All about fluffy slime

Fluffy slimes with an unusual texture are popular among both children and adults. Soft and elastic slimes are available in many stores. But it is much more interesting to make such a craft with your own hands.

What it is?
Bright fluffy slimes are soft and elastic. They stretch well and easily regain their original shape. It is very pleasant to play with such a slime. Air slimes are great for dealing with stress. This is what makes them so popular. Fluffy slimes can be given to a child over 4 years old.
Air slimes are made from a wide variety of components. Therefore, each slider can choose a suitable option for himself.

No glue
Soft slime without the use of glue is very easy to do. To create it, you only need a few ingredients:
- shampoo - 60 ml;
- shaving foam - 1 can;
- salt.
The process of creating this toy consists of the following steps.
- First, mix shampoo and foam in a large container. In your work, it is better to use products with a neutral aroma.
- Stir the mass thoroughly. The mass is homogeneous.
- Next, salt must be added to this mixture.
- After that, the mass must be mixed a second time. The resulting product is sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 minutes. This is done to thicken the mixture.
- After a couple of minutes, the product must be taken out of the refrigerator and kneaded again.
You can play with a slime immediately after making it.

No shaving foam
The popular product for creating voluminous slimes can be easily replaced with other ingredients that can give the toy an airiness. For making fluffy slime, it is used:
- bath foam - 120 grams;
- clear liquid for lenses - 40 ml;
- liquid glue - 90 ml;
- baking soda - 5-10 grams;
- water and paint.

The last ingredient is added to the mixture as desired. The color of the finished fluffy slime can be any color. The step-by-step process of creating a toy consists of the following steps.
- The first step is to mix the foam and warm water in a bowl. The mixture should not be very thin. To whip up the foam, you should use a soft foam sponge.
- Glue and colored paint must be added to the finished mixture. Both ingredients must be of good quality. Such a toy can be safely given in the hands of a small child.
- The resulting mass must be mixed. Bright slime can be either solid or multi-colored.
- Next, a small amount of baking soda and lens fluid are added to the container. The contents of the bowl are mixed.
Take it out of the bowl and knead it with your hands. If the slime is still sticking to the skin, it should be moistened with lens solution. The finished slime will turn out to be airy and will not tear during the game.

Sodium tetraborate free
Boric acid is the most popular thickener used in slimers. However, it can also be replaced with other ingredients. The slime turns out to be lush and without a pharmacy thickener. To create it, you need to prepare the following ingredients:
- high-quality glue - 90 ml;
- shaving foam;
- fragrant soap;
- water;
- paint of any color.

After that, you can start creating a fluffy slime.
- Pour all the glue from the bottle into a clean bowl. Next, you need to stir it slightly. This is done in order to remove all the lumps and make the mass more homogeneous.
- Next, pour water into a bowl with glue in a thin stream.
- After that, a dye of a suitable color must be added to the container with the prepared ingredients.
- To make the slime voluminous, add shaving foam to the bowl.
- Next, the mixture is gently mixed.
- A detergent is added to the thick base. It's best to use a gel from a trusted brand. You need to add this fragrant product with slow and gentle movements.
- The finished slime is taken out of the bowl.
- The craft is kneaded in hands for 2-3 minutes.
Slime must be moved into a bag with a fastener. It should be stored there.

From the film mask
Glossy film mask is a popular cosmetic used to make beautiful glossy slimes. This product replaces glue in the mixture. Plus, it smells really good. To create a fluffy slime, in addition to a film mask, a very simple set of components is used:
- fragrant foam - 2 tablespoons;
- soap or gel - 1 spoon;
- toothpaste - 1 spoon;
- clear solution for lenses - 1 spoon;
- soda - 2 teaspoons;
- warm water;
- liquid dye.

The process of creating this simple toy consists of the following steps.
- The film mask must be squeezed out into a deep plate. There you need to add a high-quality dye of a suitable color.
- Pour warm water, liquid soap and foam into a separate bowl. This mixture must be supplemented with a small amount of toothpaste. It can be either plain or colored.
- All these ingredients need to be beaten well. The mass should turn out to be voluminous.
- Combine this mixture in a large bowl.
- After that, you need to enter the lens solution purchased at the pharmacy into the container.
- Next, add a pinch of baking soda there. Slime is stirred for 2-3 minutes. If it turns out to be not thick enough, add a little more lens solution there.
The resulting toy must be removed from the bowl and kneaded slightly.

From plasticine
The process of creating an air slime from light plasticine will captivate both adults and children. To make it, you need a simple set of ingredients:
- shampoo - 1 spoon;
- shaving foam - 110 grams;
- starch - 1 spoon;
- plasticine - 1 bar.
The process of creating an anti-stress toy consists of a few simple steps.
- First, pour the required amount of foam into a deep container.
- A block of plasticine must be divided into equal parts and added to a bowl.
- Soft material should be gently kneaded. The color mixture will turn out to be voluminous and reminiscent of velvet in texture.
- After that, add a tablespoon of shampoo to the bowl. All this needs to be mixed well.
- Starch must be added to the finished mixture.
Remove the elastic mass from the bowl and knead it well. Some slimers add food coloring to make the toy brighter.

No thickener
Slime, which is made without adding thickeners, is not only easy to manufacture, but also absolutely safe for children's health. All you need to create it is starch, shampoo and some free time.
- Pour 2-3 tablespoons of shampoo into a bowl.
- To make the slime bright, coloring material is added to it at this stage.
- Then add a little dry starch to a bowl with the prepared mass. You shouldn't replace it with flour. It will only ruin the toy.
- In the process of adding starch, the mass must be constantly stirred. The thick slime is kneaded in the hands for a couple of minutes. During this time, the toy becomes quite soft.
It should be borne in mind that such a slime is stored for a very short time. After 4-5 days, the old toy will have to be replaced with a new one.

How to cook?
Having decided to make a fluffy slime with your own hands, you should pay attention to those crafts that turn out to be the most vivid and unusual.
Rainbow slime
Both toddlers and schoolchildren love bright rainbow slimes. The creation of such a toy takes a lot of time. But the result is definitely worth it. To make it, the child will need:
- shaving foam - 700 ml;
- multi-colored food colors;
- glue - 350 ml;
- boric acid.

Wooden sticks for mixing colored mass and 7 small containers will also come in handy. The slime creation process consists of the following steps.
- Add 100 ml of shaving foam and 50 ml of glue to each container. They need to be mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous.
- Next, add a few drops of dye to each plate.
- The contents of all bowls must be mixed until smooth.
- After that, the resulting mixture must be thickened by adding a few drops of boric acid to it.
- Each slime must be removed from the container and kneaded in your hands.
Multi-colored blanks must be connected together. You can play with a bright rainbow slime for a long time.

With colored figurines and sequins
To create elastic anti-stress toys with glitter, sliders use the following components:
- light shaving foam - 300 ml;
- glue - 90 ml;
- water - 120 ml;
- boric acid - 1 teaspoon;
- contact lens solution;
- colored balls and small sequins.

Such a slime is made very simply.
- First, add boric acid and solution to the bowl. Half of the warm water must be poured there.
- In another large container, the glue must also be mixed with water. After mixing, the mass will become smooth and shiny.
- Next, the contents of the two bowls must be carefully mixed.
- There you need to add shaving foam.
- After mixing the resulting mass, you can pour colored balls and sparkles into it.
The finished slime can be used for games for a long time. It looks beautiful and unusual.

Glowing Fluffy Slime
The child will also like the fluffy slime, which can glow in the dark. To create it at home, simple and affordable ingredients are used:
- toothpaste - 2 spoons;
- baby oil - 1 spoon;
- luminescent dye.
This soft and beautiful slime is made very easily.
- First, squeeze 2 tablespoons of toothpaste into an empty bowl. Stir it gently with a wooden spoon or skewer.
- Next, the mass must be heated. This is done so that excess liquid comes out of the toothpaste. The bowl can be sent to the microwave or heated in a water bath.
- When the mass is ready, add a little luminescent paint to the container. Stir the contents of the bowl thoroughly.
- Next, hands should be lubricated with a small amount of baby oil. Slime must be gently kneaded in the palms. This is done in order to soften it.
You should not replace baby oil with vegetable oil. In this case, the slime can become a breeding ground for mold.

How to store?
If you do not monitor the condition of the slime, over time it will decrease in size and lose its attractiveness. You can save a DIY toy by adhering to simple rules.
- The best way to store your slime is in an airtight container. You can buy it at your regular supermarket. Air must not penetrate inside the container. This can cause the toy to dry out very quickly.
- Do not leave the toy in a high temperature room. This will make the slime sticky. The optimum temperature for storing toys is 3-9 degrees above zero.
- Fluffy slimes absorb sand, dirt, dust and wool very quickly. If you notice dirt on the surface of the toy, it should be cleaned immediately. To do this, place the slime in a bowl of water for three minutes. Rinsing under running water is not recommended. The slime should dry naturally. Do not wipe it with napkins or dry it with a hairdryer.
- Hands should be washed thoroughly before playing with slime.
- Slime must be protected from strong blows. Mechanical damage can damage the toy.
- To keep the fluffy slime soft and elastic for a long time, you need to play with it regularly. Otherwise, the toy may shrink and even dry out.

If the toy has lost its attractiveness and elasticity, you can try to restore it. In this case, there is a solution for every problem.
- Wateriness. Regular salt will help remove excess moisture. To restore the elasticity and elasticity of the toy, it must be placed in a container and sprinkled with coarse salt. Next, the container must be shaken, and the toy must be cleaned of grains of salt. After such treatment, the slime cannot be used for 1-2 days.
- Density. Slime, which is often played for a long time, can harden over time. If this happens, sprinkle it with a little warm water and place it in a container as well. After 3-4 hours, the toy can be taken out of the container. It is best to store it after such processing in the refrigerator.
- Stickiness. If the toy becomes sticky and unpleasant to the touch, you can also try to rescue it. To do this, sprinkle the slime with a few drops of the thickener. After that, it must be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
- Inelasticity. Over time, the fluffy slime can begin to tear when stretched. This is due to the fact that the toy dries up. Too frequent use of it can also lead to this. In order to restore elasticity to the slime, you need to knead it with your hands, smeared with cream or glycerin.
If the slime cannot be “reanimated”, it should be discarded. The process of creating a new toy takes only a couple of minutes.

Useful Tips
For those who are just learning how to create slimes at home, simple tips from experienced people will help.
- Silicate glue or PVA glue for slimes must be of high quality and not expired.
- Do not add too much activator to the base. This should be done gradually. The mixture must be constantly stirred.
- Disposable gloves should be used when working with sodium tetraborate. This will help protect your hands from exposure to the harmful substance.
- A small child should not be involved in creating slimes without parental supervision.
Homemade fluffy slimes are of no less quality than purchased toys. If you follow all the rules and store the air "cloud" in suitable conditions, the craft will serve its owners for a long time.

For information on how to make a fluffy slime from ordinary plasticine, see the next video.