
Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Horse: character and compatibility

Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Horse: character and compatibility
  1. general characteristics
  2. Compatibility in love and marriage with other signs of the zodiac

Scorpio people born in the year of the Horse are considered the most mysterious and interesting. They are distinguished by increased intuition and emotionality. In addition, representatives of this sign are good friends and excellent marriage partners. If a Scorpio-Horse woman becomes a man's chosen one, we can say that he is very lucky.

    general characteristics

    The Scorpio girl has excellent appearance and often attracts others with expressive behavior. These ladies can be called "chameleons" because they are able to adapt to the mood of other people and become their reflection. They can manipulate quotes, words and create both positive and negative energy in society. In addition, the Scorpio-Horse woman is too narcissistic and prefers to pursue a "lone wolf" policy. She can solve problems both on her own and introduce others to them.

    No man can resist the magnetism of this sign due to the bright temperament and sensitivity of the ladies, men immediately fall into their "nets". Such beauties are so mysterious that only a select few can know the depth of their souls. Girls can be fragile and domineering at the same time, calm and quick-tempered, be able to forgive and conceal evil. It is very difficult for many to understand such a character, but if you have patience and get surrounded by Scorpio, you can feel his true love and devotion.

    Parents of little girls of this sign have a difficult time, since they have a constant desire for adventure and are practically uncontrollable.From an early age, Scorpios are wary of choosing friends and admit extremely reliable people. As for the adult beauties, before choosing a partner, they do a thorough "casting" and prefer those young men who in the future will be able to reveal the passion and desire for care in a woman.

    Career growth plays a huge role in the life of such girls, they in every possible way direct their strength and knowledge to realize themselves as much as possible in large projects. It should be noted that the Scorpios do it well.

    Thanks to ambition, erudition and perseverance, the representatives of the sign achieve high results and occupy leadership positions.

    Compatibility in love and marriage with other signs of the zodiac

    The Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Horse, loves social life. She spends a lot of time at parties, being the soul of any company, so she never has difficulty making new friendships and meeting men. If at a young age girls most often attract the wrong guys, then after a while a mature lady learns to distinguish "nuts from shells."

    The compatibility of the Scorpio Horse woman with men of other zodiacs is as follows.

    • Rat. The union is considered difficult and is often doomed to be short-lived. Two partners are absolutely opposite, but if they understand and try to complement each other, then a happy family life can turn out. Constant quarrels and disagreements will cause a split in the relationship.
    • Bull. The connection of both chosen ones cannot be called ideal, since a woman and a man will have to adapt to a new life, look for compromises and give in. As a rule, spouses do not understand each other due to the fact that they have different views on life together. The bull is a workaholic and careerist, he strives to achieve a lot in order to get material success. At the same time, the partner prefers to spend his free time at home in a comfortable environment. The horse, on the other hand, wants to rest in noisy companies.
    • Tiger. According to the horoscope, two signs are able to create a harmonious and stable couple. They are united by sociability, activity and creative inspiration. The main role in such a family is usually assigned to the girl; thanks to the presence of subtle intuition, she is able to direct the energy of her chosen one in the right direction and stimulate him to effective and real deeds. The tiger, which is distinguished by high intelligence, easily succumbs to the lady and immediately takes up the construction of grandiose plans.
    • Rabbit (Cat). According to the Eastern horoscope, this is the most promising union. Both companions are purposeful, self-centered and do not interfere with each other's personal space. At the same time, minor conflicts are possible due to incorrect and untimely implementation of common plans. In addition, quarrels arise against the background of harsh discussions and criticism, they are usually started by the Rabbit.
    • The Dragon. It is difficult to predict the development of relations between partners, since a man and a lady are unpredictable. What is certain is that such a couple will not be bored together. Their married life is bright, since the representatives of the signs rely on each other's personal qualities. The main reason for disagreement can be a woman's excessive activity.
    • Snake. The union is quite difficult, since lovers have different goals in life, this is how they differ. In addition, it is almost impossible to reach a compromise during the quarrels between the Horse and the Snake. A man prefers to build life according to a plan, and a woman is guided only by her emotions and intuition.
    • Horse. Despite the fact that both partners understand each other perfectly, they can expect a lot of shocks, mutual sacrifices and conflicts. Guys' tough leadership causes temporary depression in girls. Mutual cooperation and real feelings will help to save such a relationship.
    • Sheep (Goat). This couple has chances for a strong and long-lasting family union.The creative thinking and sociability of the Horse woman allows her to embody new ideas into reality, she is an incentive for the Sheep man in the implementation of many plans and reveals his hidden talents.
    • A monkey. Compatibility according to the horoscope of these representatives of the signs promises a stable and successful connection. Despite their diverse interests and views, spouses have common goals and strategies for their life path. Both the Horse and the Monkey know how to think quickly, are endowed with organizational skills, are practical and independent. The reason for controversy and disagreement is usually a woman's lack of emotional stamina. Both partners are considered good friends, and their friendship can continue after marriage.
    • Rooster. If both partners decide on family life, then they need to be prepared for the fact that the relationship will become difficult and restless. Little things in love can irritate each other. The Rooster loves active criticism, and the Horse, which lacks tact and has defiant behavior, will become an occasion for heated discussions. The Rooster man does not understand the distant plans of the Horse and is afraid to follow the winding roads of fate.
    • Dog. Such a union is considered ideal and very successful, since a fruitful and promising future awaits both partners. With a man, a Dog, a lady Horse will be able to reveal all her best qualities. Lovers are well aware of both positive and negative character traits. The Dog's honesty and dedication, as well as the Horse's hard work and intellectuality, will build a solid foundation for marriage.
    • Boar (Pig). Zodiac sign compatibility is quite possible. Horse and Pig are united by sociability, charm and the desire to be useful to each other. Two halves will be able to enjoy a happy family. A kind and reliable guy Pig will help the beautiful Horse to show all her creative talents, and her partners' rich imagination and resourcefulness will contribute to the creation of big life plans.

    You will learn more about the Scorpio woman in the following video.

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