
How to make glue slime?

How to make glue slime?
  1. The purpose of the glue in the slime
  2. How to thicken the toy?
  3. Recipes by type of glue
  4. How to diversify your design?
  5. How to store slime correctly?

Despite the fact that today an anti-stress toy slime is sold in almost any store, many children prefer to create it on their own using improvised means. For example, you can make an airy and viscous slime with your own hands on the basis of glue.

The purpose of the glue in the slime

Any homemade slime contains a bulk and an activator, it is also a thickener. The glue, together with water, dishwashing gel, shampoo, shaving foam, airy clay and the like, forms the base. After thorough mixing, a thickener is gradually added to it, the role of which is played by sodium tetraborate in most recipes. After each portion of the activator, the mixture is kneaded for 3-5 minutes, and then, if necessary, it is added more.

It is important to remember that too much thickener makes the toy too thick and rubbery.

The best slimes are made with a thick, fresh adhesive. It is considered undesirable to use glue that has been open for a long time, as well as an expired product. In addition, adhesive mixtures with a watery composition or a very greasy texture, as well as those intended for gluing paper products, are not suitable for work.

How to thicken the toy?

As mentioned above, the most common activator is sodium tetraborate, also known as boric acid. However, it is not always at hand, and therefore it is important to understand what ingredients can be used instead. The most readily available thickeners are flour and starch. They can be used individually or mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.You can make such a slime even for a small child, without fear of allergic reactions.

However, it should be understood that such a "gum" lives no more than 2-3 days, and it does not look very presentable.

Aerosol air freshener thickens the substance well. For better results, it is recommended to experiment with combinations of different air fresheners and types of glue. A good slime will turn out if you use regular salt. You will not be able to use it in its pure form - first, a tablespoon of crystals will need to be diluted in 5 tablespoons of water, after which the liquid is poured into a bowl with glue and left without stirring for about a quarter of an hour. After the above time, excess moisture is drained, and the mass itself is kneaded in the hands.

The finished chewing gum will not be too stringy, but playable.

Drops from the common cold "Naftizin" perfectly interact with almost any glue. The solution is used in an amount of only 2-3 drops. Lens fluid behaves in a similar way. Of the gels for washing, the most effective are the products of the Laska, Vanish and Persil brands. You can also use washing powder of the same brands, previously dissolved in 1-2 tablespoons of water. Finally, an alcohol-based perfume composition will become an excellent activator, which will not only thicken the glue, but also give it a pleasant aroma.

Recipes by type of glue

Preparing slime at home is obtained on the basis of different types of glue.

From puzzle glue

Special glue for puzzles costs no more than 30 rubles. It does not have an unpleasant odor and, being transparent, allows you to create beautiful "glass" products. When handling the substance, it is important not to mix it with water. If this is done, even though the mass seems to be homogeneous, the addition of a thickener will cause the adhesive to fold.

By the way, to increase the size of this type of slime, the glue has to be mixed with shaving foam or glycerin.

For work, glue for puzzles and PVA glue are used in equal quantities. To them are added tetraborate, half a cup of shaving foam and, if necessary, dye. First, in one bowl, PVA is combined with dye and foam until a uniform color is obtained. At this time, the polymer for the puzzles and the tetraborate are combined in another container. If you want to make the slime two-tone, then another dye can also be added to this mixture. Both substances are combined, thoroughly mixed and kneaded by hands until smooth.

From office glue

Regular stationery glue can be the basis for a home slime. The simplest recipe requires a combination of adhesive, dye, and sodium tetraborate. First, 200 milliliters of clerical glue is painted in the desired color, and then it thickens by gradually adding tetraborate. The resulting product will keep its shape, stretch well and not stick to your hands. To make an airy "chewing gum", it is also necessary to use stationery glue. The ingredients are selected in the following proportion: 100 milliliters of glue for 5 tablespoons of shaving foam, as well as 2 teaspoons of thick shampoo, a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of hot water.

First of all, water and soda are shaken in a plastic bottle until the crystals are completely dissolved. In another container, shaving foam, glue and shampoo are mixed until uniform. A teaspoon of soda mixture is poured into the substance, which, after each introduction, is kneaded with a spatula made of wood or silicone. Upon completion, the hands are moistened with a soda solution, and the mass is kneaded until it becomes viscous.

Of course, you should work with gloves, as the soda corrodes the skin.

Gold slime looks very impressive, to create which eye shadow is used instead of food coloring. To work from the ingredients, 100 milliliters of stationery glue, a couple of teaspoons of crushed golden eyeshadows, half a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate and a tablespoon of water are required. First, the glue is combined with water until it acquires a uniform consistency, then a golden powder is added. At the end, to thicken, sodium tetraborate will need to be gradually introduced into the mixture.

The simplest ingredients will require a slime made from glue, soda and salt. In addition to 100 milliliters of stationery glue, you will need to use a glass of hot water, half a cup of warm water, a heaped teaspoon of baking soda, and 30 milliliters of saline solution. The latter, by the way, is prepared by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. At the same time, a soda solution is created from hot water and baking soda. The glue is poured into a separate bowl and checked for uniformity. First, a saline solution is poured into it, and then a soda solution. After constant stirring with a spatula, the slime will begin to resemble a lump, and you can proceed to kneading it with your hands.

Too liquid substance normalizes the soda solution, and too thick - a small amount of glue.

Another simple recipe based on stationery glue also requires the addition of starch, and 100 grams of powder is taken per 100 milliliters of adhesive. In a separate container, the glue is kneaded until smooth, while in another bowl, the starch is diluted in 30 milliliters of heated water. The starch liquid is gradually poured into the glue substance and mixed thoroughly. If necessary, the composition can be supplemented with a few drops of the activator. The formed lump is kneaded with your hands until tender.

The finished slime will be right to put in the refrigerator.

For many recipes for making homemade slime, you need to use a kind of clerical glue - silicate glue. For example, a high-quality transparent "gum" is obtained by combining the key component with dishwashing detergent and shaving foam. First, a tablespoon of foam is combined with two of the same spoons of glue, then a teaspoon of detergent is added to them. Upon completion, everything is mixed for a long time.

Silicate can also be used to create glitter ice slime. At the first stage, several ice cubes are poured into a glass of cold water. When they melt, you will have to add a teaspoon of baking soda and the glitter itself there. At the next stage, silicate glue is squeezed into the middle of the dish. It will be correct to use a spatula to collect it towards the center to form a lump. Once the mass becomes thick, it will need to be handled.

Silicate glue is also suitable for making a smelling toy. In this case, in addition to 100 milliliters of adhesive, you will need to use 4 milliliters of perfume. The glue is squeezed into a small bowl and tinted if desired. Perfume is sprayed on its surface, as a result of which a film should form. Having crushed it and mixed the substance, the procedure will have to be repeated. The application of perfume continues until the mass becomes thick.

In any of the above recipes to increase the volume of the mass and to improve its properties, you can add some components. For example, shampoo, hand soap or shower gel will make the substance jelly-like and translucent. They are taken in the amount of 1/3 of the total mass of the slime. Air plasticine will allow you to make butter slime or handgum. This component is allowed to be connected even with a finished product.

A couple of tablespoons of glycerin will make the gum shine, and hand cream will add softness and elasticity to it.


The usual white PVA glue can be used in various variations. For example, good fluffy slime is obtained from a product of the Luch brand and shampoo. Of the ingredients, 2-3 tablespoons of detergent, 50 milliliters of adhesive and a few drops of tetraborate are required for work. A clean container is filled with shampoo, which is foamed with a regular sponge. Next, glue is poured into the formed foam, and the components are mixed until homogeneous. The activator is injected last drop by drop.

It is even easier to prepare a slime from a tablespoon of PVA and 2 tablespoons of necessarily gel toothpaste. First, paste is squeezed into a bowl, and then glue in a ratio of 2 to 1. The components are kneaded until smooth and put into the refrigerator for about a quarter of an hour. Some craftsmen, however, prefer to let the toy "mature" in a closed box for a couple of days.

In the absence of tetraborate, glue slime is perfectly prepared using soda.

This recipe requires the addition of 100 milliliters of hot water, a couple of teaspoons of baking soda and a couple of tablespoons of glue. First, the soda is diluted in water, and then glue is poured into this solution. The resulting clot is gently turned over in the thickener, and then the excess water is drained. The slime that has settled for a couple of minutes is kneaded by hands and squeezed out again from excess water.

From wallpaper glue

Wallpaper glue, which has a thick consistency, is also suitable for making toys. In the simplest recipe, 100 milliliters of it is combined with a tablespoon of hand cream, a pinch of soda and boric acid. By gradually connecting the components and thoroughly mixing the mass, it will be necessary to knead it with your hands.

Another classic recipe involves combining a tablespoon of wallpaper glue, 50 milliliters of water and dye. The dye is first diluted in the water, and then the wallpaper glue is gradually poured. At one time, it is allowed to mix in no more than a quarter of a tablespoon of glue. The finished mixture is kneaded with a spoon until smooth, then wrinkled with hands for 5 minutes and, finally, thickened in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Super glue

It cannot be said that the Moment superglue will allow you to create a high-quality anti-stress toy. On the contrary, the product will dry out in about a day, and it will be quite difficult to restore it. However, no one bothers to try this recipe as an experiment. The substance is created according to a proven scheme: water is poured into a deep bowl, and a tube of glue is squeezed out there. Everything is stirred with a spoon or spatula, and then removed from the container, squeezed out of excess water and kneaded by hand.

When working with superglue, it is recommended to protect your hands with rubber gloves or plastic bags. The room in which the processes are carried out must be ventilated.

From construction glue

With the help of working wood or construction glue, you can also create a game "gum". It is best to purchase a product of the Moment or Titan brand, and also be sure to check its expiration date. Since construction adhesive is toxic, it should be handled with a mask and gloves. To implement the simplest recipe, you will need 100 milliliters of glue, a tablespoon of hand cream, 7-8 tablespoons of shaving foam and a small amount of tetraborate dissolved in water. In a clean container, the carpenter's glue is combined with the foam in a 1 to 1 ratio.

A tube of cream is squeezed out here, after which the ingredients are mixed until smooth. A couple of tablespoons of tetraborate are diluted in a separate glass of water. The resulting activator solution is added to the substance in a teaspoon. Upon completion, the substance is mixed and left under the lid for about 30 minutes. After the above period, the slime is qualitatively washed by hands.

How to diversify your design?

The appearance of the slime will become much more interesting if you use some decorative means. The easiest way is to give the toy color - for this, even at the stage of mixing the substance, a dye is added to it. By the way, phosphoric paint will allow you to get a toy glowing in the dark. The slime will become colored and shiny if you add glitter to it. Glitters are evenly and in large quantities simply spread over the finished substance. If you add foam balls to the slime, you get a crunch slime. An additional component is also added even before kneading the product.

The details, pleasant to the touch, will burst and make a funny crunching sound.

The decoration of the slime with the help of miniature toys from kinder surprises looks extremely original. You can also add beads and beads, sequins or manicure figures to the substance. Easter powder will look beautiful on a matte mass, and pieces of foil, gradually introduced into the mucous substance, will decorate any kind of "gum".

How to store slime correctly?

To keep the slime as long as possible, you should initially use ingredients with a valid expiration date. Otherwise, a toy, for example, from expired PVA glue, will not work at all. After completing the interaction with the "chewing gum", it must be put into a container with a tight-fitting lid, and then hidden in the refrigerator. A jar with a securely closing lid or a tight bag with a zip fastener will also work. The slime reacts equally badly to both high and low temperatures, so it can not be kept either in the sun or near a battery, or in a freezer.

By the way, if the slime gets dirty during the game, it will be enough to rinse it with cold water, and then, after waiting for the water to drain, store it. The product must not be wiped with alcohol, as this will lead to loss of shape, and also be thrown violently on the floor or against the wall.

On average, a homemade slime has a shelf life of one or two weeks.

For information on how to make slime from glue, see the next video.

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