
The most expensive violins in the world

The most expensive violins in the world
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Most expensive model
  3. Review of other most expensive violins

The sounds of the violin fascinate with their melody, penetrating into the most secret areas of the soul. This musical instrument can be called truly unique. Violins made by famous masters are very popular with collectors. The cost of some copies is simply exorbitant, and only a few can purchase such a tool. The most expensive famous violins will be discussed in this article.


Many collectors dream of having rare violins in their collection. The most popular with them are the instruments of Antonio Stradivari, as well as Amati and Guarneri. The most expensive violins in the world belong to the hands of these masters.

As for Stradivari, little has changed since he founded a music shop in Cremona. At that time, rich people claimed the tools, this situation has not changed to this day. But at present, violins made by Stradivari are considered more valuable.

According to art critics, in his entire life, Antonio was able to make 1,100 musical instruments, of which only 650 have been preserved to this day.

It is generally accepted that the most valuable pieces were created by the master at the end of his life. This is why instruments made before 1700 are considered less desirable. However, all of this master's products are unique and of great value to both musicians and collectors.

The organizers of the Stradivari Society believe that the price of the work of this master is growing rapidly - so, since 1990, their cost has tripled. This can only be explained by the increased demand for them among many museums and societies. This led to a struggle among collectors for the remaining rare pieces.

Many are still trying to understand what is the peculiarity of the sound of these instruments.

  • According to scientists, Stradivari used fir trees that grew high in the mountains as materials for violins. Such trees have a high density, which gives the finished products a special sound.
  • It is also believed that exactly the enthusiasm with which the master worked, putting his soul into his work, influenced the sound made by the instrument.

The works performed by Stradivari are distinguished by their impeccable appearance and unique sound. In addition, famous great musicians played on them, from Paganini to Menuhin.

Most expensive model

The Violin Violin is considered the most expensive model at present.... Its author is Guarneri del Gesu. It is worth noting that for a long time the master of Guarneri was little known. He received the calling only after death. When Paganini began to play on his instruments, his works soon gained popularity and became on a par with Stradivari's products. He made 160 instruments during his short life. Moreover, most of them have not survived to this day. A distinctive feature of Guarneri's instruments is the monogram of the letters I. H. S., which stands for "Jesus Christ the Savior."

The famous Violin Violin was made in 1741. It was named after the violinist and composer for whom it was intended. On it the Belgian Henri Vietant played for about 11 years.

  • After the death of Henri Vietant, this instrument was acquired by the Belgian Eugene Ysaye.
  • In the XX century, the musician Philip Newman played the instrument. He received it as a gift from his brother Isaac Wolfson.
  • Since 1966, after the death of the former owner, the violin was purchased by the British financier Ian Stutzker.
  • In Chicago in 2010, it was sold at an auction for $ 18 million.

This instrument features incredible sound. The strings of the violin have been touched by many eminent performers. At one time, Niccolo Paganini himself held it in his hands. Although the instrument is over 250 years old, the violin has managed to retain its original amazing sound, allowing to express the full range of emotions.

According to experts, the true value of this model cannot be measured in monetary terms. Once in the hands of a musician, the instrument is able to convey the most incredible emotions and feelings. There is an opinion among musicians that “Vietnam” can fully reveal itself only in the hands of true virtuosos.

Review of other most expensive violins

Art critics and collectors continue to argue over which violin is the best. It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, because many nuances must be taken into account. One of the evaluation criteria is the price of creations, so it is worth considering the most valuable specimens.

Rating of the most expensive instruments.

  • Among other more expensive models, the priority should be given to the Lady Blunt violin, created in 1721. This creation by the master Stradivari has aroused considerable interest in collector circles. The instrument was sold at auction for a fairly substantial amount of almost $ 16 million, while the new owner wanted to keep his name a secret. The proceeds from the sale were sent as aid to Japan to support the tsunami victims. The acquisition of this instrument aroused unprecedented interest among musicians and collectors. The violin was owned for 30 years by Lady Anna Blunt, Byron's granddaughter. Other owners of the instrument include Jean Baptiste Vuillaume, Baron Knop, collector Richard Bennett, as well as Sam Bloomfield and the Nippon Foundation. To this day, the instrument is in perfect condition. It retains the original features, varnish coating.
  • The next place in the list of the most expensive violins should be given to the Guarneri instrument., made in 1741. In 2008, this unique instrument was acquired by Maxim Viktorov, an entrepreneur from Russia, paying more than $ 3.5 million for it.To date, its price has increased and may be more than $ 7 million.
  • A special place is occupied by the violin of Niccolo Paganini. This instrument was created by Carlo Bergonzi. After the death of the master, Carlo's son Achilles was forced to sell this instrument. For a long time, the violin was in different hands, it was played by aristocrats and musicians. For about 35 years, the musician of the New York Philharmonic, John Corigliano, remained its owner. After his death, the instrument was put up for sale. The purchase price, as well as the new owner, was not known for a long time. When the secret was revealed, it turned out that the price of the instrument was $ 5 million. This unique specimen is now housed in a specially designed, temperature-controlled room. The violin is insured for 4.5 million. It is kept under round-the-clock security.
  • Molitor. This model was made by Stradivari in 1697. According to historians, it could have belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte himself. It got its name thanks to one of its owners - General of the Napoleonic army Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor. It was acquired by Ann Akiko Meyers, a performer from America, for 3.6 million.
  • For 3.5 million dollars at the Sotheby's auction was sold Hammer violin master Stradivari, created in 1770. It got its name thanks to Christian Hammer. He was a collector from Sweden, he was engaged in jewelry business. It was owned by Hammer in the 19th century. The musical instrument was sold in 2006, at that moment its cost was the highest.

Special attention should be paid to Linsy Stoppard's tools. These include white and black violins made of gold. This beautiful designer pair is encrusted with a scattering of stones and crystals. The well-known jeweler Theo Fenelli received a task from a member of a rock duo called FUSE: to make two violins of gold. They were intended for Ben Lee and Linzy Stoppard, a popular performer, daughter of the famous writer Tom Stoppard.

The master had to work on this order for about nine months. Each detail in these instruments was developed individually, while the sound of the gold models should not be inferior to traditional instruments.

The uniqueness of this pair is as follows:

  • to compensate for the weight of the metal, the base of the instruments was made of Kevlar and carbon;
  • all details were developed from scratch;
  • I had to work with electronics for a long time to achieve the desired sound;
  • the plating was made in gold;
  • they are adorned with precious stones in the form of a scattering of diamonds, rubies and sapphires;
  • the models are decorated with Swarovski crystals in the amount of 50 thousand pieces.

The price for 2 violins was $ 4.4 million, that is, the customer paid $ 2.2 million for each instrument. Although the instruments sound no different from their traditional counterparts, their price speaks for itself.

It is good that there are true connoisseurs of music who have the opportunity not only to purchase such expensive models, but also provide others with the opportunity to enjoy their sound.

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