How to make a slime without glue and sodium tetraborate?

Slime is a toy that is popular among both children and adults. It is quite possible to make it at home even without sodium tetraborate and glue. The slime will turn out to be elastic and completely safe.

What do you need to work?
Two main components are used to make slimes: a thickener and a base. Different ingredients can act as an activator.
Detergents. You can make a slime without glue and sodium tetraborate with shower gel, liquid soap or washing powder. In this case, it is very important to observe the proportions. You need to add no more than 1-2 teaspoons of the product to the mixture. You can buy products with any smell for making slimes.
Aerosols. You can thicken the slime by using a hair fixer or window cleaner. Such products allow you to make the slime elastic and resilient. They should only be used in a well-ventilated area.
Starch and flour. These foods can also help make the slime thicker and more dense. But you need to add them to the mixture very carefully. If you overdo it, the slime will constantly tear during the game.

You can make the consistency of the slime more interesting by using various additional components. They can be found in any home.
Shaving foam. Such a tool will allow you to make the slime without PVA glue airy and voluminous. You need to add this product carefully. This will create a nice fluffy slime.
Artificial snow. This product can be purchased at many office supply stores. Airy fluffy slimes are prepared from it.If you use artificial snow, the toy will be crispy and pleasant to the touch.
Glycerol. This colorless substance is used to make tough slimes more elastic. In addition, through the use of such a product, the toy becomes shiny.
Plasticine. It is used in the process of making butter slimes. They turn out to be very soft and do not shrink as you play.
Hand cream. This product is usually added to the base to make the slime matte. In addition, it softens the skin of the hands while playing.

And also dyes, acrylics and gouache are often added to the mixture. When choosing a product for dyeing slime, it is worth remembering that not all dyes are useful. Chemical products can trigger the development of allergies and skin irritation with prolonged play.
A properly made slime will be smooth and elastic. This toy is easily removed from the storage container and does not stick to your hands.
Making slimes at home is worth following step by step recipes. In this case, the toy will turn out exactly as it was intended.

Of flour
This slime is made from simple ingredients that are always on hand. The first step is to sift 400 grams of flour into a bowl. Pour 50 ml of cold water there. The mass must be constantly stirred so that there are no lumps in it. Another 50 ml of water must be heated without boiling.
Hot water should also be poured into the flour mixture in a thin stream. The resulting slime must be mixed well and placed in a plastic container. The toy should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours before use. Each time before playing the slime, you need to cool it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. This makes it soft and elastic.

From starch and shampoo
This slime is also completely safe for health. You can cook it both independently and with your child.
Before starting cooking, the work table must be covered with oilcloth or cling film. Add some potato or cornstarch to the bowl. Next, you need to pour warm water there.
You can make a toy bright and attractive using gouache, acrylic paints or food colors. You need to add them to the slime carefully. It should be noted that starch "eats up" the brightness a little. Therefore, you need to add a little more dyes to the mixture than usual.
Add 3 teaspoons of shampoo to the finished slime. After that, the mixture must be mixed again. It should not be too liquid. If the slime turns out to be watery, add a little more starch to it.

You can make the toy softer by pouring 1 teaspoon of baby oil into a bowl and stirring it again.
From toothpaste and shampoo
A slime made from such simple means is light and airy. For its preparation, a thick shampoo is used. It can be white or transparent.
Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the selected shampoo into a bowl. You also need to squeeze out some toothpaste there. It is best to choose a product that does not have a pungent odor. Mix the contents of the bowl gently with a wooden stick. The mixture will be thick and elastic. If it looks too runny, squeeze a little more toothpaste into it. If it's too thick, add a little more shampoo. This must be done carefully.
Next, a bowl of slime should be sent to the refrigerator for 20-40 minutes. It should become firm, but not freeze to ice. After the required time has passed, the slime should be taken out of the bowl and kneaded in hands for several minutes. This will make it elastic and soft.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to play with him for a long time. After a couple of days, the slime will dry out, and you will have to get rid of it.

From the film mask
This product can also be used to make quality slimes. This cosmetic product has a gel-like structure.Upon contact with air, the mask turns into a strong elastic film. This makes it ideal for making slimes.
A toy is prepared from only two components. The film mask is squeezed out of the tube into a large bowl. A little bit of toothpaste is also added there. It all mixes well. A little dye can be added to the mixture if desired. After that, a bowl of slime should be placed in a water bath and cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly.
When the mass becomes thick enough, the container must be removed from the heat and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, the toy must be taken out of the bowl and kneaded well.

Light plasticine
This material can be found in almost any home where children live. It makes excellent elastic slimes. The color of the toy depends on the color of the selected plasticine. It is prepared very simply. To create a butter slime from airy plasticine, the following ingredients are used:
light plasticine - 1 pack;
hot water - 3 tablespoons;
starch - 1 teaspoon.
The first step is to put the plasticine in a bowl and fill it with hot water. Cover the vessel with a lid and leave for half an hour in a warm place. After that, the plasticine must be taken out of the water and kneaded well. To make the toy more dense, hands must be sprinkled with starch before playing. In some cases, it is replaced with baby powder. The slime turns out to be soft and quite bright. To make the toy more interesting, you can use slimes of several colors. This method of making a slime with your own hands will make it no less attractive than a purchased slime.

Shaving foam and starch
This slime turns out to be airy and voluminous. Even small children can make such a toy. You can use both corn starch and potato starch to create it. The result will be the same.
Squeeze the shaving foam into a bowl. You also need to add a little starch there. To prevent the slime from getting too dense, it must be added gradually. The finished toy should be flexible enough.
In some cases, flour is substituted for starch. But in this case, the toy stretches worse and does not last so long. You shouldn't add sparkles and plastic balls to this slime. Otherwise, it will not stretch well.

You can use other available tools to create slimes with different textures. Very often, petroleum jelly is added to the base. You can buy it at any pharmacy.
To prepare the toy, pour a glass of hot water into a bowl. You also need to add a teaspoon of petroleum jelly there. All this needs to be mixed well. To melt the petroleum jelly, the mixture must be sent to the microwave for 30 seconds. After that, you need to add a little starch to the mixture. It is necessary to knead the product until the mass becomes thick enough. If desired, you can add any dye to the slime. In this case, it will turn out not only soft and elastic, but also bright.
Slimes are also of excellent quality, for the preparation of which shower gel or detergent is used. A little sugar is added to the bowl with the main ingredient. This mixture is thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, the sugar has time to dissolve. Thanks to this, the mixture becomes sufficiently elastic. In some cases, colored glitter and dyes are added to such a base.

It is worth paying attention to slimes made of soda and detergent. They are also prepared without the use of thickeners. The cooking process takes only a couple of minutes. The first step is to add a couple of tablespoons of detergent and some baking soda to the bowl. After that, you need to pour the selected dye into a homogeneous mixture, and mix everything again.
Useful Tips
When making a slime for the first time, you should pay attention to expert advice that will help you achieve a successful result.
When preparing a slime with a small child, you should pay attention to the fact that the baby does not pull the ingredients into his mouth. Indeed, many of the components used to create a slime can harm its health.
You need to work carefully. The work surface is usually covered with oilcloth or cling film. All kitchen utensils used must be clean. In some cases, slimers use gloves.
If some ingredients need to be heated on the stove, this should only be done over low heat. In this case, the consistency of the slime will be uniform.
Dyes should be introduced into the slime base gradually. If you overdo it, the toy will paint your hands.
In order not to spoil the slime, all proportions must be carefully observed. You cannot substitute some ingredients for others. This can lead to unexpected results.

You can extend the life of a slime by providing it with the right storage conditions. Regardless of what ingredients the toy was made from, it must be kept in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the slime can not only lose elasticity, but also mold.
If the toy shrinks over time, it needs extra care. Slime can be sprinkled with water or sprinkled with a little salt each time after playing.
In this case, the toy will always be elastic and will not lose its attractiveness over time.
You can find interesting slime recipes without sodium tetraborate and glue for both beginners and experienced slimers. If you follow the step-by-step instructions and use quality ingredients, your toys will always come out of good quality.

How to make slime without glue and sodium tetraborate, see the video.