How to make clay slime?

Slimes are in great demand, because they are a kind of anti-stress toys that cheer up and soothe. Today, they can even be made at home if you choose the right ingredients and follow the directions for making them. Such a toy will be soft and smooth, it will be liked not only by children, but also by adults. There is a large selection of slimes in stores, but it is always more interesting to cook something like this with your own hands, even to involve children in the process. Soft clay works best for this and can be found in most stores. As for the rules of preparation, everything is quite simple, you do not need to spend a lot of money on ingredients. Here are some basic guidelines for creating a slime.

What is required?
To make clay slime, you need a set of ingredients that are available to everyone. You will cook this slime very quickly, involving children in the process. Slime can take different forms, it is pleasant to the touch, and even a child can handle it. It is worth noting the main advantages of such a product.

Clay is taken as the main component, as it provides attractiveness and elasticity, has a smooth and silky feel. Sliding uses polymer clay, from which a variety of products and even food additives are created. It can be found in specialty stores and stationery kiosks. This material is intended for needlework, artistic modeling and modeling. The mass is plastic, so it can easily take any shape, and when heated it becomes solid. In polymer clay there are plasticizers, PVC, stabilizers, color additives are not complete. If you wish, you can find transparent plastic, with the help of which the slime will come out original.

In addition, this material is offered in different shades, so the slime can even be acid-bright according to your wishes.
Of course, besides the clay, you will need other ingredients that are used in the basic recipes. To form a base for a slime, you need to stock up on PVA glue or find another working composition. Purchase an activator in the form of sodium tetraborate. To ensure a silky texture, you need a hand cream that contains glycerin. To keep the product soft, use baby oil, and liquid soap will act as an auxiliary component.

Please note that polymer clay contains more stabilizers and a moderate amount of plasticizers, this is the only way the plastic will remain soft for a long time. There are many brands of this material on the market, but until you experience it personally, you will not understand which one is right for you personally.
As for the best option, everything is relative here, so you can experiment to find what you like best.

Cooking recipes
To get homemade clay, prepare about 250 g of PVA glue, the same amount of starch, two tablespoons of lemon juice, a spoonful of petroleum jelly and hand cream. All ingredients will need to be mixed in a container to get a homogeneous mass. Then put the mixture in the microwave for half a minute to warm up. Then stir again and repeat the process with heat. Prepare a flat surface and grease it with cream, then transfer the "semi-finished product" and start kneading. This homemade clay can be kept in the refrigerator.

As for the additional ingredients, it all depends on your imagination. Perhaps you want a bright color, then use food coloring, someone likes glitter or foam bumps. This is where you get creative. If you want a certain color, initially choose polymer clay of the desired shade, and then the anti-stress will be the same.

To get a butter slime, you can use a simple recipe. Soda and a tablespoon of saline are added to the adhesive composition, after which everything is thoroughly mixed. Then use the thickener drop by drop and stir until the mass stops sticking to the container, after which the activator is not needed. Start kneading the slime in your hands for a few minutes. The glue mass combines with the clay, add saline solution. The result will surely please you - the butter slime is pleasant and smooth, it will not smear on the container or other surface. If desired, the consistency of the antistress can be changed, because the types of clay are different - it can be made soft, viscous, dense and any other.

There is one more recipe that you might find useful. To do this, prepare one and a half cups of transparent or regular glue, add starch in a tablespoon until the mixture becomes lumpy. It remains to knead the future slime, achieving the correct consistency. At the final stage, clay of any shade is added to give softness to the anti-stress product. If your slime is too sticky, it's a good idea to add a little more starch. But do not overdo it, otherwise the toy will be hard, then you will have to use water, additional glue and knead again. The slime should be infused for an hour, after which you can play with it.

You don't need to use starch to get a jelly-like slime. For the next recipe, you will need powdered clay, which is offered in a transparent form, some regular glue, food coloring. Polymer clay is mixed with all other components in the container with a spoon, after which you can do it by hand. This recipe is actually quite simple, you should be able to do it on the first try. As for the activator, it is stirred in hot water, but not in boiling water.The proportions of the ingredients must be equal for everything to work out.

For this recipe, you need to take half a package of stationery glue, half a teaspoon of soda, acrylic paint, a little clay and saline solution. First, pour the glue into the container and add half a glass of plain water there. Then send the dye to the bowl, and mix everything thoroughly. Soda, saline solution is sent there, after which the thick texture of the slime is kneaded. Here, at the final stage, the clay of your choice is also added, the procedure does not take much time and is enjoyable.

Toy storage tips
In order for your slime to remain presentable as long as possible, it is necessary not only to prepare it correctly, but also to store it in appropriate conditions. The silky texture is better preserved if the anti-stress toy is used with dry hands. If foreign objects get in, they must be removed immediately. To store the slime, use a sealed package, do not store it at sub-zero temperatures.

It is worth remembering that open air and heat can also negatively affect the slime, as it hardens. Of course, there is a way to save the product with water, but this does not always help.
The polymer composition remains for two weeks, after which a new anti-stress will have to be done. Creating a toy like this can bring a family together, improve your relationship with your kids, get them interested in crafts, and develop creative thinking. Slimes can be not only multi-colored, they can be added with various sparkles, beads and other decorative elements. Creating something with your own hands is always interesting and useful, so experiment, try something new.

How to make clay slime, see the video below.