously tuned in to her, the games associated with this can breed mutual distrust, and the marriage will be over.
  • Since it is difficult for Scorpios to forgive, they can intrigue each other indefinitely. And they are not embarrassed by the fact that their own family is becoming a battlefield. It is not at all easy for them to become more indulgent towards each other.

Only wisdom and a desire to maintain a relationship will help representatives of such a difficult sign to overcome all these problems. These people must come to understand that they are a test for each other, which can lead to a prosperous life together. And each of them has enough will to pass this test successfully.

You will learn more about the union of Scorpio with Scorpio in the following video.

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