All about double-sided pans

The double-sided frying pan is a convenient solution for preparing steaks, fish, sausages, casseroles and many other dishes. With its help, you can easily do without the usual grill grate when frying food, avoid oil or juice leakage when turning it over. The unusual design is convenient to work with different stoves, suitable for outdoor use - over an open fire.
On sale you can even find options for making desserts and sweet pastries - pancakes, baked fruits, waffles. But most often it is classic grill / casserole hybrids for oil-free cooking with maximum health benefits.

The double-sided frying pan is a versatile design that combines the functions of a grill, stewpan, oven and a classic roasting pan. It does not require paddles or other turning devices. Allows you to avoid splashing the kitchen and stove when frying dishes from meat, fish, vegetables.
The double structure connects the deep bases of the dishes to each other with hinges, on both sides there are handles equipped with magnets.

Both regular, round and hemispherical, square or rectangular versions of double-sided pans are produced. The cooking process takes place in an enclosed space inside the brazier. The ingredients are put inside, the pan is tightly closed, and as necessary, it is turned over by the handles squeezed together.

A distinctive feature of double-sided models is the presence of additional options - collecting dripping fat, liquids into a special tank, removing steam through a hole in the joint, by analogy with a pressure cooker... A silicone gasket on the upper edge of the bowl is responsible for the tightness of the connection. There are models in which the design is split into two separate pans. The standard sizes of one half are 28 × 20 cm, 30 × 22 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other kitchen utensil, double-sided pans have their own advantages and disadvantages. The original design has its advantages.
- Convenience and functionality. Frying pans of this type accelerate the cooking process, make it more accurate and easier. Turning the dish during frying or braising takes a minimum of time.
- Protective non-stick properties. A special inner layer eliminates the appearance of a black crust, an unappetizing smell in the dish, even if cooking without oil.
- Security... Double-sided pans are equipped with elongated, heat-insulated handles. Fat does not drip when turned over, contact with heat sources is minimal.
- Tightness of the internal space... When closed, heat-resistant seals prevent liquid and hot fat from seeping out.
- Variety of surfaces. Most often, one or both halves of the pan have a special groove, which, when roasting food, gives the effect of a grill grate.
- The presence of a reservoir for draining fat, a special hole for steam outlet... This allows you to maintain the desired temperature inside.
- Aesthetics, ease of storage. Modern manufacturers pay great attention to the design of their products, trying to give it originality. The compact size makes it possible to store the pan without taking up much space.

Not without its drawbacks. It is customary to refer to them as the lack of opportunities for baking dishes - the whole structure simply will not fit into the oven. Not all models are also adapted for use with induction hobs. In addition, you will also have to manually wash the dishes after cooking. And handling it requires some effort and experience, otherwise some of the liquid may still leak out when turning over.
Division into types for pans with two sides implies an accurate understanding of the purpose and features of such a container. So, the non-stick Teflon coating makes the container not very suitable for strong heating, contact with open fire. For induction hobs, only products made of ferromagnetic alloys (not aluminum), or equipped with a special cover that matches the shape and size of the hob burner, are suitable. They support the desired heating technology.
It should be borne in mind that rectangular pans for induction cookers with special markings can be placed on double burners without adapters. The main thing is that the surface supports this mode of operation.... The pan itself should occupy at least 70% of the area of the combined burners.

Fully electric mains powered models are also available. In them, the principle of cooking is reminiscent of a classic grill. But such a device cannot be fully called a frying pan.

By design, all double-sided models are divided into two subspecies.
- Grill. It has a special corrugation that resembles a barbecue grill. The description of the double grill pan most often indicates the average height of the sides, thick sides and bottom. It is convenient to fry steaks, sausages, fish and poultry on such models. If one side is smooth, you can stew dishes in it, simulate the baking process without placing in the oven.
- Pancake. The hemispherical or spherical design is focused on the creation of excellent omelettes, pancakes, tortillas, pancakes. Its sides are much lower, like the bottom, they have a smooth base.The product is made of lighter alloys, the walls can be less thick, a non-stick coating is required.

Manufacturers overview
- Kuchenberg - luxury products from Germany. There are round and square models, inside a nine-layer unique coating on a mineral basis. Condensation builds up when the lid is folded back. Detachable pans, dishwasher safe.

- Tescoma - Czech brand. Rather, a classic frying pan, consisting of two separate blocks fastened with a lock, has become the brand's signature product. Outwardly, it resembles the classic tobacco chicken mold. Made of aluminum with a non-stick coating on the inside and bright enamel on the outside.

- Leomax - the company owns an online store, produces double-sided frying pans under the Master Heat brand. The products are distinguished by their affordable cost, one-piece container design. But the Teflon coating inside is rather thin, so there is no need to talk about long-term operation.

Selection rules
When choosing a double-sided frying pan, be sure to pay attention to a number of points. The first and most important factor is the correct selection of material for the manufacture of the case. It can be made of die-cast aluminum with thick walls and provide an even heat distribution. Such models are suitable for stewing, cooking casseroles.

Stainless steel products provide opportunities for the successful preparation of a wide variety of dishes. Both lush omelets and juicy steaks are fried in them completely, with the formation of a high-quality crust. Such frypots often do not have an internal non-stick coating; oil should be applied to them with a thin layer with a special brush.
Double-sided pans are made of cast iron, but quite rarely. This metal is too heavy, and a lot of effort has to be made when using the structure. But cast-iron models are quite adapted for outdoor use, in field conditions, on the grill.

Protective covering
The simplest solution is to use Teflon, which covers the metal surface with a thin layer. It allows you to cook food without using fat, but it does not tolerate high temperatures well, and is not resistant to mechanical damage. These pans require careful maintenance and are not very durable. Much more reliable options are considered coatings from granite, marble chips, ceramics. They are resistant to damage, but not adapted for use on induction hobs.

A titanium non-stick coating is the ideal solution. It is strong enough, not afraid of mechanical damage and strong heating. Chemically neutral alloy does not react with food.
The dishes keep warm well and are easy to clean.

Selection Tips
When planning the purchase of a double-sided frying pan, there are a number of tips to consider:
- choose a container based on the amount of food prepared;
- give preference to thick-walled models with high walls;
- take into account the presence of corrugation and its type - it can be present on one or two sides;
- remember to include a ferromagnetic disc in the composition if you want to cook on an induction cooker;
- determine in advance the optimal type of connection - detachable ones are more convenient to wash and use separately.

The reviews for double-sided pans are mostly positive. Housewives note the simplicity and ease of use of this unusual kitchen utensil. It is pleasant to receive it as a gift or to give it to a culinary lover, be it a representative of the stronger sex or a beautiful lady. With the double-sided frying pan, you can fry food evenly, turning it over in an instant.

Another important point concerns the weight of the kitchen fixture. Double-sided pans usually have rather thick walls, long handles, it is difficult to classify them as light products. But such massiveness is only beneficial - it allows you to ensure that the optimal temperature regime is obtained, prevents accidental overturning of the dishes. According to most housewives, there is no point in using such a device in the kitchen every day.
But when creating fatty meat dishes, frying poultry, preparing actively boiling foods in a thick sauce, double-sided pans are absolutely irreplaceable.

It is noted that such adaptations are especially good in creating oriental culinary masterpieces. Housewives recommend to ensure the most dense packing of products inside the mold. A double-sided frying pan will be a good helper in a large family, partly replace a pressure cooker, and help you master grilling.
For the double-sided stone-coated frying pan with magnetic latch, see the following video.