Cast iron pans of Russian production

Since childhood, we remember the unique taste of grandmother's pancakes. Such delicious, aromatic, buttery, but low-fat pancakes cannot be prepared in a modern non-stick pancake maker. Soviet people know the secret of amazing taste, and it consists in using a cast-iron frying pan. Now it is not so easy to find a cast-iron specimen, however, the residents of Russia are lucky, because in our country there are quite a few manufacturers of cast-iron cookware.

Despite the popularity of modern kitchen utensils, which makes it possible to quickly prepare delicious meals, the relevance of cast iron pans does not diminish. Cast iron has amazing properties that cannot be duplicated in the manufacture of cookware from other materials. Its main advantage is the ability to evenly distribute heat over the entire area, the walls and bottom keep the desired temperature for a long time, and this is not only convenient and important while maintaining the taste of the dish, but also beneficial from the point of view of saving gas or electricity.
Soviet mistresses know that before the first use, the cast iron pan must be thoroughly calcined several times, this process improves the performance of the product without the use of toxic components, that is, the pan remains environmentally friendly.
Russian-made utensils fully meet modern kitchen conditions, and therefore they can be used when cooking on a gas, electric or induction stove.

Cast iron is a very deformation-resistant material, although sometimes this can be a disadvantage. For example, the frying pan may crack if hit hard. But still this disadvantage is compensated by natural non-stick properties, for which the cast-iron pan is appreciated not only in simple Russian kitchens, but also in well-known elite restaurants. Other disadvantages of the product include its heavy weight and the impossibility of storing food in the refrigerator. In addition, cast iron requires special care during operation, but, nevertheless, this particular dish is one of the most popular at the present time.
Russian buyers were lucky, because the relevance of cast iron products became the reason for the spread of production throughout the country. If in many countries of the world it is quite difficult to find a cast-iron frying pan in a store, then this product is quite affordable on the Russian counter.
In addition, domestic models are several times cheaper than foreign counterparts, and in terms of quality they are by no means inferior to them.

There are several varieties of Russian-made cast iron cookware.
- Pans for induction cookers. These include versatile pans that can be used with any type of stove. Operation is possible in almost any conditions. After the vessel is removed from the stove, it cools down almost immediately. Such models are more often found in the lineup of Russian manufacturers than among copies of foreign production.
- Non-stick varieties. These products are coated with an additional non-stick layer. An additional coating provides protection and prevents food odors from being absorbed. The advantage of these pans is that they can be washed with a classic detergent.
- Enamel pan. It is not so often found in the departments of domestically produced dishes, it is more customary to use it in European countries. An option that is not very popular in Russia, since it has a short service life, but it is easier to clean.

Domestic firms for the production of cast iron dishes offer a variety of forms for cooking, including specimens of a narrow focus, for example:
- universal pans;
- cast iron wok;
- grill pans;
- cast iron pancakes;
- frying pans

How to choose?
Before buying a Russian frying pan pay attention to the following criteria.
- If you need a frying pan to prepare a specific dish, then choose a highly targeted cookware. If for pancakes, then a pancake maker, if for preparing liquid dishes and soups, then a stewpan. Then the product will serve the customer much longer than the often used universal pan.
- Decide on the diameter. If food is prepared for one person, then a frying pan with a diameter of 22 cm is enough. For a large family, choose a container with a diameter of 26 cm. Among domestic products, even models with a diameter of 50 cm are offered. This option is suitable for preparing dishes for a large number of guests.
- Pay attention to the thickness of the bottom and sides. Typically, the thickness of cast iron cookware ranges from 3-20 mm. If a pan is needed for cooking sauces, then a product with a small thickness is suitable, thick-walled specimens are intended for grilling dishes.
- If you choose cookware with a non-stick coating, then you should carefully study the composition of each product. Among them there are harmful layers, but there are also coatings that allow you to fry meat with a crust without using oil.

Model overview
Each Russian company offers a wide range of cast iron products. According to customer reviews, there are several of the most preferred models from various manufacturers.
Universal pans
The products "Dobrynya" and "Balezino" deserve more attention. Dobrynya - a fairly competitive company, in many ways superior to foreign counterparts, although in this case it was not without its drawbacks. So, as users note, products often come for sale with a factory defect, and the cost is sometimes more expensive than products of Ukrainian or Chinese production.
Model "Dobrynya DO-3302" has a diameter of 24 cm and rather thin walls and bottom. It would seem that this should also be attributed to the minuses, but in this case, the small thickness allows the pan to heat up faster and fry the dishes until crisp. The weight is rather big - 2.7 kg, but this drawback is compensated by the presence of two handles at once: long and short. These handles are made of heat-resistant plastic. Users appreciated the ability to work on an induction hob, as well as the included glass lid.

The frying pan does not have additional coating, this is reflected in the complexity of caring for it, but it is precisely such a product that is as close as possible to the Soviet version that our grandmothers used.
Another popular all-purpose frying pan is the product Balezinsky plant... Of the minuses, a large weight is noted - about 7 kg, however, this is due to an obvious plus - a thick bottom. The two side handles make the pan easy to carry, and the high sides allow for semi-liquid cooking.
The undoubted advantage is the rapid heating of the product and the ability to use a minimum amount of oil.
The disadvantages include the lack of a cover and a grip for safe operation.

Cast iron grill pan "Katyusha" with press lid
Users note that this is a multifunctional product that can simultaneously serve as a brazier and barbecue grill, a frying pan and a pressure cooker, an oven and a microwave oven. Buyers appreciate the natural taste and aroma of the products, which are perfectly preserved due to the thick walls and press lid. Also, the frying pan fully preserves the benefits of products.
The bottom of the product is corrugated, so there is no smell and smoke from the dripping fats.
This is a suitable specimen for healthy food advocates, as it is possible to use a minimum amount of oil. Thanks to the thick bottom, all ingredients are heated evenly and the food does not burn.
The disadvantages include a large weight - 3.2 kg without a lid, separately the lid weighs 3.4 kg. Also among the disadvantages is the need to rinse the grill well after each use; you cannot wash cast iron in a dishwasher. After each thorough hand wash, wipe the pan well and grease it with oil.

Pancake maker "Kamskaya uzuda"
A great option for pancake lovers. The frying pan has a comfortable wooden handle, which is comfortable to hold in hand when pouring dough and turning pancakes. Buyers also speak well of the mount. Also, users appreciate the preliminary preparation of crepe makers in production and purification from machine oil, which reduces the consumer's time for preparing a cast-iron frying pan for the first use.
Of the minuses, not too high-quality processing still stands out, buyers find roughness on the surface, although a perfectly flat bottom is needed to make pancakes. Also, as a disadvantage, users note a small diameter - 22 cm. For simple pancakes, this is a suitable option, but, for example, you cannot wrap the filling in such pancakes, so a larger diameter is needed to cook filled pancakes.

Basically, the reviews about the products of Russian manufacturers are positive. Many models surpass foreign competitors in quality, price, and even aesthetic properties. Consumers appreciate the variety of options presented: these are universal pans, and pans for specific dishes, dishes with removable or non-removable handles, sets with and without lids, and much more. Of the shortcomings, some note specimens with defects, as well as the heavy weight of the products, although this aspect mostly depends on the specifics of the specimen, and not on the manufacturer.
The video below provides instructions for assembling, preparing and operating the BIOL cast iron frying pan.