
Choosing a violin bow

Choosing a violin bow
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Species overview
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. What is rubbed with?

It is quite difficult to find the right violin bow quickly and easily, especially for beginners. Some soloists are in search of the perfect solution throughout their lives. If your task is to find one bow that will allow you to play the music of various composers, read our material.


As you know, a bow is a special device that allows you to extract sounds from a stringed bowed instrument. The violin bow provides 40% sound quality, so you need to be very careful when choosing it.

The violin bow has several basic components. Let's take a closer look at the composition of this device.

  • A cane or shaft made of wood. It connects to the head and block, which are located on opposite sides. Usually the cane is made from fernambuca or the so-called Brazilian wood.
  • Block. This element is complemented by a small copper nut on the inside. The base of the cane contains a special screw with eight edges and a long thread. It is with its help that you can adjust the tension of the hair. Some models have ivory or gold-containing pads. Such solutions, of course, are not cheap.
  • Ponytail hair. It can be both natural and artificial. It stretches to the block from the head, forming a kind of tape due to the presence of a ring on the block. Horse hair consists of large scales, the distance between which must be filled with rosin. Usually white hair is used, but there are bows equipped with black hair. In this case, the hair is coarser, more friction is created against the strings, the sound becomes less smooth and even.Usually black hair is used for cheap models that are intended for use in music schools.

The sound quality is influenced not only by horsehair, but also by the rosin used to rub the bow. With its help, the adhesive force with the string increases. It is recommended to rub the bow before each use. If an excellent adhesion between the rosin and the hair is carried out, this means that everything has been selected qualitatively.

To use the bow correctly, you must adhere to this hand position:

  • hold the device in your right hand;
  • the brush should sit over the block;
  • the bottom of the block must be supported with your thumb;
  • the rest of the fingers should be placed on top of the reed.

Species overview

The violin bow can be made of various materials, of course, wood and horsehair are mainly used. Let us dwell in more detail on the varieties depending on the material and size.

By material

Quite often, the Pernambuco tree (fernambuc), which grows in the tropics of Brazil, is used to make a bow. Wood from the northern part of the country is of particular value. The best material has not yet been found. It is very important to learn to distinguish fernambuc from other types of wood. It is quite difficult to make a choice on your own, since the peculiar "mesh" of the fernambuca is similar to other types of wood. It is best to seek help from a specialist.

Bows made from Brazilwood are in second place in terms of quality. This material is characterized by sufficient density and elasticity. But among the cheap and not very high quality materials, the following can be noted: eucalyptus, bakout, rubber tree and so on.

To size

It is very important to choose the right bow size, as comfort and sound will depend on it. As you know, adult musicians use a 4/4 size bow. But there are cases when it does not suit a person due to individual characteristics. Basically, bows are presented in the following sizes: 1/32, 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 7/8 and 4/4. Initially, it is worth talking to the teacher who will teach the child to play the violin.

Be sure to try on both the bow and the violin. You need to take the bow in your hand and put it on the string at the end, while paying attention to the elbow. If he is unbent, and at the same time there is no particular tension, it means that he has approached. If the right arm does not fully extend, then the bow is shorter than necessary. But if it starts behind the back, the bow is not brought to the end - the bow is longer than required.

It is imperative to pay attention to the weight of the bow, since it should not bring discomfort during the game.

Criterias of choice

There are several criteria to consider when choosing a violin bow.

  • The weight of the product is within 55–65 grams. Optimal dimensions: length - 75 cm, weight - 60 grams, and the center of gravity - 19 cm from the last. They can be called ideal, therefore, significant modifications of the bow are not expected in the near future.
  • Bow check for quality. If, when the hair is pulled, the body of the product straightens, then this speaks of quality. An interesting fact is that vintage models are often characterized by a reverse curvature. In addition, you need to stretch your hair for the game: grab the block with your thumb and forefinger, then easily hit the cane with your ring finger. Slow vibration is better than shallow and fast vibration. But the absence of vibration signals that such a bow will not produce a beautiful sound and strokes.
  • It should be taken into account that the length and quantity of hairs make the reed weak. No need to insert a lot of hair. And do not forget to take care of these tools, because the stretched hair during the day leads to the fact that the bow begins to deform.Be sure to loosen your hair after playing.

What is rubbed with?

Rosin is used to rub the hair. It is a small piece of resin. Without its use, the violin will not sound at all, because rosin affects the character of the instrument. A harder and drier rosin is required specifically for the violin. It should be chosen depending on the strings. So, for steel strings you need a dry agent, for synthetic strings - medium, for vein - soft. If the violin is planned to be played in a concert hall, it is better to use hard rosin, for playing in a studio or classroom - soft rosin. For warm climates, the hard version is ideal, for cold climates, the soft one.

The violin bow is a very important instrument as it produces sounds. Its selection should be given maximum attention, while taking into account the recommendations of experts.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to seek the help of a professional who will select the ideal option for you.

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