All about the size of violins

Many people are used to thinking that there is only one fixed size of musical instruments, and everyone should learn how to work with it. This is especially true of violins, because usually there are very few of them in stores, and they look alike. However, there are various variations of this tool. It is very easy to get confused in the variety of models, because each size has its own technical features.

What are they?
There are many sizes of violins. The largest or "whole" option is 4/4. It is considered standard and is most commonly found in violinists. The smallest violins are 1/16 and 1/32, they are much smaller than 4/4 and are more comfortable for children than for their parents. No less common examples are the 2/4 and 1/8 tools.
Ascending instrument lengths range from 36.8 to 60 centimeters.

Dimensions not only affect the playability, but also significantly affect the sound of the instrument. So, the smallest ones - the eighth and the sixteenth make almost toy, very subtle sounds. 4/4 has lower and richer sounds. The sound is also influenced by the materials from which the instrument is made. Maple, spruce and ebony are most commonly used.
The viola can be called a special type of violin. The body of the alto is usually larger and the sound itself is lower. This is due to the fact that the viola has no E string, but has a C string. The violin bow is much larger and heavier than the violin bow.

There are fewer violists than violinists both among the musicians of the orchestra and among the teachers. This does not mean at all that there is a difference in training for a violist. Learning to play both the violin and the viola is equally difficult. As for the size of the viola, everything is exactly like a violin - 4/4, 1/2, 3/4 and all the other variations.However, the 4/4 viola will be slightly longer than a violin of the same size.
For a better understanding of the dimensional grid, it is worth considering the parameters of each type separately.

Four quarters
This is "whole" or full size, the length of which is 60 cm, while the length of the body is 35.5 cm. It will be convenient for adult musicians and persons over 14 years old. It is important to take into account that the instrument is not only larger than other models, but also heavier - not everyone will have the strength to play it during a 3-hour concert.
Before buying such a violin, it is best not only to hold it in your hands in the store, but also to try to play it.

A half
Many people think that 1/2 and 2/4 are different violins. In fact, this is the same tool that is suitable for children aged 7-9 years. The length is 52 cm, the size of the case is 31.7 cm.

Three quarters
Transitional options are less popular than conventional ones as children grow up quickly. Three quarters is an intermediate option between "whole" and 1/2 size. It has a length of 53 cm, of which 33 cm is the length of the body.
It is used very rarely, you can find such an option only in online stores or to order, but still it exists because of its convenience.

One quarter
This is the descending model after 1/2, the total length of the instrument is 48.25 cm, The 28 cm case is perfect for miniature teenagers and children aged 5-9 years.

Eight and sixteenth
The smallest violins, measuring 43 cm and 36.8 cm, respectively. The sound of these children's instruments is very different from the sound of a "whole" violin.
It is only suitable for teaching toddlers, but in no way suitable for professional play on the big stage.

This is a very rare size, not only because it is intermediate between 3/4 and 4/4, but also because it is often author's, that is, it is made by hand by one master. Tool size 57 cm. This length is ideal for children 11-14 years old, and the equipment usually matches the instruments of professional musicians.

How to determine?
The size of a stringed instrument consists of the body length and the total length. To find out what size a violin has, you need to remember that:
- the size of the body is measured from the curl to the end of the string tension;
- the total length is measured from the beginning of the neck to the bottom of the soundboard, excluding the bulging part called the heel.
Knowing this, you can take a ruler or tape measure and go in search of the perfect violin. It is worth remembering the tool size table. For different firms or models, an error of 1.5-2 cm is possible. You should not pay attention to the width of the deck, since this parameter does not affect the sound quality in any way.
After purchasing the instrument, it is advisable to replace the strings. This will greatly improve the sound.

How to choose the right size?
In order to choose a comfortable tool, it is important to consider different parameters. It is very important to choose a violin that will be comfortable to play. An unsuitable instrument can seriously affect a musician's health. Playing such a violin can lead to muscle strain and even a curvature of the spine in adolescents. The choice of tool is influenced by the following parameters: age, height, finger length and palm size.
- "Whole" violin Is the most common instrument among musicians, especially in the orchestra. This option is more suitable for adults and teenagers. Based on average growth rates, we can say that this size will be much more comfortable for people from 154 cm and above. In this case, the arm length should be at least 60 cm, otherwise it is better to pay attention to other sizes.
- Tool size 7/8 also suitable for people from 11 years old. Since this is an intermediate option, the height of a violinist can be 150-154 cm. The arm length can vary from 55 to 60 cm. This violin is perfect for adults with small hands or short fingers, or for children who are just starting to play.
- The halves are made for children aged 7-9 years. When choosing such a tool, it should be borne in mind that the child's height should be 125-135 cm, and the arm length ranges from 53 to 56 cm, otherwise problems will arise during training.
- Transitional instrument three-quarter is able to help children 9-11 years old to learn to play. The child must be at least 135 cm, but also no higher than 145. This option is perfect for children, adolescents and adults, whose arm length is 57-60 cm.
- Quarter produced for children of preschool and school ages, namely 5-7 years old. In this case, it is worth relying on a height of 115-125 cm and an arm length from 48 to 52 cm.
- A miniature figure eight will look great in children 4-5 years old. The height of a little musician can be 105-115 cm, and the arm length is 44-47 cm.
- Almost a toy sixteenth is made for babies from 3 to 5 years old. It is worth focusing on the height of 90-105 cm. The arm length for comfortable learning on such a violin should be 41-44 cm. If it is larger or smaller, you need to pay attention to other instrument sizes.
- Violin size 1/10 designed for children from 4 to 5 years old. At the same time, the height of young violinists should be above 110 cm, and the arm length should be 45 cm.
- Size 1/32 created for the smallest violinists aged 1-3 years. You can focus on the height of 55-85 cm.The arm should be at least 37 and no more than 41 cm in length.
- It should be noted that sizes from 1/2 to 1/16 can be suitable for adults with very short stature and small fingers.

In addition to choosing a tool strictly according to parameters, there are several more simple ways.
You can choose the perfect violin based only on the length of your arm.
- To do this, you need to go to a music store.
- Choose the model you like.
- Then extend your left arm to the side without straining it.
- Place the instrument on your left shoulder. If the curl of the violin is in the middle of the palm, and your fingers grasp it easily, then the instrument is suitable. If discomfort is experienced, it is worth trying other specimens.

There is a kind of connection between the musician and the instrument. If memorizing and writing down indicative parameters does not help, you can select the violin by "feeling" it. It is better to come to a specialty store during hours free from a large number of visitors. It is worth walking, examining the tools, picking up each of the ones you like. Perhaps this method will take longer, but it will help you choose the perfect violin.
When choosing a tool, it is also important to remember factory defects. Many violins are roughly processed, which makes it easy to prick while playing. In this case, you need to carefully sand the tool. When choosing a violin, it is best for beginners to seek advice from experienced musicians. Only a knowledgeable person will help to identify shortcomings and save a beginner from many problems on the way to comprehending the beautiful.

When choosing a stringed instrument, pay attention to the bow. The one that comes with the kit is not always of good quality.
It is worth noting that bows come in different sizes and are matched exactly to the size of the violin. It is important that there are no cracks on the bow, otherwise there can be no talk of durability. The best bows are made from Brazilian wood - they are very expensive, but they will last more than one year. It must be remembered that the weight of the bow is 59-62 grams for the violin, 68-74 grams for the viola.
The main criterion for choosing a violin is the goal pursued. If the tool is needed just to captivate the child for a while, you can choose budget options. In the case when the violin is needed for a long time, you should pay attention to more expensive instruments made of high quality materials.