How to choose the safest frying pan?

Today housewives and chefs use different kitchen utensils for cooking. Among its variety, one can single out a frying pan, which is often used for various types of heat treatment of products. In the light of its multifunctionality, one should be well oriented in the offered assortment in order to choose not only high-quality, but also safe dishes for use.

Types of pans
Kitchen utensils that allow you to fry meat, vegetables and other products have been used by humans for a long time, therefore, they have many modifications regarding appearance, shapes and sizes, as well as the raw materials used for manufacturing. The classification of pans by chefs and manufacturers is based on the main purpose of the cookware and the type of hob it will be used on.
The quality of the cooked dish, as well as the benefits and safety of the dishes themselves, directly depend on the main characteristics of the utensils.

Today, there are several types of frying pans presented in the assortment of domestic and foreign manufacturers.
Classic model
As a rule, pans of this category are made with a round basis. Such dishes are considered universal, therefore they can be used for heat treatment of various products. Most often, fried foods are prepared in a classic frying pan; in most cases, cast iron is the material for its manufacture.

This option will differ from the classics in its impressive mass and shape. Usually pans of this type are made square with ribbed bottom surface. This feature will allow you to fry beautiful pieces of meat or fish with even grooves, and will also make it possible to reduce the amount of fats used. The grill is made from different metal alloys.

It is a multi-layer stainless steel cookware, in which there is even distribution of heat when heated. In such a frying pan, you can fry, stew and even bake products according to different recipes.

The dish is a container with high walls and a very small diameter bottom, and it can be flat or round. Such a frying pan is not used so often, but only when it is important to fry or stew food as much as possible at the very bottom, which heats up more than the walls.
To properly prepare a dish, it must be constantly stirred.

This variety combines the features of a saucepan and a classic frying pan. The sides of the saucepan are usually made thick, which, when the lid is closed, allows you to cook healthy meals in your own juice. In such dishes, the risk of ingredients sticking to the walls is practically excluded, since its bottom, like in a grill, will be corrugated.
Usually, various sauces, desserts are made in saucepans, as well as stew meat, vegetables, and prepare first courses.

Pancake pan
Its main purpose can be determined from the name, the shape of the dishes is round with low walls, thanks to which it is more convenient to use it... Manufacturers make these pans with a non-stick coating, due to which there will be no need to use additional fats.

Based on the main functions, the size of the dishes varies. So, in a crepe maker, the diameter usually does not exceed 16 centimeters. For the classics, the optimal diameter is considered to be 24-25 centimeters. Saucepans, grills and woks can be large. The average height of the pan walls is 3-4 centimeters.
The safety of using such dishes directly depends on the type of raw materials used by the manufacturer for the production of their products.

Comparison of materials
Certainly, the safest materials are used for the production of kitchen utensils, including pans, by trusted manufacturers who care about their reputation. All of them differ in their characteristics, but it will be useful to know the characteristics of each type of raw material in order to purchase really convenient and harmless dishes.

Most often, pans are made from several known materials.
Cast iron
A versatile raw material that is most in demand for the production of kitchen utensils. A cast iron pan with a handle made of a similar metal or a removable version can be used on the stove, as well as in the oven. The alloy is distinguished by its inertness to acidic environments; when heated, it does not emit harmful compounds. Such dishes can be considered environmentally friendly, they are easy to clean.
Besides, during heating, food is additionally enriched with iron ions, which is considered beneficial for human health. As the metal is released with its porous structure, it absorbs micro-particles of oil, thus forming a natural non-stick coating on the pan. However, a cast iron pan will have an impressive mass, which will not always be convenient during operation.
Determining that the cookware is made of real non-hazardous cast iron is fairly straightforward. The fact that the buyer has high-quality products can be recognized by weight, the presence of a handle, as well as the thickness of the sides and bottom. As a rule, such parameters will be in the range from 0.3-0.4 millimeters.

Stainless steel
Another neutral and durable metal that is great for making pans. Stainless steel dishes not prone to rust and corrosion, this is the type of kitchen utensil that many chefs prefer to use.In the process of heating and interacting with products, stainless steel does not emit harmful compounds, which means it does not affect the organoleptic qualities of the dish prepared in it.
Steel is resistant to mechanical stress, it can be cleaned with any chemical composition.

Inexpensive products, so counterfeits are quite rare on the market. Metal is inherent high thermal conductivity, therefore during the preparation of dishes, they should be constantly monitored. However, the metal can be easily damaged by mechanical means, in addition, aluminum can oxidize from interaction with various alkaline or acidic environments. Most often, an aluminum pan is used for frying meat.
To choose a really convenient container for cooking, you should pay attention to the thickness of the bottom of the pan, which should be at least 5 mm.

In addition to the type of raw materials used to make the cookware, the type of non-stick coating on the bottom of the pan is also an important point for safety. Today manufacturers offer products with the following types of coatings:
- teflon;
- ceramics;
- titanium;
- diamond dusting;
- marble.
The first option is used most often. However, such a non-stick material cannot withstand temperatures above + 200 ° C.

Ceramic coatings for frying pans are a fairly new type, but many housewives have already appreciated the advantages of such dishes. First of all, such containers for frying and stewing are distinguished by their environmental friendliness, since the main component of ceramics is sand. And also the dishes differ from Teflon in their resistance to temperatures within the range of + 450 ° C.
Among the disadvantages of products, it is worth highlighting the high cost, as well as the susceptibility to deformation during sudden temperature changes.

Can be cooked safely in pans with more expensive non-stick coating options such as titanium and diamond dusting. The dishes will be durable, pans with this treatment are easy to clean.
However, their main disadvantage will be poor current conductivity, which makes the products incompatible with induction hobs.

Granite (marble) coating implies the use of the most popular Teflon, but with the addition of stone chips. Frying pans with a similar coating stand out even distribution of heat over the entire bottom area, because of this, the dish will be warm for a long time.
In addition, the coating due to the inclusion of stone fragments will show a higher resistance to mechanical damage. However, the products are usually quite expensive.

Top brands
In the line of kitchen utensils for frying, stewing and roasting, some brands stand out that have proven themselves positively in light of the high quality and safety of their products. So, the leading positions in the list are occupied by:
- Tefal;
- Gipfel Zenit;
- Fissler;
- Vitesse.
Pans Tefal have been in the ranking of the best cooking products for quite some time. The dishes presented by the manufacturer stand out for their visual appeal, as well as the high quality and environmental friendliness of the materials used.

Gipfel zenit offers the consumer products with a stone non-stick coating, the manufacture of which involves the use of the most advanced technologies in work. Products in such pans lend themselves to uniform heat treatment, the products are distinguished by a large operational resource.
However, the features of spraying determine the high cost of the products presented.

German brand Fissler offers versatile utensils for frying, stewing and other cooking options. The range of the company includes aluminum products with a non-stick ceramic coating. In the process of use, the pans stand out for their quick heating, as well as ease of care.

French brand Vitesse makes pans of high quality, which are very popular in the light of their visual appeal. The products are notable for their budgetary cost, but in terms of quality they are not inferior to products from world famous brands.

Selection recommendations
To buy a truly high-quality frying pan that is safe for use and contact with food, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of important nuances.
- The fact that the proposed products may be harmful to health will be indicated by some substances that can be used for the production of dishes by unscrupulous manufacturers. So, you should refuse to purchase a frying pan if it contains lead, cadmium or perfluorooctanoic acid.
- High-quality products will stand out from the entire assortment with their appearance, good lid and handle. The dishes should not have even minimal defects. Usually manufacturers offer pans with original lids. Such a set will ensure a snug fit to the walls, which will have a positive effect on the taste of the dishes and the cooking process. The handle must be securely attached to the base. A cast version is still considered a solid mount. A big plus will be the presence of a special lining made of wood or plastic, which will facilitate the use of dishes. Frying pans with a removable handle are considered a convenient option, since such dishes can be used in the oven.
- As practice shows, it is best to purchase dishes with a ceramic coating for frying; a frying pan with a stone coating is suitable for cooking juicy and large pieces of meat. For frequent use, inexpensive Teflon cookware can be purchased.
- An important point is the compatibility of the cookware with the type of hob or stove.

For information on how to choose a frying pan, see the next video.
Cool article.
Girls, I got sick of buying these disposable pots and pans, 3 months is normal, then in the trash. What are you using?
What about your pots and pans? I have never had any problems. I use Forester cast iron products.
Like what? Sticks, peels off, although also cast iron.
Cast iron cast iron strife, it should be noted, depends on casting. If you want to save money, buy a frying pan for 1-2000 rubles, but change it every 3 months, if you want quality, buy it once for 5-7000, but for 10 years. That's how much I read, I am amazed that people overpay and constantly buy nonsense. If the walls are of uniform thickness and a smooth surface, this indicates quality.