How to make a slime without shaving foam?

At the present time, such a toy as slime is very popular. How to make it without shaving foam, read below.

What can replace shaving foam?
You don't need to use shaving foam as a thickener to make a slime. At home, you can find tons of other ingredients that are great for this role.
So, you can use sodium tetraborate as a thickener. It is an antiseptic that can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. It can make the slime mass sticky and stretchy, but for some it is dangerous.

Sodium tetraborate can cause nausea, headache, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms. It is not recommended to use it to create a toy that will be intended for a child under the age of three.
Taking sodium tetraborate, of course, is optional. It can be replaced by PVA glue, flour, gelatin or ordinary starch, various inexpensive cosmetics, shampoo, toothpaste, baking soda or something else.
The basic rule for the successful manufacture of an anti-stress toy is the use of quality ingredients that have a normal shelf life, as well as adherence to the dosage according to the recipe.

How to make slime without sodium tetraborate?
Making a slime at home with your own hands without using sodium tetraborate is not difficult. You can use baking soda for this. 30 grams of baking soda, 100 milliliters of PVA glue and 200 milliliters of water will be enough for you. If desired, food coloring can be added to the composition.
This recipe is quite simple and does not take much time to implement. If you use a dye, then to make a slime you need two containers, one of which mixes glue, half of the required water and a couple of drops of dye. In another bowl, mix the baking soda and the rest of the liquid. Next, this mixture is carefully and slowly poured into the glue solution, while thoroughly mixing the entire mixture.

After good mixing, the composition should thicken, then it should be put in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour.
A good slime can be made from liquid starch. Dry is also suitable, but before use it will have to be diluted with water in a 2 to 1 ratio. Note that any starch can be used: potato, corn, and wheat. Most preferred, of course, will be potato starch, which is capable of forming a clear paste.
So, you need 0.7 liters of liquid starch and 25 grams of PVA glue. All this is thoroughly mixed so that the result is a homogeneous and thick mass without lumps, which must be placed on a napkin in order to get rid of excess moisture. Slime is ready.

Other recipes
From plasticine
From plasticine, you can create a good airy slime that will be stretchy and viscous. Moreover, if you use plasticine, then you will not need a dye.
There are several recipes for creating a plasticine-based anti-stress toy. So, you need 15 grams of gelatin and 0.1 kilograms of plasticine. If you want to make the slime larger, then the proportions should be doubled.

First of all, you need to prepare a mixture of gelatin. To do this, 200 milliliters of water is poured into the container and the gelatin itself is poured into the container. All this mixture must be left for an hour at room temperature, so that it swells properly.
Next, it must be put on a slow fire in order to achieve complete dissolution of the gelatin. After that, the solution should cool down, then plasticine of the desired color is added to it piece by piece. All this is well kneaded with your hands, and then placed in the refrigerator until it is completely thickened.

There is another recipe based on plasticine. For it, you will need 1 block of the main component of the color you need, 50 milliliters of PVA glue, a pinch of baking soda and a few drops of naphthyzine, which will provide the density of the mass.
First of all, plasticine is placed in the container, which must be filled with glue and soda. Next, naphthyzine is introduced into the composition. This must be done carefully. Do not overdo it with this ingredient, as otherwise the mixture may turn out to be too thick. Then the slime needs to be thoroughly kneaded with your hands and refrigerated for half an hour.

Of flour
Flour is also a good ingredient for making slime. You will need 0.2 kilograms of this component, as well as 25 milliliters of hot and cold water. If desired, you can add dye to the composition.
First of all, the flour must be sieved and mixed with cold water, after which hot water is added to the mixture. Next, the composition must be cooled and placed in the refrigerator for about an hour so that it fully thickens. The resulting mass can be used for the game.

From shampoo
Shampoo is also actively used for the preparation of home anti-stress toys. This component in the composition can give your slime a pleasant aroma that will distinguish it from other slimes.
In order to prepare anti-stress shampoo, you need to take 3 tablespoons of this ingredient and the same amount of PVA glue. If you want, you can add a few drops of food coloring to the composition, but if the shampoo is already colored, then your slime will have a color without any additions.

To prepare the slime, you need to take a bowl and mix all the main ingredients in it one by one. As a result, after thorough mixing, you should get a thick and homogeneous mass, which has ductility and elasticity.After that, the mixture must be left in any cold place for half an hour, and then it can be used for games.

From gelatin
You can also make absolutely safe gelatin slime. To do this, you will need a tablespoon of the base ingredient and 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. All this must be mixed well and left to infuse for several hours, while stirring occasionally.
Then the mixture is moved to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that it is properly infused. If you wish, you can add a couple of drops of food coloring, watercolor or gouache paint to the composition so that your slime takes on one or another color.

From a film mask
A cosmetic product such as a film mask is also actively used to create anti-stress toys at home. In this case, it is not at all necessary to use expensive tools, since their high cost will not in any way affect the basic qualities of your future toy. It will be enough to purchase one budget tube - the main thing is that it has the current expiration date. Otherwise, the slime may not work, or it will quickly deteriorate.
So, To make this slime, you will need 150 milliliters of a film mask, 50 milliliters of soap, and 2 tablespoons of lens fluid.

The film mask and soap must be mixed well so that you end up with a homogeneous mass. Next, the lens fluid is added and the mixture is re-mixed. In the end, a transparent and viscous mass should be obtained, which must be put in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour for complete thickening.
If desired, you can add dye, sparkles and other decorations to the composition so that your slime turns out to be unlike all other toys of this kind.

From toothpaste
Toothpaste is also suitable for creating an anti-stress toy. It is a good replacement for shaving foam. Thanks to the toothpaste in the composition, your slime will turn out to be airy, stretching and will have a pleasant mint or other aroma that will distinguish it from other antistress agents.
So, to prepare a slime, you need 2 tablespoons of toothpaste, 2 tablespoons of PVA glue, a few drops of a foam mask, which can be replaced with the same amount of ordinary shampoo, and a bowl. You can add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture if desired.

The process of making slime from toothpaste is quite simple. All components must be thoroughly mixed so that, as a result, a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. You can adjust the thickness of the toy with glue or the same shampoo, decreasing their quantity or, on the contrary, increasing them. When the mixture has the consistency you need, you need to knead it thoroughly with your fingers and place it in the refrigerator or any other cold place for about an hour.

How to increase slime?
It can often be seen that the slime begins to shrink noticeably. This can happen both with factory antistresses, and with those that were prepared with your own hands at home.
Most often this happens due to improper storage: sudden changes in temperature, heat or severe frost, disrupting the structure of the slime, and drying of the slime due to the lack of so-called dressings. In addition, the toy may simply lose its shelf life. In the latter case, you have no choice but to throw the product away. It is not recommended to use slime that has expired, it is unsafe. In all other cases, the situation can be improved.

You can soak the slime. To do this, you need to knead it well with your fingers and place it in warm water. Then the slime is taken out, kneaded and stretched again, after which it is again placed in water. You need to repeat this several times until you achieve the desired result.
You can also use a saline solution, which is often used to feed toys.To make such a solution, you need 100 ml of water and a couple of pinches of salt. Slime is placed in the solution. After 5 minutes, you need to take it out and dry it with a napkin.

The same solution can be administered to slime as an injection. You will need to mix a spoonful of salt and 20 ml of water. All this needs to be stirred and injected into the toy with a syringe.
Alternatively, you can use shaving gel to enlarge the slime. It only takes a couple of spoons of such a product. First of all, the toy must be sprinkled with flour or starch, thoroughly knead and knead so that all the powder is absorbed into it. After that, you can add shaving gel to the slime, while not forgetting to knead the product. At the end, you need to stretch it so that it turns out to be more elastic and larger.
How to make a slime without shaving foam, see the video.