Scorpio compatibility

Scorpio behavior and compatibility in love and marriage

Scorpio behavior and compatibility in love and marriage
  1. Characteristic
  2. What kind of partner do you need?
  3. Friendship behavior
  4. In love
  5. In family life
  6. Compatibility

There is probably no other zodiac sign that is as demanding when it comes to marriage. Scorpio is ready to make every effort to ensure that the union brings unprecedented happiness to both partners.


The Scorpio man will work day and night, amassing wealth to supply the home with luxury and basic necessities. In the woman's case, she will work hard to keep the home spotless and to provide her husband with comfort. In life, these two representatives of Scorpio are very similar in their attitude towards the family.

Both will hate more than anything in the world for an attitude from a partner that does not meet their expectations. A person without character is unacceptable to them, since these people want to see an equal next to them. The representatives of this sign have special requirements for sex, since the other half should always be passionate and interested in bed.

People of this sign spend a lot of time at work, but they try to make up for their absence by trips to the sea, to the mountains or just to the cinema. They love to spend time with loved ones. Family relationships will largely depend on why they were created by Scorpio.

The worst thing you can think of in this pair is jealousy. Do not make you jealous, otherwise the reaction will be completely different. Scorpio will not seek attention, just feel offended and sooner or later leave.

Scorpios are great parents and don't just let their kids grow up, but teach them important things through excursions and other fun things. They always expect a lot from their children and do not allow them to be content with small achievements.Children, pushed and encouraged by the parents of this sign, inherit a special energy, learn to earn and win from an early age.

What kind of partner do you need?

Like the desert where Scorpio lives, the love of this sign can burn him. This is a real sex machine, he needs a partner who can withstand many hours of caresses. In any of its manifestations, be it a man or a woman, the representative of the sign wants to be consumed in the fire of passion and desire. For Scorpio, love, and indeed all life, must be filled with meaning, otherwise it is simply not worth living.

When it becomes boring, monotony comes, Scorpio changes, becomes gloomy, unhappy. A person must feel that they can fully trust their lover before giving up their body, mind and soul. These people are extremely sensitive to betrayal and do not forgive when their feelings are hurt.

If the partner decided to argue, then you will have to stock up on arguments, since stupidity this sign despises even more than a lie. You cannot try to dominate him, since such behavior can only be tolerated by a sign in relation to a person whom he loves very much, and then until he gets tired of it.

The biggest mistake is trying to trick a Scorpio. You can become a little mysterious, but, most likely, the representative of this sign will see through his partner, learn everything that is necessary through the paths known only to him.

Scorpio is curious, so it's easy to get this sign's attention. If a person wants to conquer Scorpio, you need to be not defiant, but a little mysterious. This big child quickly begins to get bored if he is attached, but he needs a partner who will not use it, but will appreciate the care, affection and love, even if these feelings sometimes stifle a little.

Indeed, both a woman and a Scorpio man can, without hesitation, completely fill the space around them. Sometimes it is annoying, but in no case should you say it in their eyes in a rude manner, you need to gently hint. Scorpio will certainly appreciate the truth and tact.

These people want to know absolutely everything about a partner, including the deepest and darkest secrets - but they will not give anything in return. The more they start digging under it, the stronger the representative of the sign will close in itself. The other half must keep a distance, otherwise trust will disappear, and, accordingly, the relationship will fall apart.

In this sign, a lot in life is built on trust, through it you can conquer both the woman and the man of Scorpio, who themselves will begin to share information when they understand that there is no danger.

These are not great romantics, but they become deeply attached to their loved ones. You can be sure in your relationship with Scorpio that his love is real. Scorpio will not play with feelings, but he will be faithful to the end, provided that everything is fine in the couple and the partner treats him with respect.

Scorpios are too honest, so you don't need to ask about the dress or hair if you don't want to hear the truth. The partner of this sign should normally accept criticism, not be offended.

These are people who test loyalty, love, but never fail and will not create relationships based on momentary passion, and even sex may not play a role in such a union. Pleasure and love for them go on opposite sides. They value the care that a partner gives, but give much more in return.

Scorpio is extremely selective when choosing a soul mate and is looking for someone who is close to the ideal. You can find out who he really needs by simply listening to Scorpio, who, between the lines, indicates the traits in character that he values ​​most.

If this person has chosen a couple, then, in his understanding, the partner is the best, and this opinion will not change until he is betrayed.

Friendship behavior

Scorpios have a hard time making friends because they:

  • carefully disclose information about themselves;
  • are often in a bad mood;
  • their emotions often cause them to act irrationally.

It is not easy to become a friend of the representative of this sign, as this sign is suspicious and wary of people. Scorpio will check a person for a long time before trusting him with intimate secrets. If someone is lucky enough to make friends with him, you cannot betray him, otherwise a person will leave who is ready to come to the rescue at any time.

They are protectors by nature, and they know their friends even better than they know themselves. Open and honest Scorpios will never discuss behind their backs, and they will express everything they think in person.

Having a Scorpio's best friend is like having a personal guard who stays close during difficult times. You can trust him, but sometimes such people become owners and want no one else to be around except them.

This is a fierce defender of loved ones, so you can't even try to drive a wedge between him and his friends. Even if a person stops believing in someone, Scorpio will continue to do it for him and support him.

They have only a few close friends, and those who got into this circle are incredibly lucky. If a person has lost the trust of a sign, one can only sympathize with him.

Such a friend will not tolerate lies and deception, as well as a rude attitude towards himself, an unfair decision, a lack of support. If you make a mistake, the friendship can be considered over, since the representatives of this sign burn all the bridges behind them when they leave.

Scorpio will forgive an unintentional mistake or a lie in favor, but if he feels ulterior motives, he will expel the enemy from his life once and for all. They have an innate sense of justice, this sign will take revenge for an insult. These are insidious enemies who can wait for the right moment for many years. If you forget about the quarrel, then do not think that the humiliated Scorpio did the same.

In love

Possessiveness is how Scorpio shows that he has chosen a particular person as a partner. In a love relationship, a girl or a guy of this sign can tightly control the communication of the second half and even demand to forget about all other friends. In fact, a person does not lose anything, since Scorpio can replace everyone at once, it is not boring or bad with him, however, such concern after a few years begins to drive him crazy.

Remember, Scorpio chose you, not the other way around. The representative of this sign loves to dominate, is unimaginably jealous of a partner for everything. This is a faithful lover who expects the same from the other half. If there is even a hint of flirting behind your back, then Scorpio becomes suspicious, starts asking questions. If the suspicions are confirmed, it will not waste time and make you regret it.

These people are very discerning and use this ability to determine the true feelings of their lovers. Women of this sign love to be in control. She may let her partner think she is dominated by a man, but she usually gets what she wants. In love with such a lady, you can expect a lot of care, affection and attention, but only on the condition of a good attitude towards her well. She is ready to devote her whole life to her family and loved ones.

The worst thing in the eyes of a Scorpio is betrayal. Forgiveness is out of the question, these people can be vindictive and ruthless when someone hurt them. Remember the offense longer than anyone else. It is impossible to return a representative of this sign back, and if something like this happened, it was not because he wants to continue to build relationships with you, but because he chose the most sophisticated kind of revenge.

Relationships with this person, regardless of gender, are always difficult, because they are thrown from one extreme to another. As a water sign, Scorpio is prone to emotional instability. When this person is angry or upset, it's best not to approach him. At this moment, you can cause an avalanche, from which you yourself will suffer. It makes no difference to him on whom to throw out negative, therefore, close people most often suffer.

This is an independent, ambitious, fearless and resourceful person who is not afraid of parting.If they leave him in order to scare him, then there will be nowhere to return. A Scorpio woman may want a man but not need him. She will not waste time arguing with someone whose feelings she is not interested in.

Representatives of this sign have endless sex drive, they are ready to have sex anytime, anywhere. They have a sixth sense, they know what a partner wants in bed, so they have no equal in carnal pleasures. Their sexual endurance is legendary, through sex these people are freed from negativity, they receive the necessary vitality. If not, then the woman or man becomes irritable and begins to attack their partner.

In family life

The man of this sign is like a faithful husband and does not cheat on his second half. Scorpio does not want noisy companies, prefers to spend time at home with his family. Jealous and controlling his wife, sometimes his jealousy reaches a critical point, then this person becomes simply unbearable.

If everything is great in a couple, then you can get ready for romance. A guy like that will constantly make surprises. Sometimes it becomes cold as ice, then lights up again, and this happens throughout life.

These are people who can be controlled. He needs to be constantly put in place, otherwise Scorpio begins to do what he wants, not taking into account the desires of others in the family.

A woman attracts her man with a gentle disposition, an angelic voice and seductive gestures. She will gladly allow him to dominate her, but will lead through bed and affection. Such a wife always supports her husband's dreams and career, gives all of herself and sacrifices her own interests.

She has no desire to work after marriage, she wants to do home comfort, but if the situation demands it, she will shoulder the maintenance of the family and will never reproach her husband for it. Her home will be beautiful and inviting.

The Scorpio woman recognizes any kind of deception, so men are better off not doing this. If it hurts, she will take revenge. This woman can hate and love with equal passion. It's never boring with her. There is a part of her personality inside her that she will never reveal even to her man. She may have many platonic friends from the opposite sex, but cheating is possible only if the husband has betrayed.


Compatibility with representatives of other signs depends on much more than just the similarity of characters. Scorpio belongs to the element Water, hence the increased emotionality. It would seem that Pisces and Cancer are the perfect match for him, but more often than not these people are not quite suitable for a strong and strong-willed Scorpio.

Fire signs, despite the huge number of differences, are sometimes the best choice. A special relationship develops with Aries, because they are straightforward, pure in heart and soul. Partners are compatible when Scorpio has become wiser, has reached the required level of self-knowledge and can show unlimited patience with the stubborn, sometimes stupid and naive Aries.

Not suitable for pairing with this zodiac sign Taurus, Leo and Aquarius. None of them wants to compromise, the couple will have constant quarrels. Scorpio considers them too limited and predictable.

Better compatibility with mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius. They are much more likely to adapt to any situation.

With cardinal signs requiring leadership, things can get complicated if there is little mutual attraction to begin with. In such a relationship, there must be a passion that sweeps both of them off their feet. If this is not the case, then sooner or later they may discover that they are not needed and are not interested in each other.

About who Scorpio is compatible with, see the next video.

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