How to make a glue stick slime?
Slime, or slime, is a popular anti-stress toy familiar to any modern child and adult. This invention is used not only for entertainment or stress relief, but also for practical purposes - for example, cleaning the surface of dust, small debris, and also to demonstrate the effect of a non-Newtonian liquid.
You can buy slime in any children's store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. There are many recipes, but without detailed instructions to create such a miracle, few people succeed.
How to make with boric acid
As you begin your first recipe, pay attention to a number of safety rules that apply to any assignment:
- use old porcelain or glass utensils and a plastic or wooden stirring stick that will not be used for cooking and eating in the future;
- when mixing the ingredients, a chemical reaction occurs with the release of vapors, so keep the container with the mixture away from your face;
- Wear rubber gloves, especially if you know that your skin reacts negatively to substances indicated in the prescription;
- the result depends on the quality, quantity of the components of the mixture and the thoroughness of the actions performed.
Most recipes for making slimes at home specify a glue stick that makes a great base. It contains polyvinyl acetate and another substance, water or glycerin.
If the second component is water, then it is PVA glue, if glycerin, then PVP glue.
In solid form, the sticky substance is placed in a plastic tube.
The first recipe requires the following ingredients:
- glue stick (60 grams);
- boric acid solution (5 drops).
Before creating a slime, it is necessary to remove the glue from the tube by rotating the wheel at the bottom of the case. You can grind the glue with a children's plastic knife. Place the resulting mash in a glass or porcelain container and heat in a steam or water bath, for speed - in a microwave or oven. All lumps should melt and the mixture should cool.
Until a thickener is added to the mixture, you can include any decor: dye, flavor, helium balls, etc.
For plasticity, you can pour in a detergent: liquid soap, shower gel.
Decor and plasticizer are optional components.
Thickener - boric acid, pour in drop by drop. Stir the contents first with a stick, then with your hands. The slime is ready.
Cooking slime with water
For a new toy you will need:
- hard glue (100 grams);
- hot water (200 ml);
- cold water (2 tbsp. l.);
- boric acid solution (half a tablespoon).
Prepare the glue as in the previous recipe and add a tablespoon of water while dissolving. Prepare sparkles and fragrance for decoration.
Mix boric acid and hot water in a separate container. Add the finished mixture to the glue. In the process of mixing, gradually add the rest of the acid solution, observe the density of the mixture. The antistress will be sticky.
Crumple it with your hands to feel when the density is sufficient.
Such a slime can fill with air bubbles during the game. If this happens, leave it alone for a few days - the air will come out on its own.
It is necessary to store the slimes in an airtight package and sometimes "drink" salty water.
Other recipes
As mentioned above, there are many recipes for creating slimes. The main component does not change, but the additives can be completely different, due to which the consistency of the antistress changes.
With shampoo
Everyone who makes their own antistress has noticed that excellent slimes are obtained using gel-like shampoos. To prepare slime in this way, you will need:
- glue stick (30 g);
- shampoo (15 ml);
- water (3 tsp);
- boric acid solution (3 tsp).
Pour the crushed glue with shampoo, melt in the oven. Stir the cooling mixture thoroughly until smooth. Dilute boric acid with warm water and slowly pour into the glue mass. Warm up for a long time with your hands.
In this case, it is not necessary to keep the mass in the refrigerator.
The pearlescent shampoo will add special attractiveness and delicate aroma to the hand gum.
With shaving foam
A soft, lush and obedient slime is obtained by adding shaving foam containing glycerin to it.
For such a slime, prepare:
- PVA glue (60 grams);
- stationery glue (60 grams);
- boric acid solution (5 drops);
- shaving foam - 3 times the total mass of glue, almost 1.5 bottles.
For fluffy slime, you can take crumbs from glue sticks, add liquid stationery glue and dye with decor as desired. Dissolve the mixture in a microwave oven, then stir carefully until a homogeneous consistency. Squeeze out shaving foam into the cooled mass. Knead carefully so that the foam does not fall off. Add boric acid and stir again.
As soon as the mass begins to curl up, pick it up and knead until the stickiness disappears. Antistress will be ready when it has been lying for about 12-15 hours at room temperature.
The recipe can be repeated with less glue and foam if you use clay.
With soda
An interesting recipe for making slime at home is based on the use of soda. You will need:
- water (100 ml);
- PVA glue (60 g);
- soda (15 g).
Mix everything until smooth. Melt the glue in the microwave oven. Dissolve the soda in the remaining water and slowly pour into the glue with constant stirring. When the mixture thickens, pick up the mass and knead until tender.
For greater plasticity, add shampoo, dishwashing detergent.
If it is necessary to get rid of excess moisture, then the mass must be squeezed out and held for some time on a cloth napkin.
This "chewing gum" for hands is not inferior to others in its viscosity, ductility and pleasant sensations. Soda, like salt, gives softness and prolongs the life of the toy.
With toothpaste
On the Internet, slime recipes are offered that do not contain an adhesive base. For example, toothpaste and shampoo are suggested as main ingredients. The quality of these slimes is questionable, and their life is fleeting. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to add a base of glue-stick, but in a smaller volume than in other instructions.
For crunchy slime, you need to take:
- PVA glue (60 g);
- silicate glue (60 ml);
- toothpaste (50 g);
- shampoo (10 ml);
- boric acid (2-3 drops);
- some hand cream;
- dye, glitter, helium or foam beads as desired.
Heat the solid glue in any possible way. Connect both adhesives. Add shampoo to this mixture, mix quickly, get a mass with small bubbles.
Put toothpaste, hand cream, dye and decor in it, if possible. Stir thoroughly after switching on each component. Gently drip a thickener into a smooth mixture so as not to overdo it with density.
This handgam "clicks" very well. Even makes a crunching sound thanks to the foam balls.
With lens fluid
An unexpected activator-thickener began to be used at home by self-taught craftsmen. It's about lens fluid. They contain boric acid salts. The action of the liquid gives results only in conjunction with sodium bicarbonate, or, more simply, with soda.
An excellent anti-stress toy will turn out if you take:
- PVA glue (65 g);
- lens fluid (35 ml);
- soda (2-3 pinches);
- water (100 ml).
Dissolve soda in water completely, without sediment, to obtain the desired concentrate. Cool the crushed and heated glue slightly. Add lens fluid as an activator. Stir until smooth.
Pour a teaspoon of soda solution into the resulting mixture, mix. The mass will begin to curl around the stirring stick. Pick up the slime and continue to knead with your hands until tender. Additional components - sequins, beads, etc., will enhance tactile sensations.
With sodium tetraborate
Sodium tetraborate, or borax, is a boric acid-related substance most commonly used as a thickener.
Recall that elemental boron has the highest tensile strength and serves as a reinforcing element for materials in industry.
In the creation of slimes, sodium tetraborate solution is used most often.
The most popular, classic version of a slime can be made from a glue stick - this is a reliable base, and from a sodium tetraborate solution it is a high-quality thickener. Decor, food coloring, flavoring, as always, add at will and according to "taste". The recipe suggests taking:
- PVA glue (240 g);
- sodium tetraborate solution (60 ml).
Add the dye to the prepared glue in parts, reaching a more intense color than required. Gently add sodium tetraborate solution to the resulting mixture with constant stirring, so as not to overdo it with a thickener. Some mass stratification is normal.
If liquid glue was used, then it is necessary to squeeze out the moisture. The anti-stress toy will be pliable and non-sticky.
Making slimes at home is a creative, educational and motivating process for self-development. And not only the guys. Joint experiences of children and adults help to spend leisure time in a fun and useful way.
Actions with anti-stress toys are pretty rewarding. They have a color and tactile effect on the body. Hand gum manipulation relieves aggression and irritability. Continuous massage of multiple nerve endings on the fingers and palms improves and strengthens overall well-being. The development of fine motor skills in babies leads to the active development of the thought process.
Psychologists say that emotional intelligence is formed and improved. The general mental state becomes stable, sleep is strengthened.
For the birth of new slime pets, choose the recipe you like, observe safety rules when working, experiment and create your own recipes. Present your family and friends with the resulting toy inventions. May it bring joy to people.
Another recipe for creating a slime from a glue stick is presented in the next video.